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Writer's pictureCarlos Astorga

AEW All Out Results (09/05/2020)

MJF tells Moxley he’s going to keep the champ contained like a dog on a leash. He says he’s only got one killshot – it’s the Paradigm Shift and he’s all out of ammo. MJF says bad things happen when people get between and his goals. He’s better than him and he knows it.

Some participants of the Casino Battle Royale get their shots at cutting promos. It includes Christopher Daniels. Santana & Ortiz, Lance Archer, Frankie Kazarian & Darby Allin. Afterwards, Tony notes that there is one wildcard in the bout tonight.

Later on, we see Eddie Kingston backstage with his crew staking their claims, then we see Tully Blanchard and Shawn Spears, Jake Hager, Team Taz and The Best Friends. Dasha picks Trent because his mom Sue still doesn't have her van and Schiavone picks Brian Cage.

“Game day, baby,” says Moxley as he readies for the main event tonight. He loves the taste of blood in his mouth and he loves the feeling that MJF is trying to take him out. He’s been on a rampage in AEW for over a year now. He’s made sacrifices and some punk like MJF won’t get in his way. When it comes down to it, MJF isn’t the bad guy, Mox is.

Serpentico (with Japanese Death Match Legend Luther) vs. Joey Janela (w/ Sonny Kiss)

Janela immediately comes firing away at Serpentico. The two quickly brawl on the outside. Joey scales the ropes, but Serpentico sends him off the apron and off the floor. Sonny Kiss gets decked too. They go back in the ring. Serpentico gets a flapjack on Joey for a one count. Joey goes hard into the second turnbuckle as Serpentico feeds him a knee strike. Cover and just a one-count again. He gets sent to the outside. Luther tosses him into the barricade before putting him back in the ring. Senton and then a two count.

Snap suplex. Tony Schiavone notes how much he likes Serpentico. He takes a lot of time before bailing and then just stomps on Janela. That awakens Bad Boy but some knee strikes down Joey. Foot stomp and another one count. Serpentico climbs once more. Goes fot a swanton but Janela gets the knees up. He hits him with a DVD, thrust kick and then a blue thunder bomb. Bad Boy gets a near fall. JOey goes for a moonsault, misses and Serpentico gets a thrust kick and delivers a low DDT. Two count for Serpentico.

He ascends once more but Joey stops him. Hard elbows and forearms on the tope before hitting a super fisherman’s suplex. Only a two.

Luther soon grabs the ankle of Joey, but Sonny comes in to equal the field. He and Serpentico go back and forth again. Joey climbs up top and delivers a big elbow drop for the win.

WINNER: Joey Janela

The Dark Order (Alex Reynolds & John Silver) vs. Private Party

Silver and IC start matters off with a tie up and side headlock. Several arm drags and a dropkick by IC. Dark Order go for a double suplex and PP hit a double dropkick instead.

Marq QUen and Isiah Cassidy begin to take control. They focus on Alex Reynolds. A flapjack bulldog. Didn’t go for the pin right away so just a one count. Silver powerbombs Cassidy on top of Quen and gets a two count.He chokes him in the corner. They isolate IC and work on his lower back. Backbreaker by Alex Reynolds. Two count. He knocks Quen off the apron but a inside cradle by IC for a two.

Dark Order have full control of IC. Quen finally gets the hot tag and back body drops Alex. Manhattan drop on Silver, then a dropkick. High elevation moonsault by Quen gets a very near fall. PP goes for Silly String, but Dark Order gets a double footstomp. A modified spinning pancake gets a very close fall but PP perseveres. Soon, they go for a dive but DO scout it and suplex Quen for such a close fall.

Dark Order go for their finisher, but IC avoids and Quen hits a Pele kick. Soon enough, they catch Silver with a Gin & Juice and then they get that ever elusive W.

WINNERS: Private Party

Show time, folks!

AEW All Out, September 5, 2020

Daily’s Place, Jacksonville, FL

Commentators: Jim Ross, Tony Schiavone & Excalibur

Big Swole vs. Britt Baker

Swole enters Britt’s office and searches for DMD. She walks into the office and sees what might be blood. We see Britt in a side office grinning with her face guard on. She sneaks up on Swole and hits her with the diploma. She tries to extract a molar from Swole but gets hit with a tray. They brawl on the outside. Britt screams for Reba on the outside and roles Britt into a wall in her wheelchair. Rebel does interfere. Britt kicks Swole as Rebel helps her on the bedazzled platform. DDT by Britt. It’s basically a 2-on-1, Tony notes. Britt hits Swole with a crutch before they go back into the office.

Britt’s face mask is off and Swole smashes her face off the sink. Britt hits a swinging neckbreaker. Two count. The two trade shots in the hallway. Swole gets a near fall. Superkick by Britt. Swole is upside down on the chair as Britt has a drill. She accidently drills the dentist chair. She gets handed a syringe which appears to be full of novacaine. Swole turns the tide and stabs Britt in the leg with it. Britt’s leg is out of commission as she hits Dirty Dancing (with another diploma) on Rebel. She then hits Dirty Dancing on Britt and gives her some sleeping gas to put her out of commission.

WINNER: Big Swole

The Young Bucks vs. Jurassic Express

Matt and JB start things off. Very fast start. JB offered a handshake, but Nick slaps it away. He tags in Matt and Matt brings the attitude. Lucha gets the tag and boots the brothers down. Tail whip gets a two count. Every kick has found its mark by Lucha. Matt avoids the attack soon and the Bucks get a double dropkick before a bulldog dropkick combo. Only a one count.

A very telegraphed spot by Luchasaurus and the Bucks. JB soon gets tagged and Matt begins his Northern Lights series. He even takes the train to the outside. JB is tossed over the barricade. Rick Knox continues his count. Stunt sends JB back in to help him beat the ten count. Nick has JB down in a headlock to slow down the match. Hard forearm by JB and almost tags in Lucha but Nick carries him over and tags in Matt. Running knee strike for two. Forearms to the back of JB. Double stomp corner move by The Bucks on Jungle Boy. JB soon leaps to tag in Lucha but Nick Jackson just kicks Lucha off the apron. Marko Stunt gets an outside shot on Nick Jackson. Both JB and Matt are down. JB rolls to tag in Lucha and he double clotheslines The Bucks down. Double Chokeslam attempt, but Nick and Matt sweep him down. Luchasaurus sits right up. Two roundhouses and a chokeslam onto the brothers. Moonsault on Matt but Nick breaks it up.

Matt fires away at Lucha but the Saurus slugs him stunned. Nick grabs the leg of Luchasaurus so JB leaps off his partner’s back onto Nick. Moonsault by Saurus onto the outside.

Back in the ring, Saurus has Matt up for a powerslam but Matt saves. Nick soon hits a Canadian Destroyer on Luchasaurus. Matt kicks the crutch off of Marko Stunt before superkicking the booted bystander. JB gets double-teamed by the Bucks on the outside. Matt gets tagged in and he holds JB for Nick to hit a swanton. JB miraculously kicks out. They go for BTE trigger but JB reverses. They go for a Meltzer Driver, but Jurassic Express hit their Extinction Level Destruction for a very close W, but it gets broken up just in time.

Afterwards. Lucha leaps onto a crowd of AEW roster ringsiders with Nick mixed in.

JB gets hit with two double teams, including a Super Kick Party. Two count, but a kick out by JB. The Bucks then execute a BTE Trigger on JB for the win.

WINNERS: The Young Bucks

Casino Battle Royale

First set of entrants: Trent, Christopher Daniels, Jake Hager, The Blade & Rey Fenix

Bell rings and the first three minutes are underway. Daniels gets downed by Blade and Hager while Rey Fenix works on Trent. Fisherman’s neckbreaker by Blade on Daniels. Hard shots to Daniels by Hager. Daniels shoves Blade into Jake and then does a ten-count punch on Blade. Trent hits a Tornado DDT on Fenix. Hager blindsides Blade. Hager double leg slams Daniels. Blade and Fenix try to dump out Trent, but he hangs on. Countdown starts.

Second set of entrants: Frankie Kazarian, Will Hobbs, Chuck Taylor, Santana & Ortiz

Santana and Ortiz hit Taylor with that steel baton they introduced last week. Fenix and Blad kick away at Hobbs, but Hobbs ducks it and dumps Blade!


Third set of entrants: Billy, Penta, Ricky Starks, Brian Cage & Darby Allin

Cage immediately dumps out Billy. Darby eliminates Fenix. Chuck Taylor gets tossed too.

ELIMINATED: Billy, Rey Fenix & Chuck Taylor

Fourth set of entrants: Shawn Spears, Eddie Kingston, The Butcher, Sonny Kiss & Lance Archer

Shawn Spears immediately goes on commentary before he makes his way to the ring. Sonny Kiss dumps out Hager, but Cage catches Sonny and throws him out too. Santana charges at Trent but he ducks and out goes Santana. Archer then dumps out Trent & Ortiz.

ELIMINATED: Jake Hager, Sonny Kiss, Santana, Trent & Ortiz

Wild Card entrant: Matt Sydal

Sydal immediately goes for a shooting star, but slips. Very concerning moment but he appears okay. Penta gets eliminated and so does Kaz.


Cage inadvertently hits Starks and Darby dumps him out.

ELIMINATED: Ricky Starks

An irate Starks attacks Darby on the outside before introducing a body bag. Cage dumps out thumb tacks into the bag and zips Darby in it. Cage powerbombs him out onto the stage and eliminates him.


Sydal attacks Spears and almost takes him out but the two fight on the apron. A stomp on the apron eliminates Spears. Hobbs hits a hard spinebuster onto Sydal.

ELIMINATED: Shawn Spears

Archer downs Hobbs before he trades shots with Cage. Hard kicks by one another, Cage flips out of a chokeslam. Hobbs is on the apron. Cage joins him and Archer boots him them out!

ELIMINATED: Brian Cage & Will Hobbs

Down to Archer Butcher Sydal and Kingston. Sydal dumps Butcher. Archer hits a blackout on Sydal. Eddie plows Sydal out on the apron.

ELIMINATED: The Butcher & Matt Sydal

Jake introduces his bagged snake to Kingston and it freaks him a little. THis allows The Butcher and Blade to try to even it all but the power of Archer prevails and Eddie gets tossed by The Murderhawk.

ELIMINATED: Eddie Kingston

WINNER & Recipient of AEW World Title Shot: Lance Archer

Matt Hardy vs. Sammy Guevara

We cut to Jacksonville’s field. In comes Sammy on a golf cart in a spin of irony. They go up a cherry picker and Matt tumbles down through a table. Matt legit looks out and the commentators put such over. Matt answers the 10 count at 8, but he is legit hurt. Aubrey signals for the X several times. Dr. Sampson comes in and the match is over. Scary stuff here. It looks like Sammy wins, but after a lengthy delay, Matt shows back up and the match seems to restart with the bell ringing. They fight on the stage area. Sammy climbs the scaffolding and so does Matt. JR tells the two to not be stupid. They’re about 15 feet in the air. A right hand knocks Sammy through the stage. Aubrey administers the ten count andMatt Hardy wins.

WINNER: Matt Hardy

AEW Women’s Championship

Thunder Rosa vs. Hikaru Shida (c)

It’s back and forth and Rosa downs Shida. Shida triangles but Rosa bombs her. Rosa goes for an ankle lock but Shida makes it to the ropes. Full nelson by Rosa but reversed and the two go back and forth. Kick and then forearms by Rosa. Shida hits back and Rosa chops her. Arm drag by Rosa but followed up with a Frankensteiner. Two dropkicks and both begin trash-talking. Shida shoves, Rosa boots and elbows. She corners Shida and stomps a mudhole onto the champ. Rosa snap mares and back kicks. She maintains an offensive attack. Hard chops in the corner. Two double knees in the opposite corner by Rosa. Near fall.

Tilt-a-whirl backbreaker by Shida evens the odds. Rosa is hanging over the apron and Shida hits a running knee strike. Shida sets up a chair, but Rosa leaps off and strikes Shida on teh outside with a counter. She continues to attack and tosses her back onto the canvas. Rosa wrenches Shida’s back across the corner post. She then gives a running kick to Shida’s skull into the post. A cover and a very near three count.

Rosa looking for a Thunder Driver but does an Oklahoma Stampede instead into a backbreaker. Two count. Shida soon locks in a buzzkiller mid-ring and Thunder rolls back fro a pin attempt. Hanging pendulum submission by Rosa before bouncing Shida’s head off the bottom turnbuckle. A double leg drop mid-ring gets turned into an almost stretch muffler, but Rosa regains control. Rosa goes for a bomb but Shida shakes free. She once more almost locks in a stretch muffler but no dice. The two charge at one another and hits a running knee strike. Shida hits a suplex for two. Shida goes for a falcon arrow but Rosa rolls over for a two count.

Shida tosses Hikaru in the corner but Thunder hits her with a leaping clothesline before driving her knees into the champ. She sends Shida onto the stage. Looks for a DVD but Shide escapes. She lifts Rosa up to the top turnbuckle, but Rosa does grab Shida and sends her down with a DVD on the apron.

Rosa wrenches the arm of Shida mid-ring, but Hikaru gets her leg on the ropes. Rosa climbs up top but Shida sends her down with a suplex. Rosa runs but Shida ducks and Thunder tumbles on stage. A meteor crashes down on Thunder to the outside!

The two get back in the ring and trade shots on the mat. Knee strikes by Thunder, but Shida catches her hard with one of her own. German suplex by Rosa, falcon arrow by Shida and Rosa kicks out at 1! Rosa rolls her up for a a close one but Shida soon goes for the Full Metal Muffler and Rosa makes it to the ropes. Backstabber by Rosa for a near fall.

Thunder spins Shida, Shida rolls free and the two get stalemated. Shida catches Rosa with one unique backbreaker. Close fall. SHida hits the her running knee finisher for the rock solid victory.

WINNER and STILL AEW Women’s Champion: Hikaru Shida

Kip Sabian and Penelope Ford announce that they’re getting married, but first they have to have a bachelor’s party. He says his best man will be revealed this Wednesday on Dynamite before plugging his Twitch channel (hey now!)

The Dark Order vs. The Natural Nightmares, Scorpio Sky & Matt Cardona

Brawl ensues and bell rings with a focus on Dustin and Brodie. Uno gets tagged only to be clotheslined down by Dustin. QT gets tagged and takes it to Uno. Sky is then tagged. Hard shot and a Bret Hart leg sweep by Scorpio. Cardona tags the back of Sky and gives Uno a neckbreaker. QT gets back in the bout. JR notes that something is missing with Cardona and soon we’ll all find it. Sometimes it takes a restart says the legend. Caband hammers away at QT in the Dark Order corner. Brodie Lee gets tagged and kicks at Allie. He launches QT in the corner before hoisting him up in the air! Stu Grayson takes over and tags in Uno. Dustin has had enough and takes a shot at Uno. Uno was choking QT with his wrist tape. Grayson almost hits QT with a burning hammer but QT turns it into a flatliner. Uno bites the hand of AT to prevent the tag.

Colt becomes the legal man. QT eludes both foes to tag in Cardona. He dropkicks Colt and begins to elbow him down before sending Stu crashing. Brodie Lee puts Colt’s leg on the ropes to stop the count. Facebuster by Cardona but he spills onto the outside at the hands of Lee. Schiavone suspects that Colt has a broken nose. Cabana tries to cover Matt but its a kick-out. Dark Order takes control as Cabana pays slight tribute to the late Bob Armstrong.

Dark Order taunt their opponents as Cardona stays contained. A falling neckbreaker opens a window. Dustin gets the tag and Dustin comes in on fire. Hard shots, Manhattan drop and powerslam. Canadian Destroyer by The Natural. Scorpio and Brodie square off. Anna Jay tries to distract but Brandi closes that out. Headscissors by Sky on Lee. Grayson goes for a unranage, but Sky hits a TKO on him. Uno breaks up the victory. Double tags Cardona who hits his radio silence. Uno goes for a powder before diving onto the outside. Radio Silence attempt on Lee but he turns it into a powerbomb. QT is the legal man. QT dives on top of Dark Order onto the outside. He goes for a Diamond Cutter on Stu, but a bevy of moves take him out. Cabana goes for the cover but QT kicks out. Brodie gets the tag from Colt. Lee willingly tosses AT to Dustin for the tag. The two tee off on one another. Brodie goes for a bomb, but Dustin rolls free. Lee however lariats Dustin down. He tages in Colt. Cabana goes for a moonsault. Dustin rolls him up for the win out of nowhere!

WINNERS: The Natural Nightmares, Scorpio Sky & Matt Cardona

Post-match Dustin gets hoisted on the shoulders of his teammates in celebration. Brodie Lee is pissed at Colt who accepts responsibility, yet he’s confused. Uno tries to console Cabana as they walk out of the ring.

Schiavone catches up with Dustin who is fired up. He says they did it for Cody. Tony reveals that he’s going up against Brodie Lee for the TNT Title on Wednesday. Hes even more fired up and he’s gunning for blood, daddy!

AEW Tag Team Championship

FTR (with Tully Blanchard) vs. Adam Page & Kenny Omega (c)

Official introductions are made as Paul Turner takes the reigns of refereeing. Page requests to start the match. Kenny obliges. He and Cash tie up. Cash offers a hand but Hangman’s not buying he fires away at Cash and dismisses Dax. Almost accidentally decks Omega. He tags him in anyway. The two volley chops on Cash. Stereo chops sends Cash down. Hangman and Omega double high five one another after some hesitation. They isolate Cash. Hangman suplexes him down. Quick tags by the champs.

Page hits a standing shooting star press for a two count. Cash soon makes a tag. FTR tugs away at Adam over the post. Dax covers Hangman for a one count a little bit after. Dax paws at Page before driving him into Cash’s knees. The two double gut buster Page for a close fall. Page struggles to escape a sidelock by Dax.

Later on, there’s an abdominal stretch by Cash. Hangman rolls Dax up for a visual three count, but Cash is distracting Paul Turner from making the count. Hangman is being controlled on the outside by FTR, but Page powers through and tags in Omega. Omega has his foes well scounted. You Can’t Escape moonsault but Cash kicks free. Hurricanrana then a dropkick by Omega downs both Dax and Cash. Kenny is fired up. He Terminator topes FTR on the outside. Missile dropkick by Omega on Cash. Dax delivers a hard powerbomb before they seamlessly double team Omega for a near fall. Kicks and knee strikes sets the stage even for Omega as he tags in Hangman. Both take charges at FTR in the corner. a vaulted German suplex then a knee strike by Omega makes it a close victory. The champs go for their finisher but Dax stops it.

A ref distraction allows Kenny to get crotched in FTR’s corner. Dax goes for a superplex, but Hangman holds it up. Hangman feels the wrath of the apron. Hardwood hits a superplex. Cash covers, but Kenny kicks free.

Brainbuster by Dax. Hangman levels FTR out and Kenny soon hits a Tiger Driver 98 for a close fall. V-Trigger followed by a One Winged Angel attempt, FTR figures it out and the two give two dragon screws to Omega in the ropes. A reverse leg lock along with some rope grabbing furthers the pain for Omega. Kenny is in a bad way as Hangman is having a hard time getting back on the apron.

Kenny looks for a cross armbreaker but Dax counters and continues to work on the right knee of Omega. Omega is favoring his knee as Hangman goes to check on his partner. Turner tries to get him back in his corner. FTR look like sharks as they make the most of isolating Kenny. They work the knee on their respective ring post. Wheelr uses the tag rope to choke Omega. Two snap dragons eventually frees Omega. Omega accidentally shoves Dax into Hangman and it sends him onto the outside. Omega avoids a splash by Dax and Omega tags in Hangman. He fires away at Cash and takes it to Dax as well. He catches Cash for a fallaway slam. He then sentons both of his opponents onto the outside in front of Tully.

FTR later takes control of the match as they begin to border off Kenny. Double diving headbutts by FTR gets a near win, but Kenny breaks it up. The announcers reference Bulldog and Dynamite Kid. FTR does a Doomsday Bulldog onto the outside. Wheeler misses an attack and Kenny clears any option of a double team by FTR and Cash is dazed up top. Fallaway Slam from the top gets a pin attempt by Adam, but a kick out by Cash! Nice spot.

Wheeler is down and they set him up for Last Call. Cash ducks Kenny avoids, but HAngman can’t avoid a V-Trigger. They take out the knee of Kenny. A Mindbreaker by FTR and Hangman heaves a shoulder up. They go for another one and execute it. Kenny goes to make the save, but Dax decks him and FTR get the win and the title change!

WINNER & NEW AEW World Tag Team Champions: FTR

Post-match, FTR leaves a couple beers for a downed Hangman. Kenny has a tray table and looks frustrated. He tosses it away as Hangman collapses in front of Kenny who doesn’t catch his partner. Their 228 day reign is over. He corrals up The Young Bucks backstage. Matt and Nick try to settle him down, but no dice. He gives them some sort of ultimatum.

Jericho is backstage. He says Orange Cassidy is a main eventer because of him, but Le Champion will destroy him. He says Orange did a great job, but he’s done and will be destroyed at the hands of The Demo God.

Mimosa Mayhem Match

Orange Cassidy vs. Chris Jericho

Aubrey Edwards is officiating as we see two vats on opposite sides of the ring. Orange feigns his pockets spot but then charges at Chris, codebreaker! Two count. Jericho chops OC.He send Orange hard into the corner before playing to the crowd for boos. Orange fights back, but Jericho soon goes for the Walls. He catapults him over the ropes and nearly into the vat. Nothing doing. Jericho tosses a table at Orange. He hits him with a tray over the head, shattering it into pieces. Jericho goes to toss him once more into the vat, but Orange throws him off the platform. Orange follows up with a plancha. Hard shots by Cassidy on the outside.

The two fight back onto the platform as they exchange shots. Very 90s action movie right now. Some Y2J chants going down at Daily’s Place. Orange fights back.He goes for a hurricanrana but Chris catches him. He looks to powerbomb him into the vat, but Orange fires away with punches causing Chris to powerbomb him on the table of bubbly instead. Very little of the match has been in ring. Jericho gets kicked by Cassidy and then hits him with a champagne bucket. Hard battle between the two as they finally meet centre ring. They find themselves on the other side and Cassidy nearly gets kicked in the vat, but sunset flips over and hits a Michinoku Driver on Jericho for a near fall in the middle of the ring. Aubrey Edwards clears the canvas of debris.

The two men are on their knees trading shots. A Stun Gun Millionaire takes Chris out, but Jericho reverses his spinning DDT attempt into a Walls of Jericho. Orange crawls to the vate and gets a container half-full of mimosa. He splashes Chris in the face with it and hits Chris with an Orange Punch. Orange tosses him over, but only Jericho’s leg crashes in the vat. Jericho grabs hold to try to send Orange into the vat, but Orange fights free from the top and they find themselves on the next corner. Chris throws Cassidy back in the center ring but a Orange hits a tope rope hurricanrana, hits a running PK and covers Jericho for a two count.

Chris soon catches Cassidy mid-springboard with a Codebreaker, but it’s only a two count! Cassidy looks dazed as Jericho argues with Aubrey. Chris looks to lawn dart Cassidy in the vat but Orange latches his legs on the ropes. Chris looks to Razor’s Edge Cassidy from the top rope into the vat, but two Orange Punches plummets Jericho into the orange bubbly!

WINNER: Orange Cassidy

A brief preview for Full Gear is shown. It’s going down on November 7.

AEW World Title Match

MJF (with Wardlow) vs. Jon Moxley (c)

MJF tries pinning Mox’s shoulders to the mat for a brief one count. MJF cinches in a side headlock, but Mox scoop slams him. MJF catches him with an elbow and then continues a side headlock.

MJF goes to the outside but not for long he rolls back in the ring and disrespects the crowd. Mox goes to leap on top of him after being there once more, but MJF rolls back in and Mox is frustrated. Soon enough, Mox does catch him with a tope. Mox fish hooks him over the barricade and then crotches him on it.

Fight continues on the outside. He chops MJF down hard and utilizes his brawler technique. Mox cranks on the fingers of MJF as he screams for the ref. Remsburg reminds him of winning it in the ring. Back in the ring. MJF uses the turnbuckle to roll on top for a pin attempt. MJF locks in Mox’s arm in a triangle. Mox hangs him out to dry over the top rope. The two are on the apron. Wardlow saunters over, distracts Jon and MJF drops Mox’s arm hard on the apron. MJF goes back in the ring to recuperate and relish in the moment. Wardlow shoots Mox back in and MJF then focuses on the shoulder. Knees on the arm of Mox before hammer locking the champ down. The two get to their feet, Mox hits some elbows but MJF uses momentum to wrench the shoulder of Mox. He chokes Jon.

MJF rakes the eyes of Mox and sends him into the corner. Soon enough, a shoulder block on the apron makes Jon crash outside. MJF goes against his game plan and heads outside. Jon makes him pay for it by sending him into the post. Mox’s shoulder is separated and he tries to put it back into place with the bottom turnbuckle. MJF is a bloody mess. A knee strike by Mox who almost goes for a Paradigm Shift, but stops himself. He lifts MJF and looks for a Gotch style piledriver, but no dice with the bum left shoulder.

On the outside, Mox Bossman slams MJF on the floor. He rolls Max back in who tries to beg Jon off. Makes tries to lock the arm, but Mox hits him with that Gotch piledriver finally. Impressive kick out. Mox soon bites one bloody Max and he now is covered in blood. He lifts MJF in the corner and seeks a suplex. JR notes the toughness of MJF. MJF bites the hand of Mox and then stomps on the arm of Mox from the top rope. Very loud. He really focuses on the left arm. The two trade punches. Hard elbows by MOx. MJF throat chops Mox. Kick to the face. A one armed Mox clotheslines MJF down and falls on top. Kick out by MJF.

Wardlow tosses in the Dynamite Diamond, but as the ref’s back is turned, Moxley hits a Paradigm Shift for the victory!

WINNER and STILL AEW World Champion: Jon Moxley

Post-match we get a picture clear shot of Lance Archer looking on with Jake Roberts.


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