Tony Schiavone welcomes us to Dark: Elevation from Arthur Ashe Stadium in NYC. Mark Henry and Eddie Kingston are also on commentary as they talk about how great the atmosphere is.
Kayla Sparks vs. Thunder Rosa
Rosa and Sparks lock up and Sparks has Rosa in the corner. A bit of a shoving match as the crowd shows their support for Rosa. Sparks with a slap, but Rosa responds with a chop followed up by an arm drag then a dropkick. Sparks with a back elbow in the corner. Rosa slows her pace in the corner and gets off an arm drag. Sparks rolls outside for a breather, and Rosa tries to drag her back in. Sparks takes advantage of the ref break and stomps on Rosa in the corner.
Rosa launches off the ropes and hits an elbow. Rosa blocks a series of strikes and responds with body shots. Rosa working on Sparks in the corner then snapmares into a sliding lariat. She sets up Sparks for a back senton. Rosa with a drop toehold on the middle ropes into a dropkick to the back followed up by another dropkick to the chest. Rosa hits the Fire Thunder Driver for the win.
Winner: Thunder Rosa via pinfall
Dean Alexander, Eric James, Kevin Tibbs & TJ Crawford vs. Dark Order (Alan “5” Angels, Alex Reynolds, John Silver & 10)
Silver and Crawford start off this eight-man tag as the crowd shows their support for Dark Order. Crawford rejects a clean break in the corner, and Silver tosses him across the ring and then back drops him. Tibbs tags in and so does 10. 10 picks up Tibbs and hits a wheel barrel German suplex. James and Angels tag in, and Angels hits an assisted rana. Angels follows up with a leg lariat, cover, but Alexander breaks it up.
Angels chases Alexander outside. James sends Angels to the corner and everyone gangs up on him. Dark Order save Angels and hit stereo shoulder blocks. Angels hits a chop on Alexander, but Alexander responds with a suplex. Alexander hammer throws Angels as Angels is trapped in the opposing corner. Angels with kicks and then a rolling elbow. He flips over two suplex and hits a double lariat. Reynolds tags in.
He hits a running elbow and then an uppercut followed up by a dropkick. He hits another rolling elbow and then a cravat suplex. Reynolds eats a boot but hits a pop up knee. Reynolds hits a gutbuster, cover, but Alexander breaks it up. 10 clears house and hits a spinebuster. Angels clears the ring as Reynolds tags in Silver. Reynolds and Angels with dives on the outside! Silver elevated on the apron as he hits a Gamengiri, moonsault and then elbow strikes all around! He hits a high crossbody and tags in 10. Angels hits a Wing Snapper, Silver and Reynolds hit a double rolling DDT and 10 wins with the full nelson.
Winners: Dark Order (Alan “5” Angels, Alex Reynolds, John Silver & 10) via submission
Paul Wight vs. CPA, RSP & VSK
VSK puts his hand up for a test of strength but is too short. Gunn Club walk out of the ramp. Wight does a test of strength with all three men. They’re at a standstill, but Wight pushes them down! Wight knocks down VSK and CPA. Wight delivers chops to VSK and CPA and unbuttons CPA’s shirt as well. Gunn Club are watching from the entrance ramp. RSP tries to blindside Wight, but Wight sends him outside.
Wight hits another chop on VSK as Gunn Club approve. Wight hits another open-hand chop on CPA. Wight throws CPA on top of VSK. The crowd rises to their feet wanting another chop, and VSK hits it. CPA can barely stand as he’s hit with another chop. Wight steps on CPA in the corner and poses for the fans after the break. RSP tries for a low blow, but Wight blocks it and hits a KO punch. Wight sizes up VSK and CPA for chokeslams and hits the double chokeslam and covers both of them for the win.
Winner: Paul Wight
The show is not over as we get a recap package of Dynamite: Grand Slam and interviews with some top stars. Britt Baker is happy with her win over Ruby Soho and says the letters “DMD” will forever be in AEW’s history listing off the firsts she’s accomplished in AEW.
MJF points out that Queens is not his hometown. He says he can’t wait to be in his hometown when AEW comes to UBS Arena. He talks about his win over MJF and notes that no one has beaten him clean in AEW. He says the only three letters that matter in pro wrestling are “MJF”.
We get a recap of Bryan Danielson vs. Kenny Omega. Danielson says he feels alive after his match against Omega and says it’s a great day for pro wrestling even though he didn’t win. He says it was unlike anything he’s ever done. He says he missed going out there and giving everything he had. He says he’s been away from wrestling since April, but it’s been a long time since he went out there and did what he did with Omega. He says he gets how AEW works and will go through all of them to get that rematch and win the AEW Title.
Scorpio Sky and Ethan Page gloat about their beat down of Chris Jericho and Jake Hager with American Top Team. Page says he’s looked up to Jericho, but tonight, he and ATT embarrassed Jericho, and he’s proud of that. Sky says it’s an example and asks if we’re paying attention. He admits he didn’t want to take it there, but he says everyone didn’t appreciate them. He invites everyone to take their shot, but “they have to go through my freaking dead body.” Sky thanks Jericho for making AEW what it is now, but now it’s time for Sky and Page who’ve been working for over 19 years.
We get exclusive footage from before the show where Eddie Kingston and Homicide reflect on being in Arthur Ashe as they prepare for Grand Slam. Homicide says guys like him, Kingston, Santana and Ortiz will make history. Brian Pillman Jr. also reflects on being part of the Grand Slam card after just being in AEW for only a few months. He says this is the beginning for AEW, and he’s proud to be part of this historic moment.
Ortiz admits he’s never been in Arthur Ashe despite living in NY for so long. Ortiz admits it’s hard to put into words that he’s wrestling in NY. Ortiz talks about the struggles he and Santana have gone through to where they are now. Anthony Bowens says it’s insane to be in Arthur Ashe and says he got chills when he walked in. “I have the best job in the world.” Max Caster is seen practicing his diss rap on Tony Khan. We get footage of Caster cutting his rap live in front of the crowd.
The Acclaimed call out Khan for a rap battle. Khan walks out of the ramp. Khan brings out Lil Uzi Vert! Khan raps that he can suspend The Acclaimed for another 30 days and brings out Varsity Blonds. The Blonds come out and drop The Acclaimed. Khan hypes up the crowd for Rampage: Grand Slam.
Wight interview as he talks about why he joined AEW. He talks about how special it is for AEW to come out to NY and pull off Grand Slam week. He’s glad to show young talent that “it’s not how much you. It’s what you do.” He talks about the energy of the young talent, and that’s one reason he came to AEW. He says AEW brings professional wrestling and hopes AEW can work Arthur Ashe more, and that closes out this week’s Dark: Elevation.