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Writer's pictureCarlos Astorga

AEW Dynamite Live Results (04/03/2024)

In-Ring Segment: TNT Champion Adam Copeland

TNT Champion Adam Copeland comes to the ring to talk to the fans. He notes that he wants to have fun, but first he has something to say. He says a lot of “negative BS” has been spewed this week, but “screw that.” Copeland says he wants to focus on the positives, as it’s a great time to be a fan of wrestling, and he loves it. He recalls how wrestling was taken from him. Copeland says he realized that AEW was where he needed to end his career. He praises the roster and the locker room. He name-drops Will Ospreay, Kenny Omega, Hangman Page, Swerve Strickland, Samoa Joe, Jon Moxley, FTR, the Young Bucks, and Malakai Black as opponents.

Copeland says he is having a blast in AEW, and he says this is the most fun he has ever had. He says he celebrates AEW and the men who started it. Copeland says AEW makes pro wrestling better and more fun. He says that AEW is where the best wrestle. He shifts gears and says AEW is moving forward, as there is a reason top stars like Okada and Ospreay came here. Copeland then introduces someone who represents everything that AEW will be going forward, Will Ospreay. Ospreay comes out and shakes hands with Copeland.

Will Ospreay vs. Powerhouse Hobbs

Hobbs trucks over Ospreay right away and overpowers him. Ospreay rallies with a flurry of offense. He clotheslines Hobbs over the ropes and dives onto him. Ospreay shoves Hobbs into the steps. Hobbs picks Ospreay up and dumps him from the suplex position onto the steel steps. He dumps Ospreay over the broadcast table and controls the action. Ospreay fires up with a flurry of offense and hits a springboard forearm.

Ospreay chops Hobbs and slaps him, which only angers the big man. Hobbs dumps Ospreay with a belly-to-belly throw. Ospreay catches Hobbs with a Stun-dog Millionaire but eats a powerslam. Ospreay dodges a frog splash. He gets a two-count with a roll-up and drills Hobbs with a kick. Hobbs takes control again, but Ospreay perseveres and hits the Sky Twister Press. He hits the Hidden Blade for the win.

Winner: Will Ospreay

Don Callis raises Will Ospreay’s hand. Hobbs angrily gets in Ospreay’s face, but Callis talks him down. Bryan Danielson comes out and claps for Ospreay while making his way to the ring for his own match.

Bryan Danielson vs. Lance Archer

Archer takes the fight to Danielson and overpowers him. Archer maintains the advantage. He tosses Danielson and continues to gain momentum. Archer drills Danielson with some heavy blows. Danielson catches Archer with a Dragon Screw and targets his leg. Danielson kicks Archer and continues to hone in on his leg. Danielson goes to dive onto Archer, who slams him into the apron. Archer attacks a member of the crew and slams him onto Danielson.

Archer takes control and again overpowers Danielson. Danielson fights back with some strikes. He squashes his rally. Danielson crotches Archer on the ropes. He hits some running kicks. Danielson traps Archer in the LeBell Lock, but Archer reaches the ropes. Danielson hits a running knee off the apron.

Back in the ring, Danielson kicks Archer but eats a chokeslam. Archer nails Danielson with a knee strike. Danielson rocks Archer with a knee of his own and blasts him with a kick. Another knee clinches the win for Danielson.

Winner: Bryan Danielson

Chris Jericho is interviewed by Renee Paquette, and he calls out FTW Champion. He recalls how HOOK said, “I know who you are.” Jericho admits that he has a history of pushing people away. He says the rules are different when you play the game at his level. Jericho asks HOOK to believe in him as much as he believes in HOOK. HOOK says he believes in Jericho, and he got them a match on AEW Collision. He says he will be keeping his eye on Jericho. Jericho says he wouldn’t expect anything less, as HOOK was learning already.

Backstage, Shane Taylor and Lee Moriarty say they’re going to make a statement by beating Chris Jericho and HOOK on AEW Collision.

Billy Gunn vs. Jay White

Billy Gunn attacks Jay White during his entrance and controls the bout early on. He slams Gunn into the barricade. White crawls over the barricade, and Gunn follows him into the crowd. Gunn maintains the upper hand. They return to the ringside area. Gunn again slams White into the barricade. Gunn bounces White’s hard off the steel steps. He clotheslines White over the ropes as he continues to dominate.

White rallies with an uppercut and punches Gunn in the corner. Gunn dumps White with a slam. The Acclaimed are shown laid out backstage. Gunn slams White again. He hits a Fameasser. He floors White with another Fameasser. Gunn goes to get a chair, but The Gunns run in and protect White. White hits Billy Gunn below the belt, and the referee calls for the bell.

Winner via Disqualification: Jay White

The Gunns and White go to attack Gunn, but The Acclaimed make the save. White runs away, and The Acclaimed catch him. The brawl continues, but Bullet Club Gold escapes.

The Young Bucks are shown arriving backstage, as are Best Friends.

Willow Nightingale Speaks On AEW Dynamite

Renee Paquette interviews Willow Nightingale, who says she is feeling “mother-fluffin’ great.” Willow looks back on her journey up to this point and references her history with Kris Statlander, who is standing by her. She makes it clear that she appreciates the fans’ support and says it helped her become who she is today. Willow looks ahead to AEW Dynasty and says she knows she will be “the smiling face of TBS.” Stokely Hathaway chimes in and says that Willow is something special. Mercedes Moné interrupts and says, “Say hello to your CEO.”

She says that she can’t wait to see Nightingale face TBS Champion Julia Hart at AEW Dynasty, but she has next, as she will challenge for the title at AEW Double or Nothing.

Tournament Action Continues

AEW World Tag Team Championships Tournament Semifinal: The Young Bucks (Matthew & Nicholas Jackson) vs. Best Friends (Orange Cassidy & Trent Beretta) (with Chuck Taylor & Sue)

The Best Friends gain the upper hand early on. The Young Bucks briefly take control, but Beretta rallies. Nicholas trips Trent up and slams him onto the apron. Cassidy gets powerbombed onto the apron. The Bucks powerbomb Beretta onto the apron. Matthew Jackson talks some trash after he puts a commentary headset on. Matthew and Nicholas isolate Beretta.

Beretta rallies and tags Cassidy. The Young Bucks take control again. They double-team Cassidy and ground him. Cassidy evades the EVP Trigger and rallies. The Bucks showcase their tag team expertise. Best Friends hit a modified TK Driver on Matthew Jackson. Matthew superkicks Orange. The Bucks dish out superkicks. Matthew teases kicking Sue. She slaps him, and Orange rocks him with an Orange Punch. Beretta hits a knee strike, and the Best Friends hit a Strong Zero for a two-count. Cassidy dives onto Nicholas at ringside. Beretta fires up, but Matthew sends him into an exposed turnbuckle and rolls him up.

Winners: The Young Bucks

The Best Friends go to hug, but Trent Beretta turns on Orange Cassidy and walks away.

A New Contender Rises

#1 Contender’s Match: Thunder Rosa vs. Mariah May

Rosa gains the upper hand right away. She chops May in the corner. May turns the tables on her and hits a hip attack. Rosa takes May down with a headscissors. The former champion goes for a slam on the apron. May drills Rosa with a boot. Rosa drops her with a hurricanrana at ringside. She hits a crossbody onto May at ringside. Back in the ring, Rosa grounds May. May rallies and gains the upper hand.

They trade blows. Rosa dumps May with a release German suplex. May responds with a suplex of her own. May rocks Rosa with a stiff shot. Rosa hits her with a backstabber and slams May for the win.

Winner: Thunder Rosa

Rosa makes it clear that she wants her title shot, and the match is confirmed for AEW Dynasty.

Samoa Joe And Swerve Strickland Sign The Contract

AEW World Champion Samoa Joe and Swerve Strickland come to the ring to sign the contract for their title match at AEW Dynasty. Joe says that Strickland would be facing doom and destruction if he signed the contract. He says he will leave Swerve scarred as if he left Diddy’s party too late. Strickland says he has wanted this moment his whole life. He says they are building a dynasty in AEW. Swerve says Joe may be a killer, but he is too.

He says he’ll show Joe that he is every bit “that man.” Swerve says he has the keys to the dynasty, and AEW will become his house. He goes to choke Joe with his chain. Swerve overpowers him and hits Swerve with a chain-wrapped fist.

Joe continues to hit Swerve with the chain-wrapped fist and busts him open. Officials separate them and check on Strickland. Strickland gets a microphone and laughs while he bleeds. Swerve says, “I love this shit” and says if that’s all he’s got, he’s taking the title. Swerve then signs the contract with his blood. Joe charges the ring and slams Swerve through a table. Joe stands tall and raises the title.

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