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AEW Dynamite Results (02/09/2022)

Writer's picture: Carlos AstorgaCarlos Astorga

Tonight on AEW Dynamite, Tony Khan has announced a big surprise talent will debut and sign with AEW. That certain talent will also compete in the Face Of Revolution qualifying match against Isiah Kassidy. AEW World Champion Adam Hangman Page will also defend his title against Lance Archer in a Texas Death Match.


February 9, 2022, Atlantic City, NJ

Commentary: Jim Ross, Tony Schiavone & Excalibur

Wardlow starts the show off by being labeled a lackey by commentary as he’s carrying out stand-ups of MJF’s victory. Wardlow instructs Justin Roberts to announce what given him. Without much inflection, Roberts introduces FTR, Tully Blanchard and Shawn Spears before reading a long introduction for MJF. He comes out on a throne held by four men and two valets. He arrives on the apron and gets a kiss on the cheek from one valet before making out with the other. Confetti falls down from the arena. He then gets on the mic and calls himself the Best In The World (scratch that) better than the Best In The World. He says it was bittersweet because he beat someone he grew up watching. He said he told CM Punk he sucked but then credits the one man who helped him beat Punk: Shawn Spears. Wardlow looks a little miffed as Spears shows off the new MJF “Best In The World” shirt.

MJF says he’s better than Bret in Canada, he’s better than Piper in Portland and he’s damn sure better than Punk in Chicago. Out comes Punk and Tony Schiavone meets him on stage. Punk notes today he has some friends with him. Out comes Sting and Darby Allin with bats. Punk says he wants a rematch and he’s not talking to Max: he’s talking to Wardlow. He tells Wardlow he can grow some balls and leave these jerks. MJF claims he beat Punk all by himself. Dax Harwood gets on the mic and tells Punk’s he’s begging for a rematch. Punk agrees and he wants a triple tag rematch cause that means he gets Max. MJF says that isn’t going to happen. Instead MJF says if he can beat FTR then he can have Max, but it can’t be Darby or Sting. MJF says that Wardlow has a match next and he tells Punk that he’s better than the best in the world and he knows it.

Back from break, Andrade has his meeting with Darby Allin and Sting. He calls Sting his boss. Sting makes it clear that Darby isn’t a kid and he isn’t his boss. Darby says he won’t work Andrade as he’s had bigger goals and that’s to regain the TNT Title. Andrade says he has something in common with Darby, Darby was TNT Champion and Andrade will be the next TNT Champion. El Idolo walks off and Sting says one thing is for sure: Andrade means it.

The Blade vs. Wardlow (with Shawn Spears)

Blade starts off quick on the attack, but Wardlow soon levels him with a diving lariat. Belly-to-belly suplex to Blade. Another one by Wardlow as he favors his leg. Blade goes to the outside and Wardlow follows, driving Blade’s back into the ring post. We go to break.

Back from it, Blade tries to counter with knee strikes but Wardlow catches him with a powerbomb. Atlantic City wants more and Wardlow gives it to him. Powerbomb 2. 3. 4. Foot on chest: 1-2-3.

WINNER: Wardlow

We see a video package of Penta El Zero M calling out Malakai Black.

Next up is the Inner Circle Meeting, but no Santana or Ortiz despite mandatory attendance. Jericho says they haven’t seen Santana or Ortiz all day. Suddenly, the team comes out to their own music. Jericho thinks that’s cute, but he needs to know why they treated him the way they did in that six-man tag against 2point0. Santana says Chris Jericho only cares about one person and that’s Chris Jericho. Santana says anytime they had to make adjustments or accomodaations it was for Chris’ benefit. Is he wrong? Santana says he isn’t done. They came out there to tell him that the days of Santana & Ortiz playing second fiddle are over and done with. At the end of the day, it was Chris who held them back, but it was the fans who kept him going. Santana says if it wasn’t for Ortiz, he would have dropped him a long time ago. Jericho says Santana reminds him of Eddie Guerrero.

Jericho says Eddie Kingston has planted that BS in his head. Jericho notes that he is the Influencer and they’ve gotten plenty of great opportunities. Jericho said that Santana and Ortiz lost to the Young Bucks back in February last year on their own accord. Jericho notes that he can kick them out of the Inner Circle. Jericho said maybe he invited the wrong members of LAX to his group and begins to inquire to Jake Hager about Hernandez & Homicide. Santana grabs hold of Jericho and Sammy tries to play peacemaker. Jericho tells him to shut up and that prompts “Sammy” chants. Sammy tells him he aspires to be the greatest champion AEW has ever had. Sammy takes off his vest and tells them to settle this or he quits. Ortiz defends Eddie Kingston before challenging Jericho and Hager to a match. Jericho accepts and says attendance is mandatory.

Tony Schiavone is backstage with Ruppungi Vice. That gets interrupted by The Young Bucks. They get attacked from behind by Adam Cole. Bucks hit a BTE Trigger on Rocky Romero before Jay White enters the picture to throw Romero into a production truck. “Nice earrings” he says to Nick Jackson before walking off.

AEW Face Of Revolution Qualifying Match

Isiah Kassidy (with Matt Hardy) vs. Keith Lee

Lee tosses Kassidy across the ring before catching him with a cross body. Isiah goes to the outside, but Marq Quen throws his partner back in. Another cross body by Lee. Lee soon pounces Isiah out. Hardy is upset and leaves Private Party. Quen grabs hold of Lee’s boot, but Lee shakes him off. He fends off Kassidy but Isiah corkscrews onto Limitless. Kassidy is hoping for a count-out, but Lee gets back in at five. Lee hits a DVD Jackhammer for the 1-2-3.

WINNER: Keith Lee

Post-match, Quen goes to attack Lee and PP double dropkick Lee out of the ring. Kassidy goes to dive on him, but Lee slams him down on the floor. Quen goes for an over the top senton but Lee catches him too, powerbombs him on Kassidy and powerbombs him on the apron.

FTR vs. CM Punk & Jon Moxley

CM Punk makes his way to ringside before introducing his partner: Jon Moxley. Dax and Punk start it off as Punk gets the better of the headlock takedown situation. Cash gets the tag and begins to wrench. Punk arm drags Cash down several times. Punk tags in Mox. Mox body slams Dax and kicks him several times. FTR isolate Punk soon but the babyfaces fire back. Punk tries to dive onto FTR to the outside but the duo catches him. Mox dives onto them and we head to break.

After break, Mox is solated and recieves a innovative top rope double team leg drop by FTR. A lariat frees Mox and he makes the hot tag to Punk. A short arm clothesline post-corner running knee gets a near fall on Dax. FTR goes for a powerplex, but Punk shoves Cash off and the faces hit a Doomsday Device. On the outside, Cash nails a tornado DDT using the apron. Cash grabs hold of a ring bell. He cracks Punk with it and Dax hits a brainbuster. 1-2-Punk kicks out. Dax European uppercuts Punk several times but chaos ensues. This soon leads to Tully Blanchard getting a GTS and both faces hitting their finishers for the win.

WINNERS: CM Punk and Jon Moxley

TBS Women’s Championship

A.Q.A. vs. Jade Cargill (c) (with Mark Sterling)

AQA and Jade battle it out before going to break after AQA hits a dropkick to send Jade to the outside. During break, Jade gorilla presses AQA, but the latter fires back with a slingblade. Spinning DDT by AQA. She climbs up top for a shooting star press and hits it: 1-2-kick out! AQ goes for a secnond one, but Jade gets to her knees. Jade puts AQA in the opposite corner and hits a twirling powerslam before nailing the black widow: 1-2-3.

WINNER and STILL TBS Champion: Jade Cargill

Five-Minute Challenge

Serena Deeb vs. Katie Arquette

Deeb is cocky and takes her time with Arquette. She turns her back to Katie and hits a neckbreaker. Serenity Now leads to a tap out. One minute.

WINNER: Serena Deeb

Texas Death Match For AEW World Championship

Lance Archer vs. Hangman Page (c)

Fight starts in the back and Hangman sends Archer through a pane of glass. Hangman throws Archer back in the ring and hits a Buckshot Lariat. Archer is out, but does answer the ten count at nine. Archer catches a charging Hangman with a trash can as Archer assaults Hangman with the lid afterwards. Dan Lambert is loosening the top rope of the ring as the fights go into the the crowd. Hangman catches Archer with a standing moonsault. The top rope is completely removed by the time the two make it back in the ring in order to prevent Hangman from doing the Buckshot again. We go to break.

Back from it, two tables are set up on the outside. Both guys are bleeding tremendously. He sends Hangman into the corner. Jake nails Hangman with a short-arm lariat. He teases a DDT but it’s Archer who gets angry at Jake. Hangman nails a DDT to Archer instead. He begins to attack Archer with a kendo stick, but that just fires Archer up. He breaks the Kendo and chokeslams Hangman through a trash can. Archer then pulls out a fork and jabs Hangman’s forehead with it repeatedly. He sends Page to the outside for a rolling senton and Archer begins throwing chairs in the ring. Archer pulls out a barbed wire chair, but instead sets the stairs up on their side. He hits a Blackout onto Hangman. Archer goes to power bomb Hangman, but Hangman grabs the barbed wire off the chair and nails Archer with it. He has his arm wrapped in barbed wire and fires away to Archer. He then uses ref Paul Turners back to flip over and nail Archer with a Buckshot through the table and it keeps Archer down for the 10 count.

WINNER and STILL AEW World Champion: Hangman Adam Page

Post-match, Adam Cole walks out to grab hold of Hangman’s belt before he hands it to the champ, signaling his intentions.


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