Tonight on AEW Dynamite, Darby Allin continues his TNT Title challenge by defending the belt against JD, Jon Moxley tags with The Young Bucks to face Kenny Omega & The Good Brothers and Hangman Page takes on Max Caster. Plus, Mike Tyson appears.
April 7, 2021, Jacksonville, Florida
Commentators: Jim Ross, Tony Schiavone & Excalibur
Show starts off with Inner Circle pulling up to Daily’s Place in some fly-ass rides.
Hangman Page vs. Max Caster (with Anthony Bowens)
Hangman drops Bowens and Hangman hammers Caster’s cranium against the turnbuckle before stomping some MC’s in him.
Hangman soon hooks him with a fallaway slam. One count. Caster finally fights back with Hangman but he gets met with a big old boot. Hangman hits a senton and covers Caster for a pin attempt.
The fight spills to the outside and a Bowens distraction allows Caster to capitalize. Hangman however, rebounds and flies back on Caster to the outside. Hangman crotches MC on the barricade and lariats him off. Hangman sends Caster in the ring, but Max pulls him into the ropes. The ref checks on Caster and that allows Bowens to attack Page. Back in the ring he sends him.
A few attacks by Max gets a two count. Max wrenches the arm of Hangman and turns it into a crossface. Page powers out and drops Caster with some shots before hitting a Ron Simmons spinebuster. Lariat in the corner followed by an exploder suplex. Two count.
Two men battle it out on the apron, but Hangman drives the spine of Caster on the ring frame. Hangman ascends up top. Bowens distracts and Caster struggles to climb, but does slam Page down and wrenches the arm. Caster soon leaps off the top and Hangman catches him with a clothesline. Page goes for the Deadeye, but Bowens slides the boombox in. Hangman slides it out and Bowens slides in his chain. Caster uses it, but only gets a two. Page goes for the Buckshot, but Bowens once more meddles. Page fights him off and hits his finisher on Caster for the win.
WINNER: Hangman Page
Death Triangle comes out at Tony Schiavone’s prompt. He reminds us that they have a shot at the World Tag Team Titles next week, but out comes Orange Cassidy and The Best Friends with Kris Statlander. OC says it’s really nice to see all three of them in the ring again and reminds them of their attacks at last year’s AEW Revolution. PAC says he thinks he understands why they are here. Clearly, they see the writing on the wall. They want a shot at the next Tag Champs, don’t they? He tells them to “jog on” and get off the stage. Trent says that’s not a problem they gotta work their way back up. He says they can calm down and they’re only out here to give them a heads up. “The boys are back in town” (plus an alien).
They cut to a no audio clip of Mike Tyson talking to Jaguars head coach Urban Meyer.
Out comes The Inner Circle. Jericho has a beardski growing. Jericho says Jacksonville sounds great tonight and The Inner Circle has a lot to say…after the break.
Back from break, Jericho says they are back in black, baby! He says that Pinnacle beatdown taught them a lot. It gave them a wake-up call. He apologizes for all those bad decisions, but they were caused by MJF. His jerkoff friend. He might not be smart in certain things like chemistry, but he his smart in pro wrestling. He knows how dangerous his jerkoff friend is, but they got outsmarted by him. MJF is only 25 years old and is at the pinnacle of the pro wrestling business. MJF wants to be better than Chris Jericho now, but he says take baby steps. He tells him his Burberry scarf sucks. He was rocking that gimmick five years ago. Max isn’t as good as he thinks he his. He believes his own hype. He calls MJF a mark. Chris is going to change “mark” to “Max.” Truth is, he’ll never be better than him and he knows it.
Jericho calls Tully Blanchard the third-ranked member of The Four Horsemen. He then compares Dax and Cash to The Jonas Brothers. He mentions Shawn Spears tried to call him after he got fired from “The Fed” ten years ago. He also calls Wardlow dumb. They’re going to kick Pinnacle’s ass. Pinnacle vs. Inner Circle on May 25 in a Blood & Guts Match! “The worst is yet to come and God help you for it!” Jericho yells.
Dasha is backstage with Christian Cage. How is he feeling and what’s next for him? He figured last week is the culmination of an entire year of taking back what was taken from him seven years ago. He credits Frankie Kazarian last week. When you step in the ring with him, he makes wrestlers level up. In comes Taz. Taz says seven years is a long time. He offers him a spot as a member of Team Taz and tells him to sleep on it.
Bear Country vs. Jurassic Express
The team brawls it out and JB crashes into BC. They catch him, but they don’t catch Luchasaurus. Boulder barrels Lucha in the corner for a Bronson attack. JB goes in with a hurricanrana attempt but Boulder catches him. Lucha dives but bounces off the two. Boulder powerbombs JB and we go to break.
We cut back from break to see Boulder back body drop JB. Bear Country isolate JB but he does get a tag. Lucha suplex Bronson and lariats Boulder. Crowd cheers for Lucha. Kicks to both of them. He headbutts Boulder. The two battle up top and Boulder hits a superplex. Cover for a two as JB breaks it up. Springboard DDT by JB. Power moves break up a pin attempt by Luchasaurus.
A less than firm pin allows Lucha to kick out. Kicks are given to Bear Country as Lucha lariats out Boulder. Chokeslam to Bronson and then a moonsault by Luchasaurus gets the W.
WINNER: Luchasaurus
QT Marshall runs down Cody Rhodes and then puts over Comereto, Solow and Anthony Agogo. QT says that The Nightmare Factory is his “fucking factory.”
After break, Tony Schiavone introduces “Stiiiiiing!” He comes out, but so does Jake Roberts. He calls Darby Allin Sting’s “gerbil friend.” He starts cutting the promo and out comes Archer who grabs the mic and says the world is going to pay attention to the Murderhawk Monster. This is his time. Sting snatches the mic and says he agrees with him. He thinks Archer is main event material and he tells Jake Roberts to help him. Make it happen. Make it showtime and do it. All three men walk off as Ethan Page and Scorpio Sky laugh about it in the stands.
We cut to Team Taz. Ricky Starks wants Brian Cage to speak, but Taz tells him to stop instigating. They have an opportunity to recruit Christian and they gotta play it smart. Starks says “absolutely understood.”
TNT Championship
JD Drake (with Ryan Nemeth & Cezar Bononi) vs. Darby Allin (c) (with Sting)
Both men show their athleticism and JD chops him hard. Darby tope dives through JD as Ryan Nemeth distracts Darby, allowing Jake to shoulder block him mid-air. Back in the ring, JD sentons on top of Darby as Sting chases Nemeth out of Daily’s Place. Break time.
Back from it, Drake bounces Darby off the ropes on the outside for an uppercut. Drake tries to cannonball Darby in the barricade, but Darby moves and takes out both him and Bononi. Darby breaks the count. JD crotches Allin on top and puts him in a tree of woe. Drake goes for a Vader bomb and then a moonsault, but Darby rolls out of the second one. The two men trade slaps on top before Darby hits an avalanche code red before nailing a Coffin Drop for the win!
WINNER and STILL TNT Champion: Darby Allin
Post-match, Hardy Family Office attack Darby as Sting and Dark Order come out to protect the TNT Champion. Tay Conti attacks The Bunny on stage.
We preview tonight’s main event between Kenny Omega and The Good Brothers against Jon Moxley and The Young Bucks.
Jericho is about to speak to Marvez but Pinnacle attack him. They throw him in the ring as a gang assault begins. MJF strangles him with his Burberry scarf as Tully slaps him. FTR spike piledrive him. They locked IC in their dressing room as they’re shown breaking through the door. Wardlow goes to powerbomb him through the table as Mike Tyson walks out. He flurries away at Shawn Spears. IC come out and back up Tyson. He and Jericho bury the hatchet as MJF is irate as they run for the hills.
Britt Baker has a request for Tony Khan. A championship match for the doctor. She says the wins loss ranking is utter bullshit. It’s not her fault she had to put respect on the women’s division, but like a true Role Model she will get her wins up.
The Bunny (with Hardy Family Office) vs. Tay Conti (with Dark Order)
Bell sounds and the two women battle it out. Bunny gets the better by slamming Tay off the turnbuckle. Capture suplex followed by a pump kick by Tay. Bunny however suplexes her on the outside. Massive shotgun dropkick into the barricade by Bunny. We go picture-in-picture.
Tay Conti hits a spinning backbreaker, but Bunny soon gets a near fall. Hikaru Shida comes out to cheer on Tay. Bunny goes for her finisher, but Tay Conti hits her with the Tay KO. Bunny kicks out. She crawls to the apron and guillotines her. She takes a cheap shot with the kendo at Shida and then does the same to Tay. Shida takes the stick away from her and Tay hits a superplex. DD-Tay for the W.
WINNER: Tay Conti
Announced for next week is Matt Hardy challenging Darby Allin for the TNT Title in a Falls Count Anywhere match. Also is Jade Cargill vs. Red Velvet. Headline bout however looks to be Dax Harwood vs. Chris Jericho with Mike Tyson as the special enforcer. Inner Circle and Pinnacle will be banned from ringside.
Kenny Omega & The Good Brothers vs. Jon Moxley & The Young Bucks
Karl and Matt start it off as Don Callis taunts Matt on the outside. Kenny gets the tag. They jaw jack before locking up. Don joins on commentary. Tag to Nick. He and Kenny trade arm wrenches and the headlock game starts, followed up by a shoulder tackle by Kenny. Nick catches Kenny with a hurricanrana and sends Omega outside. He gets back in. Karl tagged in and Nick goes upon a flurry against foes that is punctuated with a trio of dives from the babyfaces. Picture in picture.
Back from break, Mox gets the hot tag. Anderson hammers at Mox, but Mox lays out all foes with his patented German. Sleeper attempt to Karl who guillotines Mox over the ropes. Gallows attacks Mox as the legal man. He is isolated. Big kick from Gallows downs Mox.
Mox soon hits a neck breaker and tags in Nick who kicks away at Karl Anderson. He avoids Gallows’ attacks and then stomps on the back of him before backstabbing Karl. Anderson soon catches Nick with a AA version of the spine buster. Tag to Matt and Kenny. It’s Kenny who backs up and Jackson hip tosses Omega. Back body drop. Big DDT to Kenny. Kenny stumbles to his feet and Matt can’t superkick Kenny. Kenny slaps him. Matt tackles him and punches away at Kenny. Doc superkicks Matt and Nick missile dropkicks him. Mox clears Doc out of the ring with a lariat. Kenny hits two snap dragon suplexes on Matt. Omega charges for a V-Trigger, but Mox clotheslines him. Piledriver by Matt. Matt checks on Kenny. Bang For Your Buck on Omega and Karl saves him. Nick dives on top of The GBs as Matt checks on Kenny once more. The Bucks set Omega up for the BTE Trigger, but they can’t do it. Mox yells at them to do it and they rethink it. They still can’t do it. Mox yells again and he tags himself in. Paradigm Shift. He does it again and then locks in the sleep. The Bucks superkick Mox. Eddie Kingston come in to help The Bucks. Magic Killer on Eddie. They hit the Magic Killer on Mox and throw Kenny on top of him. 1-2-3.
WINNERS: The Good Brothers & Kenny Omega
Post-match, The Good Brothers pick up Mox to for The Young Bucks to superkick Mox. They do it. “You Sold Out” chants and Tony Schiavone says The Bullet Club is back together.