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  • Writer's pictureCarlos Astorga

AEW Dynamite Results (06/01/2022)

Just a few days after the eventful AEW Double or Nothing pay-per-view, AEW will deliver a star-studded episode of AEW Dynamite on June 1.

CM Punk, MJF, The Hardys, and other noteworthy names will be on the show, which will be Dynamite’s debut in Los Angeles.

CM Punk and FTR vs. Max Caster and the Gunn Club (Austin and Colten Gunn) (with Billy Gunn)

Dax Harwood and Austin Gunn start the bout and feel each other out. Harwood gains the upper hand and tags Cash Wheeler, and they double-team Austin. The young Gunn tags his brother, who takes the fight to Wheeler. A big back body drop and a dropkick help Wheeler take control. Caster enters the match and gets double-teamed by Wheeler and Punk. Caster lands some blows, but he winds up getting triple-teamed by Harwood. Dax fights his way out of the enemy territory, but Austin drags him back and works with Colten to isolate him. Caster tags in and Irish whips Harwood into the corner. Billy Gunn lands a cheap shot when the referee isn’t looking.

Harwood rallies and tries to tag out, but his partners get taken out by their opponents. The Gunns hit him with a double flapjack. Caster and the Gunns keep dominating Harwood, but he perseveres with a German suplex. Both men are down after a double clothesline, and Harwood finally makes the tag to Punk. The new AEW World Champion clears house with a flurry of offense. He launches Wheeler to Colten and Caster at ringside. Punk hits a diving elbow drop, but Billy distracts him and helps Austin get a two count with a roll-up. Punk powerbombs Austin into Billy, and the GTS/Big Rig Combo clinches the win.

Winners: CM Punk and FTR

Punk celebrates with FTR after the match. He grabs a mic and raises the title. He says he’s never done drugs, but he imagines this is what it would feel like. Punk makes it clear that there’s still a long way to go, and he has a lot of work to do. He says his road to success is littered with mistakes, but he’s gonna learn and get better. Harwood says it feels “that good” to do the things Punk hasn’t done. Harwood says his wife and his baby girl are the only things that mean more to him than wrestling. He references Cobb and O-Khan attacking FTR and says he’ll beat them up. Punk brings up NJPW and says, “Forbidden Door, show me who I got.” Hiroshi Tanahashi comes out and stares down Punk.

In-Ring Segment: MJF

“The Salt of the Earth” comes to the ring and says he’s in a lot of pain after he lost to Wardlow at AEW Double or Nothing. He says he’ll talk, but this is Max Friedman talking. He points out that the Warner Brothers Discovery executives are here, so he wouldn’t want to embarrass his boss. MJF says Khan has been trying to hash things out with him for a while, but it’s too little, too late. He says when this company started, it was All Friends Wrestling, so he had to write his own ticket. But he has great penmanship, so he made his own moments. MJF says no one is on his level, everything he touches turns to gold, and he hits grand slams on a weekly basis. He says everyone else can be great, but he has to be perfect because he’s the only one who can carry this company, and he has. He says he hears boos and clapping; he wonders where those fans were when they were calling him unprofessional.

MJF says everyone in the back wants his spot, and they can have it. He says he doesn’t want to be here anymore. He calls the fans uneducated fans and says they don’t know “s—.” He tells them their opinions suck and they change at the drop of a time. He says fans have argued that he sucks at wrestling because he’s not like their favorites. MJF screams that he’s the best, and he’s the only one who makes them feel, and he doesn’t have to do a bunch of bulls— to get them there. He says he’s a generational talent and says the fans and Tony Khan take him for granted. MJF says he’s the second-biggest minute-for-minute draw in this company. He accuses Khan of not paying him, a guy who’s been here since day one, and paying ex-WWE guys who can’t lace up his boots. He wonders if Khan would treat him better if he was an ex-WWE guy. MJF says the only position Khan should have is behind the guard rail. He says he wants Khan to fire him because he doesn’t want to wait until 2024. He curses Khan out and the show fades to a commercial.

Johnny Elite vs. Miro

In a pre-match promo, Miro says it’s been a long time, as he’s been thinking, waiting, and healing. He says he will return to AEW to help his fellow men, the bastards, the punks, the cowboys, and the pagans, and he will redeem them. He says he will fight his way to heaven, and his heart is broken; now, he wants to take over the kingdom of heaven.

Miro and Elite feel each other out, and the powerhouse trucks over him with a lariat. He drills Elite with stiff strikes and overwhelms him. Elite tries to fight back, but Miro slams him to the mat. “The Redeemer” suplexes Elite and blasts him with a headbutt. He slams Elite to the mat again. Elite rallies with a roundhouse kick and a flurry of offense. Miro fires back with a thunderous superkick and makes Elite tap out to the Game Over.

Winner: Miro

In-Ring Segment: Jericho Appreciation Society

The JAS discusses their win in the Anarchy in the Arena Match. Angelo Parker tells the AEW Galaxy, “Appreciate us.” Jericho discusses the pain he suffered in the match and wonders what kind of a man burns another man. He calls Bryan Danielson a piece of trash and says he’s not here tonight. Jericho says Daniel Garcia will choke Jon Moxley out in the main event because sports entertainers always win. Eddie Kingston interrupts, and he’s accompanied by William Regal. Kingston says he’ll fight all of them right now. Regal says Kingston wants to fight them in a Blood and Guts Match. Jericho says that will never happen, and the JAS attacks “The Mad King.” Ortiz sneaks up behind Jericho, lays him out, and cuts his car.

Jericho says his hair is worth more than Ortiz’s entire existence. He accepts the challenge to a Blood ‘n’ Guts Match. He says he wants Jericho vs. Ortiz in a Hair vs. Hair Match. Ortiz accepts the challenge.

A video shows the aftermath of Samoa Joe’s match at AEW Double or Nothing; Jay Lethal, Sonjay Dutt, and Satnam Singh attack him and garget his injured shoulder.

The Young Bucks, reDRagon and Hikuleo vs. Jurassic Express, Christian Cage, Matt Hardy, and Darby Allin

O’Reilly and Jungle Boy start the bout. Fish tags in and gets double-teamed by Jungle Boy and Cage. Hardy tags in and double-teams Fish with his former rival. Matt Jackson tags in and takes a series of strikes from Cage. He plants Jackson with a DDT for a two count. Jungle Boy sends Fish crashing onto the floor with a hurricanrana. All ten men start brawling. Allin and Jurassic Express dive onto their opponents outside the ring. Cage gets invited to a superkick party, and the Young Bucks take control. The Undisputed Elite and Hikuleo gang up on Cage. Luchasarus makes the hot tag and clears house.

Jungle Boy gains more momentum with a destroyer. Hikuleo ends the surge by catching a diving Allin, but Matt Hardy takes control by doing the “Delete” head slams to all of his opponents. Cage catches the big man with a missile dropkick. Hardy and Cage clothesline him out of the ring. The Young Bucks superkick Hardy, Luchasaurus, and Jungle Boy. Nick Jackson pins Jungle Boy with the Meltzer Driver.

Winners: The Young Bucks, reDRagon and Hikuleo

Cage seems frustrated after the match and pulls Jurassic Express away from Hardy; they leave him alone in the ring/

In an interview, Swerve Strickland introduces some of his friends. He references the history of Kobe and Shaq, who came together and achieved greatness. Keith Lee says everyone will swerve in their glory.

Athena comes to the stage for an interview with Tony Schiavone. She says she’s part of an elite women’s division now, and she brings up Jade Cargill. Athena says all streaks were made to be broken, and she vows to break Cargill’s. Cargill cuts her off and says, “I’m that bitch.” Stokely Hathaway calls Jade Cargill a queen and a goddess. Cargill says the title shot isn’t happening today. Kiera Hogan gets in Athena’s face. Anna Jay and Kris Statlander come to the stage and side with Athena. The two trios argue until they get separated by officials.

Wardlow vs. JD Drake

Wardlow blasts Drake with a lariat and drives him into the corner with a shoulder tackle. He slams Drake to the mat and powerbombs him twice for the win.

Winner: Wardlow

“Smart” Mark Sterling comes to the stage with a security detail and serves him with a class-action lawsuit on behalf of the American Arena Security Professionals. He says he’ll see Wardlow in court. Wardlow attacks one of the guards, rips up the contract, and shoves it in his mouth.

Backstage, Dan Lambert says if Dante Martin does everything right, he’ll eventually be as good as Scorpio Sky. The champion makes it clear that he’ll beat Martin on Rampage. Martin interrupts and says he thinks he’s better than Sky is now, and he’ll prove it on Friday.

Dr. Britt Baker, D.M.D. and Jamie Hayter vs. Ruby Soho and Toni Storm

Baker and Storm begin the bout. Storm takes the fight to Baker with a flurry of strikes. The former champion leaves the ring and grabs her Owen Hart Foundation Women’s Tournament Championship. She poses with it before she gets back in the ring. Back in the ring, Storm rolls up Baker for a two count. Soho tags in and gains the upper hand. Baker makes a blind tag and slams Soho onto the apron before she hits her with a neck breaker onto the floor. Baker and Hayter isolate Soho and continue to control the match. Soho gets a two count with a backslide. Hayter pulls Storm off the apron, but Soho floors Baker with a Saito suplex.

Storm tags in and gains the upper hand with a flurry of offense. She hits a swinging DDT, but Hayter plants her with a slam onto the floor. Baker drops Soho with a Slingblade at ringside. Baker blasts Soho with a thrust kick. Hayter hits a backbreaker and tags Baker. Storm and Hayter brawl at ringside, and Soho nearly wins with a roll-up. Soho hits the No Future, but Baker goes for the Lockjaw. Soho escapes but Baker drops her with a neck breaker. Hayter accidentally gets in Baker’s face, and Soho gets another two count. Soho hits the Destination Unknown for the win.

Winners: Ruby Soho and Toni Storm

Hayter attacks Soho and Storm with the title after the match. Baker stands tall.

Jon Moxley vs. Daniel Garcia

Moxley and Garcia feel each other out. “The Purveyor of Violence” and “Red Death” trade blows. Garcia headbutts Moxley, and both men go crashing to the outside. Moxley is bleeding, and Garcia sends him into the steel steps. “Red Death” kicks the steps while they’re surrounding Moxley’s leg. Garcia continues to target the leg, and Moxley has been busted wide open. The former AEW World Champion reverses a leg-lock and gets some breathing room.

Garcia hits a back superplex for a two count. Moxley slams him hard onto the steel steps and takes control. He hits a modified superplex, but Garcia reverses the rear naked choke. Moxley counters a choke attempt by Garcia and locks in an arm-bar. Moxley gets a two count with an inside cradle. Garcia suplexes Moxley and drops him with a piledriver for a two count. The two men trade strikes. Moxley tackles Garcia onto a table, but Chris Jericho runs to the ring. Moxley eyes up him, but Eddie Kingston takes Jericho out. Moxley hits the Paradigm Shift and gets the win with the Bulldog Choke.

Winner: Jon Moxley

After the match, Moxley says he’s in the Blood & Guts match, which is announced for the June 29 episode.

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