June 26, 2021, Daily’s Place, Jacksonville, FL
Commentary: Jim Ross, Tony Schiavone & Excalibur
Dynamite kicks off with a clip earlier in the day of Sammy Guevara getting ambushed by Shawn Spears with a chair in the parking lot. Spears mentions Sammy’s match against MJF next week and wishes him good luck.
Powerhouse Hobbs vs. Hangman Page

Taz joins the trio on commentary as JR asks the viewers if they’re ready for some “Cowboy Shizznit?” That pops Taz. Bell rings as Hobbs lightly headbutts Hangman. He corners Page but the two reset. Hangman gets a massive shoulder block from Hobbs before getting slammed and thrusted in the corner. Boos for Hobbs as he misses a strike and Hangman makes him pay in the corner. “Cowboy shit” chants.
Hangman sizes Hobbs up for a Buckshot Lariat, but Hobbs bails. It pays off for him as he strikes Hangman on the ground. Hobbs wraps the right arm of Hangman over the barricade and Bryce Remsburg tries to maintain order. He gets the action back in the ring and Powerhouse pulls the arm of Adam over the ropes. Standing diving headbutt by Hobbs. Powerhouse climbs to the second rope to go for a Vader Bomb, but Hangman gets his boots up. Hangman gets crashed into the ring post. Hobbs takes Hangman right arm and keeps pulling it against the ring post. Hobbs break the count.
Action does get back in the ring but soon enough, Hangman leaps onto Hobbs. Standing moonsault into the ring by Page and he pins Hobbs for a two count. Hangman is bleeding from the head as Hobbs shoulder blocks him big-time. Bodyslam by Hobbs. He attempts a headbutt from the second rope but Hangman moves and hits a massive lariat. Two count.
Hangman went for the Deadeye and Hobbs counters with a running crossbody. Two count. Out comes Ricky Starks and Hook. Starks has the FTW Title but out comes Cage to pull Starks. Starks bails holding his neck and Cage gives chase. Big spinebuster by Hobbs after Buckshot attempt, kickout by Hangman. He sets him up for a Deadeye and it’s good for a 1-2-3.
WINNER: Hangman Page
We see a preview for tonight’s main event.
The Young Bucks and Brandon Cutler. They are dressed from the Sex Fergusson wardrobe as they talk down Penta and Eddie Kingston ahead of next week. Some good heel stuff.

Tony Schiavone is in the ring with Tully Blanchard, but he introduces Konnan. Tully brings up how the two encountered one another in the bar. Konnan mentions that FTR tried to compare themselves to Santana & Ortiz, but there’s a difference between the four. Konnan says that Proud & Powerful were born on the streets. He talks about all their hardships and it prompts Tully to threaten him. Konnan says he thought ahead and brought them as back-up. The team comes out in their bandanas and facepaint, but Tully directs Konnan’s attention to the screen. Ortiz and Santana are laid out in the weight room. The team in the ring reveal themselves to be FTR. They attack Konnan and give him a spike piledriver from up top.
Matt Sydal (with Mike Sydal) vs. Dante Martin

Before the match starts, Vickie Guerrero introduces Andrade El Idolo. He walks out on stage and Vickie says they have a huge announcement to make. Matt Sydal comes out with his brother Mike. Vickie holds a perterbed Andrade back before they leave.
Bell sounds and the two get technical. Springboard attack gets Martin two count. He downs Sydal with a headscissors. Sydal nails him with a standing leg lariat. Sydal hits a twirling standing senton as we head to picture-in-picture.
Back from it, the two are fighting on the outside, but action gets back into the ring and Matt chops and kicks Dante, but so does Dante. He catches Sydal’s leg with a flipping DVD for a near fall. Double springboard moonsault by Dante for a two count.
Sydal hits a top rope meteroa, but it’s only good for two. Dante gets a high flipping sunset flip for a near fall and follows up with a flipping stunner for another two. Sydal soon hits his finisher and it’s good enough for the win.
WINNER: Matt Sydal
Jungle Boy is backstage and is greeted by Christian Cage. He says tonight is JB’s night. He notes JB should be pissed off that no one thinks he can do it. Christian coaches him up and notes that JB shocked the world with his Casino Battle Royale win and he wants Jungle Boy to shock them again tonight. JB thanks him.
Mark Sterling is with Jade Cargill. He reveals that there’s a 10% off sale on Jade’s tees on Pro Wrestling Tees. She tears a Dark Order shirt in half
MJF is with Wardlow and Shawn Spears. He runs down Marvez. He talks about attack Chris Jericho’s elbow. He”s curious why fans are so upset he slugged Dean Malenko. He talks about Dean being 60, having a bad heart and Parkinson’s Disease. He says fans should be thanking him for giving Dean an early retirement. In come Hager and Jericho to beat up the trio. The fight carries into Daily’s Place and eventually in the ring. The numbers game is too much. MJF holds Jericho’s arm down for Spears to hit it with a chair, but out comes Sammy for the save. He hacks Wardlow with the chair, MJF flees and Sammy smacks Spears. Guevara gets on the mic and says that next Wednesday AEW is going to show they chose the wrong guy. He’s gonna show why he’s the best ever and “you know it.”
Miro is backstage with his title. He talks about doing the right thing by protecting a women (Penelope Ford) last week. He runs down Brian Pillman a coward and mentions their match next week.
Ethan Page (with Scorpio Sky) vs. Bear Bronson (with Bear Boulder)

A slap from Ethan Page fires Bronson up and pays for it. Ethan taunts Bear with “bear growls” and gets powerslammed. Bronson slams Ethan’s head on the turnbuckle from the apron. Bear Bronson attempts a tope dive on Ethan but Scorpio Sky pushes Page out of the way to take the hit. Bear Boulder stands in the way of Ethan and he makes the most of the opportunity by having Bryce Remsburg confront Boulder The brawl continues as we go to picture-in-picture.
Bronson nails some forearms and splashes Ethan in the corner. He soon spinebusters Ethan down. He goes for a senton but misses. Ethan goes for an Ego Edge but no dice. Soon after, Ethan hits a superplex. Ethan pins, but only gets a two count. Bronson hits a Bossman Slam on Ethan for a near fall. Bear climbs up top which causes Scorpio to get on the apron. This allows Ethan to low blow Bronson and hit the Ego’s Edge for the W.
WINNER: Ethan Page
Post-match, Ethan gets on the mic and says he’s not stupid. “Yes you are” chants. He knows for a fact, Darby Allin isn’t done with him. Ethan says pinning him is not enough for him. He’s going to ro be the nail in his coffin. He challenges Darby Allin to a coffin match at Miami on July 7.
DMD doesn’t have time for fun and games like wrestling someone like Vickie Guerrero. She’ll make a prescription for Vickie next week. Vickie and Nyla respond in their own promo hyping the match.
After the break it’s official: Nyla Rose vs. Britt Baker for the AEW Women’s Championship at Fyter Fest.
The Bunny (with The Blade) vs. Kris Statlander (with Orange Cassidy)

Bunny tries to get fancy with Kris, but Statlander has her scouted. Good enziguri and then a bodyslam. She boops Bunny in the corner, but Bunny soon slips free and kicks Kris in the face. They are on the outside and Bunny hits the shotgun dropkick against the barricade.
Back from break, Kris catches Bunny on the outside with a powerslam. Back in the ring, she nails a fisherman’s Michinoku Driver. She also hits a Blue Thunder Bomb. Bunny gets her shot with a German suplex. Bunny gets a near fall after a follow-up move. Blade hands Bunny some brass knuckles. Orange gets in the ring and pockets them. This allows Statlander to hit her Big Bang Theory. 1-2-3.
WINNER: Kris Statlander
Post-match, Blade and TH2 attack Orange. He gets slugged out with the brass knucks.
Earlier in the day, Tony Schiavone is with QT Marshall. He notes that he was never named wrestler of the week. Schiavone notes that he has a South Beach Strap Match coming up in 10 Days at Road Rager. QT Marshall says he will achieve his goal by getting gold in AEW.
Brian Pillman Jr. notes that Miro has a Messiah Complex. Well, Brian has a complex of his own and he’s going to back his friends when he fights the TNT Champion next week.
Eddie Kingston is with Penta El Zero Miedo. He says The Bucks are happy they took out Mox? Eddie notes he took Mox out on the streets and one thing that The Bucks care about is their egos. He and Penta are going to make them pay in their upcoming match.
AEW World Heavyweight Championship
Jungle Boy (with Jurassic Express) vs. Kenny Omega (with Don Callis & The Good Brothers)

During official introductions, Jungle Boy’s family is shown to be in attendance. Bell rings and Paul Turner kicks Marko Stunt and Luchasaurus out. He then kicks out The Good Brothers. Don Callis joins on commentary. Kenny corners JB and brushes his hair, trying to get in his head. The two lock up and JB sneaks through for a wristlock. Kenny escapes by slamming JB down by his hair. Chops and strikes are traded in the corner but Kenny gives JB a thumb to the eye. JB hits a tremendous arm drag on Omega before dropkicking him out. JB hesitates for the dive and Kenny seizes. He beats JB up on the outside before slamming him back in the ring. JB goes out again and we go to break.
Back from break, Kenny chops at JB. Omega goes for a brainbuster but JB fights. Inside cradle for a near fall. JB hits a brainbuster.
Plenty of diving and high-flying by Jungle Boy. Later, Kenny hits a superplex and gets a two. Kenny soon hits a snapdragon and then a V-Trigger. Reverse rana by JB. JB catches Kenny in the back of the head with a knee. Two V-Triggers gets a near finish for Kenny. JB cinches in the Snare Trap. That prompts Good Brothers to come out but Jurassic Express and Frankie Kazarian stop them. Kenny makes it to the ropes and the two trade blows. Big brainbuster by Kenny gets a two count. Omega goes for a OWE, but JB counters and turns a pin into a Snare Trap. He has it locked in. Kenny pulls JB’s hair and may have gouged the eyes. JB catches Kenny up top but Kenny plants him face first on the turnbuckle. V-Trigger to the back. Tiger Driver ’98. One Winged Angel. 1-2-3.
WINNER and STILL AEW World Champion: Kenny Omega
Pot-match, Kenny wants to hit JB with the belt and out comes Christian Cage to chase him off. Hardy Family Office comes out and Christian fights them off until Hardy lariats him down. Cage goes for a Killswitch, but the Bucks superkick him and the bad guys stand tall to end the show.