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  • Writer's pictureCarlos Astorga

AEW Dynamite Results (12/07/2022)

All Elite Wrestling will deliver a star-studded episode of AEW Dynamite on December 7.

The Acclaimed (Anthony Bowens and Max Caster) will defend the AEW World Tag Team Championship against FTR (Dax Harwood and Cash Wheeler). Plus, Darby Allin will challenge Samoa Joe for the TNT Championship. Elsewhere on the show, competitors will battle it out in the Dynamite Diamond Battle Royale.

The results are as follows:

Dynamite Diamond Battle Royal

Kip Sabian drags Orange Cassidy out of the ring and beats him up at ringside. In the ring, Matt Hardy takes the fight to Dalton Castle. Ethan Page, Lee Moriarty, and Hardy gang up on Castle. Cassidy and Sabian keep fighting in the ring. “Freshly Squeezed” avoids getting eliminated by Sabaian, by The Blade attacks him and eliminates him. The Boys save Casle from getting eliminated by Brian Cage. Cage tosses Castle over the top rope and onto The Boys. W. Morrissey eliminates “Jungle Boy” Jack Perry and chokeslams him onto the apron. The match comes down to Hardy, Ricky Starks, Shawn Dean, and Ethan Page. Page and Hardy argue, and Hardy does the “Delete” taunt. He attacks Starks. Starks eliminates Hardy and then Page to win the match.

Winner: Ricky Starks

The order of elimination is as follows:

Orange Cassidy (The Blade)

Kip Sabian (Dustin Rhodes)

Dustin Rhodes (The Butcher)

Dalton Castle (Brian Cage)

Brian Cage (Jungle Boy)

The Butcher (Ricky Starks)

Lee Moriarty (Jack Perry)

Jack Perry (W. Morrissey)

Shawn Dean (Ethan Page)

Matt Hardy (Ricky Starks)

Ethan Page (Ricky Starks)

AEW World Champion MJF comes to the ring. Before he addresses Starks, MJF says Bryan Danielson is terrified of him. He says when he faces Starks, he’ll be a four-time Dynamite Dynamite Ring holder, and he’ll still be the champion. MJF notes that Starks is talented, but compared to him, he’s the “absolute drizzling shits.” MJF calls Starks a “candy ass” and says Starks stole everything from The Rock. He calls him a Dollar Store Dwayne, so he’ll call him The Pebble. He says that he’s going to put “The Pebble” in his pocket, and he’s going to skip him all the way back to the NWA. MJF says he’s a generational talent, and his reign of terror has just begun.

Starks calls MJF a wannabe Roddy Piper and jokes about his spray tan. He pokes fun at MJF’s clothes and says everything about him screams cheap. Starks notes that when people got behind him, he gave them a reason to believe, whereas MJF let them down. Starks says he busts his ass, but MJF avoids pressure. He says he lives with dignity and respect, and he puts in the work. He vows to shut MJF up next week, and he’s going to do him a favor by taking the responsibility from him. MJF hits him below the belt. MJF goes to attack him, and Starks drops the champion with a Spear.

A video package hypes up Darby Allin’s upcoming match with Samoa Joe.

Backstage, Jon Moxley says he’s starting to like Hangman Page because he dusted himself off and got back in the saddle. He says there’s too much talking around here, but it’s All Elite Wrestling, not All Elite Talking. Moxley says he’s over the Jericho Appreciation Society, and the Blackpool Combat Club wants to put them in the past. He says Page knows where to find him.

TNT Championship: Samoa Joe (c) vs. Darby Allin

Allin takes the fight to Joe. He goes for a dive to the outside, but Joe evades it, sending Allin crashing into the barricade. Joe slams Allin into the barricade and drops him hard onto the floor. The champion slams Allin onto the floor again and continues to overpower him. Joe sends Allin crashing into the ring post, and the ringside doctor checks on the challenger. Allin tries to rally, but Joe overwhelms him with a big boot and a senton for a two count. Allin keeps fighting and hits a Coffin Drop to the outside. He catches Joe with a Stunner and a Code Red. Joe slams Allin, but the challenger bits his face. He goes for a Coffin Drop, but Joe counters and locks in the Coquina Clutch. Allin passes out, and the referee calls for the bell.

Winner and still TNT Champion: Samoa Joe

Allin gets up and confronts Joe after the bell. Joe drops him with a headbutt and hits him with a Musclebuster on a skateboard. He chokes Allin again, but Wardlow makes the save.

Backstage, Orange Cassidy says that if Kip Sabian wants a shot at the AEW All-Atlantic Championship, all he has to do is ask. Sabian doesn’t take him up on it, so Cassidy tells him to find someone who will face him.

Chris Jericho discusses his match with Claudio Castagnoli and says he’s going to beat him at ROH Final Battle.

Claudio Castagnoli and Wheeler Yuta (with Jon Moxley) vs. Daniel Garcia and Jake Hager (with Sammy Guevara)

Hager throws his beloved hat to Castagnoli. Claudio teases putting it on and instead kicks it into the crowd. Hager gains the upper hand and overpowers Yuta. Garcia tags in and grounds Yuta. They trade blows. Castagnoli and Yuta double-team Garcia. Castagnoli takes Hager to the mat. Yuta and Castagnoli keep working together, and Wheeler catches Hager with a dropkick. Yuta dives onto the JAS members at ringside. Guevara distracts the referee, which allows Garcia to shove Yuta off the top rope. Hager takes control, but Yuta keeps fighting. Yuta drops Garcia with a superplex. Hager tags in and overpowers Yuta. Garcia and Hager isolate him. Yuta rallies with a German suplex. Castagnoli tags in and clears house with a flurry of offense. He drills Hager with a series of uppercuts. He goes for the swing, but Garcia stops it. Yuta takes Garcia out with a splash. Castagnoli escapes an ankle lock and takes Hager swinging. Garcia distracts Claudio, and Moxley takes the fight to him. Hager slams Castagnoli and goes for the ankle lock. Garcia locks Yuta in a Sharpshooter, but Castagnoli breaks it up. He pins Hager with an uppercut.

Winners: Claudio Castagnoli and Wheeler Yuta

After the match, Tony Schiavone enters the ring and plays footage of an interview with William Regal, which was recorded after Full Gear. He says he gave MJF what he wanted, but he warned him to be careful what he wished for. He said the Blackpool Combat Club didn’t need him anymore, but they wouldn’t let him go. He says the main three members can still teach Yuta and help him become a great wrestler. Regal says he’s Blackpool Combat Club until the day he dies and says, “Fellas, it’s been emotional.” Moxley says he, Yuta, and Castagnoli love wrestling. He’s holding an open challenge on AEW Rampage.

In a promo, Malakai Black says AEW has become corrupted by people who point the fingers at others. Malakai says AEW is sick, and it is dying, so it time for the House of Black to put it down. Julia Hart says the crime is treason, and then Buddy Matthews says verdict is war. Brody king declares that the sentence is extermination.

In an interview, AEW Women’s World Champion Jamie Hayter says the women’s division is getting interesting. She says the winner of Hikaru Shida’s match with The Bunny will face her for the title.

Jade Cargill & The Baddies (Leila Grey & Red Velvet) vs. Skye Blue, Kiera Hogan, and Madison Rayne

Velvet and Blue go back and forth. Grey and Velvet double-team Blue and isolate her. They continue to keep her grounded for the opening minutes of the match. Cargill and Hogan tag in, and Hogan stuns the TBS Champion with a flurry of offense. Cargill slams Hogan to the mat. Rayne tags in and kicks Cargill, but the champion slams her with the Jaded for the win.

Winners: Jade Cargill & The Baddies (Leila Grey & Red Velvet)

Backstage, Tony Schiavone interviews Saraya, and Britt Baker shows up. Baker congratulates Saraya for beating her at AEW Full Gear. She notes that Saraya was handed a big opportunity in her first mach. Baker gives Saraya tickets to the January 11 show and challenges her to a tag team match for the show.

AEW World Tag Team Championship: The Acclaimed (Anthony Bowens & Max Caster) (c) (with Billy Gunn) vs. FTR (Dax Harwood and Cash Wheeler)

The two teams feel each other out. Bowens and Wheeler are at a stalemate. Caster tags in and briefly gains the upper hand. Harwood and Bowens trade chops. The two teams stare each other down, and they start throwing punches. Bowens hits the Scissor Me Timbers. The Acclaimed lock in stereo Sharpshooters on FTR, but the challengers break free. FTR launch Caster into the barricade. FTR isolates Caster and keeps him grounded. Caster rallies, but Harwood stops him from tagging out. Caster perseveres and tags Bowens, who clears house. Bowens rolls up Harwood for a two count. He drops Harwood with a neck breaker for another two count. FTR spikes Bowens with a piledriver for a two count. Caster breaks up a double suplex, and Bowens rolls up Harwood for a two count. Caster tags in and breaks up a double suplex. FTR goes for the Big Rig, but the champions avoid it. They hit the Big Rig on another attempt, but Bowens breaks up the pin. Bowens slams Harwood, FTR keeps fighting. The Acclaimed score the win on a counter to retain.

Winners and still AEW World Tag Team Champions: The Acclaimed

The Gunns appear on the video screen and deliver a message from The Briscoes; they will face off in a Double Dog Collar match

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