Coffin Match
Darby Allin vs. Brody King
Darby jumps Brody during his entrance and beats him with a skateboard covered in tacks. Darby slams the board (tack-side) into Brody’s face and busts him right open. Brody gains control and smashes the skateboard, but Darby comes right back and knees him in the face and slams him into the barricade. Darby heads up top, but Brody chokes him and climbs the turnbuckles. Darby fights his way out and hits a Destroyer off the turnbuckles, then Brody takes Darby down long enough to wipe the blood out of his eyes before whipping Darby into the barricade.
Brody gets a table from under the ring before Darby regains control. The lights go out in the arena, then they come back up and Malakai Black and Buddy Matthews appear in front of King. Julia Hart grabs Darby’s foot on the other side of the ring, leading to Matthews and Black attacking. Darby is propped on a table in the corner and Brody hits a cannonball through it.
Matthews opens the coffin and sees Sting laying inside it, and Sting hits him with a baseball bat and enters the ring. Sting, who is sporting face paint similar to Black’s eye, attacks King before facing off with Black in the corner. Black leaves without incident and Sting gives chase as Darby splashes Brody on the floor. Sting and Black stare each other down on the stage while Brody slams Darby on the steps, then Darby punches Brody in the face with a chain and chokes him over the ropes with it. Brody staggers, then Darby lets him go and Brody falls right into the coffin.
Winner – Darby Allin
Jon Moxley cuts a backstage promo and says they have the FTW title, so he’ll call his title the “FYI” title. Mox says he’s going to test Jericho’s fighting spirit and push it to the limit. If his spirit doesn’t break, his body will.
Jericho is shown next, and he says Moxley asked to face “Lionheart” Chris Jericho. He says he’s going to stretch the shit out of Moxley tonight and he’s the first AEW Champion, but he guaran-f’n-tees he’s the next one.
Rush & Andrade El Idolo vs. Lucha Bros
All four men start slugging it out before Andrade cracks Penta with a strike. Rush sends Fenix into the turnbuckles, then Penta fires back with some chops to Rush, who shakes it off and connects with a discus clothesline. Penta hits the ropes but Andrade trips him up, then Fenix hits a tope suicida before Penta readies Rush for a package piledriver. Andrade runs in and connects with a dropkick, then he and Rush hit in stereo planchas on the floor.
Penta comes back and hits a hurricanrana off the ropes, then Fenix assists with a wheelbarrow splash for two. Penta hits a Destroyer on the apron, then Fenix pushes Rush towards the apron and Penta sets up for another one. Andrade breaks it up with a headbutt and Rush ties Penta’s mask to the ropes, then Andrade assists and Penta’s mask ends up ripped off. Penta covers up on the floor, and Rush hits Fenix with Bull’s Horns before Andrade hits his finisher to win.
Winners – Rush & Andrade El Idolo
The Young Bucks approach Adam Page and the Dark Order backstage, and they tell Hangman that they wish they could take everything that happened between them back. The Bucks talk about the bond they shared before things got weird, and Matt Jackson says he was selfish and apologizes. Matt says Hangman won the AEW World Championship in this building and he should have congratulated him, and wishes he enjoyed the journey more. Matt asks Hangman to team with them one more time, but Hangman apologizes and says he’s passing on the offer because he’ll be in the Dark Order’s corner.
Luchasaurus vs. Anthony Henry
Jungle Boy joins commentary. This one’s short and sweet, as Luchasaurus shakes off an enziguiri by Henry and hits a Fossilizer for the win.
Winner – Luchasaurus
Christian Cage is shown slow clapping for the match backstage. He says he’s having fun, but Luchasaurus and Jungle Boy run backstage and attack him. Pat Buck tries to separate them and ends up on the wrong side of a headbutt from Luchasaurus, then he and Jungle Boy run off.
Miro is shown talking about recent history when Julia Hart approaches him and tells him to use his gift. She touches his chin and he says only one woman can touch him like that, then he says he sees his path and it leads him to the House Of Black.
The Factory tries to recruit Powerhouse Hobbs backstage, but he’s not receptive and says their problem with Ricky Starks had better not become one for him.
Jay Lethal, Sonjay Dutt and Satnam Singh come to the ring and Lethal says he wants another title shot against Wardlow and if he doesn’t get one, he’ll take it. Wardlow comes to the ramp and says if he wants it, he’ll get it… but tonight he’s beating all three of them up! FTR comes out to even the odds, and Lethal ends up taking a Big Rig to end the segment.
The Jericho Appreciation Society (2point0, Daniel Garcia and Anna Jay) cut a promo about celebrating Jericho’s title win. Garcia says he put Bryan Danielson on a paid vacation and calls himself the Dragon Slayer, then Anna Jay screams at someone offscreen for doubting him and chokes her out.
Ricky Starks vs. Aaron Solo
Starks ducks a clothesline and backdrops Solo, then he hits the ropes and Cole Karter tries to trip him. Starks is unfazed but the ref throws Karter out of the match, but the distraction allows Solo to stomp Starks in the corner. Solo ducks a spear and goes to kick Starks, but Starks counters and still hits a spear for the win.
Winner – Ricky Starks
Nick Comoroto runs down with a chair, but Starks ducks the strike and hits a spinebuster. Solo attacks Starks, but Starks once again gets away from the opposition and runs through the crowd. Powerhouse Hobbs is shown backstage smashing a TV since Starks got away.
Billy Gunn is shown talking to the Gunn Club about losing the match he made famous. Stokely Hathaway slow claps and calls Billy “Grandpa Ass”, and Billy tells him to leave before he has a bad day. He says he got them a match on Rampage, then Danhausen comes in and mocks them. (*Later in the show, commentary confirms “Beardhausen” aka Danhausen and Erick Redbeard will face the Gunn Club)
The Best Friends are with Tony Schiavone, who says they wanted to show him something. Orange high-fives Chuck and Trent, then Ari Daivari comes in and says he’s been trying to get a hold of him. Orange says he’s not interested in whatever it is, and Ari gets annoyed and walks away.
TBS Championship
Jade Cargill (c) vs. Madison Rayne
Jade shoves Madison, who answers with a dropkick. Jade rolls outside and Madison dives on her from the apron, connecting with a hurricanrana on the floor. Kiera Hogan approaches Madison and the distraction is enough for Jade to connect with a spear. Madison comes back with a somersault neckbreaker for two, then she applies a front choke but Jade shoves her back. Madison holds on and spikes her for another near fall, then Jade regains control and hits Jaded for the win.
Winner – Jade Cargill
Athena hits the ring and mocks Jade, then punches her in the face. Athena whips Jade into the ropes but Kiera pulls her outside and Athena holds the TBS title up in the ring and dares her to come back.
Interim AEW World Championship
Jon Moxley (c) vs. “Lionheart” Chris Jericho
Jericho flips Moxley off, Moxley returns the favor. The two trade off on some tie-up holds before Jericho rips Moxley’s earring out. Jericho taunts the crowd and shows it to the camera, then he connects with a springboard dropkick that sends Moxley to the floor. Moxley is bleeding from his face as Jericho unloads with clotheslines in the corner, then Moxley surprises Jericho with a Crossface and screams at him to tap. Mox breaks out so Jericho goes for the Walls Of Jericho and locks it in, holding it throughout the picture-in-picture commercial break.
Mox breaks out and Jericho ends up on the floor, so Moxley goes right after him and hits a double axe handle smash from the top turnbuckle. Mox sends him back inside and heads back up top, but Jericho counters with a Codebreaker on the way down. Jericho gets a near fall, which makes him angry. He rips the turnbuckle pads off and throws them outside, distracting the ref long enough for Sammy Guevara to throw a pipe in from the crowd. Jericho hits Mox with it and gets a two count, so he hits Judas Effect and still only gets a two count.
Moxley sends Jericho face first into the exposed turnbuckle before applying a rear choke, then he elbows Jericho in the head and gets the blood to start flowing. Jericho reverses and applies the Liontamer, but Moxley breaks free and applies a rear choke with a bodyscissors, finally forcing Jericho to tap out.
Winner – Jon Moxley
Sammy Guevara and Jake Hager run out and attack Moxley, but Wheeler Yuta, Claudio Castagnoli, Eddie Kingston and Ortiz run out for the save. The rest of JAS runs out and outnumbers the opposition, but CM Punk makes his return and clears the ring. Punk and Moxley come face to face, and Moxley flips off Punk and leaves the ring with Blackpool Combat Club. Punk plays to the crowd and hops around on his foot, showing that he’s good to go.