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  • Writer's pictureCarlos Astorga

Briscoe Brothers vs Young Bucks Battle Ends In Chaos

Photo Credit Ring of Honor


The match pitting Jay and Mark Briscoe against The Young Bucks to determine which team gets a shot at the ROH World Tag Team Titles at Final Battle ends in controversy; Kelly Klein and Jenny Rose square off for the final spot in the Women of Honor World Title Four Corner Survival Match at Final Battle; Jonathan Gresham’s open challenge for Final Battle is answered by an international superstar making his ROH debut; and Matt Taven faces Dalton Castle’s Boys in a handicap match!

“Ring of Honor Wrestling” #375 Airdate: Weekend of Nov. 24, 2018 Location: Stage AE in Pittsburgh


-- Matt Taven defeated The Boys in a handicap match

-- Kelly Klein defeated Jenny Rose to earn the final spot in the WOH World Title Four Corner Survival Match at Final Battle

-- International superstar Zack Sabre Jr. answered Jonathan Gresham’s open challenge for Final Battle

-- The Briscoes versus The Young Bucks match to determine which team gets a shot at the ROH World Team Titles at Final Battle ended in a double disqualification


The Kingdom (Matt Taven and TK O’Ryan) vs. The Boys

Before the match, Taven said that The Kingdom will hurt The Boys just like they did Dalton Castle last week. Taven said it won’t even take two members of The Kingdom to do it, and he told O’Ryan take the night off and sit in on commentary during the match. After O’Ryan exited, Taven nailed one of The Boys with his “real” world title belt.

With one Boy incapacitated outside the ring due to the belt shot, Taven overcame a brief flurry of offense from the other Boy and began to dominate. Eventually, both Boys were in the ring at the same time and were able to seize the advantage -- until red balloons floated up from under the ring, that is. “The Horror King” Vinny Marseglia crawled out from under the ring and dragged one of The Boys off the apron and under the ring with him. Taven then hit Climax on the other Boy for the win.

Cody reflects on Final Battle

In a pre-taped, sit-down interview, Cody noted that his match against ROH World Champion Jay Lethal at Final Battle on Dec. 14 marks the one-year anniversary of his title loss to Dalton Castle, and the two-year anniversary of his ROH debut against Lethal. Cody pointed out that he never got a one-on-one rematch for the title. He said that facing Lethal for the championship at Final Battle is “harmonious,” and he wouldn’t have it any other way.

Jonathan Gresham issues an open challenge for Final Battle

Gresham came down to the ring and said that he came to ROH to prove that he is the best pure wrestler in the world, so he’s issuing an open challenge to the best technical wrestlers in the world to face him at Final Battle.

International superstar Zack Sabre Jr. appeared on the video screen and said that he is the best technical wrestler in the world. He said he is coming to ROH next month and couldn’t think of a better first opponent than Gresham. A pleased Gresham said he will tap out Sabre at Final Battle.

New contracts for two members of SCU

In a pre-taped segment from a hotel room, SCU’s Christopher Daniels -- his neck in a brace as a result of the attack by The Briscoes two weeks ago -- was on the phone with COO Joe Koff. Daniels told Koff he will send back signed copies first thing in the morning. After ending call, Daniels told fellow SCU members Frankie Kazarian and Scorpio Sky that the two of them have new ROH contracts.

Daniels said that he does not have a new contract, however, so as of now, he is done with ROH after Final Battle. Daniels said he still has a little time to figure something out.

Qualifying Match for WOH World Title Four Corner Survival Match at Final Battle: Kelly Klein vs. Jenny Rose

Not only was this a qualifying match, but it also was a grudge match. These two simply don’t like each other, and that was apparent from the outset. Klein and Rose were both ultra aggressive, as the fight took place both in and out of the ring.

Klein gained the early advantage, but Rose halted her momentum with a jarring spear for a near fall. Klein came back with her new K-Power finisher (a fireman’s carry into a modified Michinoku Driver) for the victory.

The Four Corner Survival Match for the WOH World Title is now set, with champion Sumie Sakai defending against Klein, Madison Rayne and Karen Q.

Video package: “Hangman” not impressed by Jeff Cobb

“Hangman” Adam Page, who will challenge for Cobb’s ROH World Television Title at Final Battle, said Cobb has been a disappointment in ROH and hasn’t faced a real challenge yet. Page said he is just as strong as Cobb and hits harder than him.

Winner gets a shot at ROH World Tag Team Titles at Final Battle: Jay and Mark Briscoe vs. The Young Bucks (Matt and Nick Jackson)

With a spot in the ROH World Tag Team Title Match at Final Battle on the line, the two greatest tag teams in ROH history went after each other with reckless abandon right from the opening bell. The Young Bucks gained an early advantage with their innovative double-team moves, but the Briscoes eventually settled things down and isolated Matt Jackson. The Briscoes went on to hit a Razor’s Edge/cutter combination on Matt for a near fall. 

After Matt tagged in Nick Jackson, The Young Bucks took over, including hitting a Blockbuster/lung-blower combination on Mark Briscoe for a near fall. The match then degenerated into a slugfest between all four competitors. The Briscoes took a page out of The Young Bucks’ playbook by hitting simultaneous superkicks, but The Young Bucks answered with stereo superkicks of their own, and then a double superkick on Mark for a near fall.

The Young Bucks set up for the 5-Star Meltzer Driver on Mark, but Jay Briscoe distracted them by throwing a chair into the ring. Matt grabbed the chair as Jay entered the ring holding another chair. After a brief standoff, Jay threw his chair at Nick’s head while Matt thew his chair at Mark’s head. The referee had no choice but to disqualify both teams, and then he got knocked out by am inadvertent chair shot. All four competitors began brawling before security came in to separate them.

At that point, ROH World Tag Team Champions SCU (Frankie Kazarian and Scorpio Sky) came to the stage. Sky said it looks like both teams lost, and that won’t work for the fans or them. Kazarian said SCU is prepared to defend the titles against both teams at Final Battle -- in a Ladder War! (First, SCU will have to get by CMLL stars Guerrero Maya Jr. and Stuka Jr. in a title defense on next week’s episode.)


-- ROH World Tag Team Title Match: Champions SCU (Frankie Kazarian and Scorpio Sky) vs. Guerrero Maya Jr. and Stuka Jr.

-- ROH World Television Champion Jeff Cobb vs. Josh Woods

-- Christopher Daniels vs. Kenny King

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