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Writer's pictureCarlos Astorga

IMPACT On AXS Tv Live Results (07/08/2021)

Tonight on IMPACT Wrestling, the contract signing for Slammiversary will go down as Kenny Omega puts pen to paper in making his World Title match against Sami Callihan official. Plus Brian Myers battles Jake Something.


July 8, 2021, Nashville, TN

Commentary: Josh Mathews & D’Lo Brown

Gia Miller starts things off with Don Callis and a clean shaven Kenny Omega. Callis calls Sami Callihan a troglodyte before saying he hopes everyone makes it to the contract signing this evening.

Brian Myers (with Sam Beale) vs. Jake Something

The supremely bigger Something manhandles Myers in the ring and then on the outside. He puts Mysers back in the ring, but then swiftly lariats him out. Myers manages to get on the offensive against Something after suplexing him on the stage.

Back in the ring, Myers chokes Something over the ropes. Something hammer fists Myers in the back and then deadlifts him for a sit-out powerbomb for a near fall. Myers channels Edge with an Impaler DDT to get a two count of his own. Myers leaps off the top with an elbow to the sternum of Something. Two count. Something gets the W after hitting his Blackhole Slam.

WINNER: Jake Something

Per stipulation, Myers is forced to say how legit he is as a wrestler, but instead Jake gets attacked from behind. Suddenly, Matt Cardona returns to save Something and he hits a Radio Silence on Beale.

Backstage Deonna Purrazzo notes that she’s taken out all of the competition for her Knockouts Title. Therefore, she’s issuing an open challenge tonight.

A silent Sami sits backstage while Gia interrupts him. “Nine days until Kenny Omega has to get in the ring for The Death Machine.” Suddenly, he gets arrested for the assault and battery of a Mr. Don Callis.

IMPACT Knockouts Championship

Deonna Purrazzo vs. Lady Frost

Frost makes her IMPACT debut. The bell rings and the two women talk trash. They grapple up a few time and Deonna patronizes Frost. Lady Frost over rotates on a moonsault and Deonna takes advantage. Deonna plants her and pulls Frost up at two. She locks on the Fujiwa and Frost submits.

WINNER and STILL Knockouts Champion: Deonna Purrazzo

Post-match, Deonna thanks Frost for her efforts and begins gloating until Gail Kim comes out! Deonna begins to patronize her as well and then gets fired up for being interrupted. Gail settles her down and has some news regarding Slammiversary. Deonna begins to believe Kim wants a shot at the PPV, but Gail says she’s retired. She wants to give Purrazzo an opportunity to defend the Knockouts Championship against a mystery opponent of their choosing. She won’t know until the PPV.

Swinger’s Palace is kinda dead as Chris Sabin enters. Johnny is not in attendance. He wants to roll the dice, asks Swingerella #2 how her cat’s surgery went and then was attacked by that bastard Moose.

Chris Bey is backstage. He reveals he’s been doing some thinking. Theoretically, he did pick a side. He picked his side, but Trey, Petey Williams and Josh Alexander happen to be standing on it too.

Handicap Match

W. Morrissey vs. Jason Page, Manny Smith & Deonte Evans

Pre-match, Morrissey accepts Eddie Edwards’ challenge at Slammiversary. As a matter of fact, he’s going to help Eddie out from his hospital bed. He’s not going to show him respect. He’s going to demonstrate and show him what he’s going to do to Eddie at Slammiversary.

Bell rings. Lariat to Manny before a double clothesline to Page and Evans. He splashes everyone in their corners. Boot to Manny before chokeslamming the other two. Powebomb to Jason Page (massive one btw). All men are out. He gives a standing F5 to Page and stacks all men on top of one another for the 1-2-3.

WINNER: W. Morrissey

Backstage, Don Callis plays up that he was attacked by Sami Callihan. He says Sami is a hazard to himself, other wrestlers and to an entire wrestling company. He has a family and he has footage which he has given to the production truck. Footage is shown with a masked Sami hitting Don with a baseball bat. Enter Scott D’Amore. He apologizes but he says Don and Kenny can still be in attendance for a contract signing. He’ll see them both in the ring. Just humor him, Don. Geez.

Susan & Kimber Lee vs. Havok & Rosemary

Rosemary grabs Susan by the pantsuit and is clotheslined from both sides. Kimber Lee gets involved only to be slammed and thrown by Havok. Lee does deliver some kicks to Rosemary before downing her with a buzzsaw kick. Two count. Susan avoids a corner attack by Havok, bites her, but then gets speared by Rosemary for the pinfall.

WINNERS: Havok & Rosemary

Jazz is the special guest on All About Me with Tenille Dashwood and Kaleb with a K. Jazz has a Shad Gaspard tee on (nice). Jazz is curious if this is Piper’s Pit. Finally Tenille asks Jazz if she’s gonna ask her about Rachael and Jordynne. Kaleb does the honors. It’s not Tenille’s fault that she can’t find a great partner. Jazz messed things up for her. “YOU RUINED IT!” Tenille talks trash to Jazz and Jazz confronts her about it. Jazz gets attacked and the camera is cut. During the break, Rachael and Jordynne help Jazz up. After the break, they’re not pleased. Jordynne makes it clear she and Rachael are back on the same page and next week, Kaleb and Tenille are getting crossed off their list.

Rich Swann gets on the mic as he comes out with Willie Mack He says Willie and him are about being men. Fight straight up, knuckle up. However, VBD decided to get into their business and attack them from behind. Swann challenges them to bring the Tag Titles out and they’ll knock VBD’s teeth down their throat. Out comes Fallah Bahh and TJP. He says they see two guys with a common enemy. They both have a score to settle with them, but if they think they’re going to use that opportunity to leap frog them, well, there’s a line. Willie says they’re at the front of that piece. Bahh says that shot had an expiration date. Out comes VBD. Then out comes The Good Brothers in preacher mode. All teams are out in the ring until Tommy Dreamer’s music hits. He says Scott D’Amore sent him out here to inform them all that at Slammiversary the World Tag Titles will be defended in a four-way. Rich Swann, TJP, Karl Anderson and Deaner are going to have a four-way after break.

Rich Swann vs. Karl Anderson vs. TJP vs. Deaner

TJP brawls with Deaner on the outside while Anderson shoulder blocks Swann. TJP and Swann go at it in a flurry of impressive offense until Deaner attacks Rich from behind. Deaner has a neck wrench cranked on Rich before soon catching Swann with a powerslam.

TJP tosses Karl out of the ring before Swann savate kicks TJP out. He then Swannton dives onto everyone to lead us into break.

After the break, Karl looks to broker a deal with Deaner, but the latter ain’t having it. He and Anderson trade shots. Big boot by Deaner before Swann kicks people down. Back suplex by Anderson on Swann have all men down.

Anderson soon gets hit with a Detonation Kick. He misses a Mamba Splash. Deaner hits a Deaner DDT on Swann, but TJP makes the save.

Soon after, a Gun Stun is hit on Deaner for the 1-2-3.

WINNER: Karl Anderson

Susan is upset about losing, but Kimber Lee assures her about her back-up plan. That is Father James Mitchell. He has Susan go into a room and tells Kimber he’s not sure how this is going to take, but he’ll see what he can do.

Contract signing time. D’Amore notes while that Sami is incarcerated, he firmly believes he’ll be able to challenge Kenny at Slammiversary. Out comes Callis and Kenny. Don keeps talking about being a victim. Sami Callihan has seven strikes and today was number eight. Sami may not be here but the champ Kenny is. Scott says just humor him and Kenny sits down. He signs the contract. As he does, we get some glitches and the lights go out. Suddenly a surveillance camera airs different footage of the Callis attack. It was actually an in-cahoots John E. Bravo, not Sami. Suddenly, the glitch goes again and Sami appears to surprise attack. Kenny goes to piledrive Sami, but Callihan hits a low blow and package piledrives Kenny. He then signs the contract too.


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