The show opens with a video package looking at Mickie James’ announcement and the championship match kicking things off.
IMPACT World Tag Team Championship: Good Brothers (c) vs. OGK
Taven holds control over Anderson in the early minutes. Anderson makes a comeback by hitting Taven with a spinebuster. Gallows comes in for some double offense, but Bennett breaks the cover. Anderson goes up top and Bennett trips him. OGK hit a double finisher allowing Taven to pin Anderson for the win.
Winners and NEW World Tag Team Champions: Matt Taven & Mike Bennett
A new vignette for Killer Kelly airs.
Backstage, OGK celebrates with Honor No More. Eddie starts to gripe at PCO when Vincent intervenes. King hypes up his X-Division title match tonight.
X-Division Championship: Mike Bailey (c) vs. Kenny King
Maria Kanellis is at ringside. After the commercial break, King is still in control. He hits a spinebuster for a two-count. Bailey lands a big kick to the head before King inadvertently kicks the ref. King low-blows Bailey on the top rope and pins Bailey, but there’s no ref. Another official comes down and counts two as Bailey kicks out. King pins Bailey for the three with an assist from Maria. King celebrates with the title and Honor No More until the original ref gets back in and points out that King was cheating. They confer with Penzer and announce the match will continue with Honor No More banned from ringside. They battle for another minute or so with King coming close to hitting his finisher, but Speedball flips King into a stacked cover for the three-count.
Winner: Mike Bailey (c)
Brian Myers confronts Scott D’Amore about his missing Digital Media title. Myers turns around into a sucker punch from Bhupinder Gujjar. Gujjar lays the title across Myers before leaving.
Jessicka preps drinks for Rosemary and Taya to celebrate her win last week. Taya announces she will be in singles action next week.
Gia Miller talks to Aussie Open. They are seeking world domination and the IMPACT World tag titles. They will face Chris Bey and Ace Austin next week. The camera then pivots to an argument between Moose and Maclin about whether or not they’ll work together to take out Sami Callihan. Gia asks Moose what’s going, but he keeps walking.
VBD have a promo backstage where Doering parts ways for now to take care of his health. EY tells Deaner that he’s leaving, and it’s up to him whether he follows or not.
Mickie James announcement
Mickie James makes her way out for her career announcement. First, she thanks management for the opportunity to speak. She says November will mark 24 years since she began this journey. She talks about sitting at her sister’s death bed to being released from WWE six months later. She says the fans reminded her who she was. She talks about returning to IMPACT and having one of the best runs of her career, which included winning the Knockouts title again. She then lost the title to Tasha and was betrayed by Chelsea. She was filled with doubts again and had to go home to regather. “I’m not retiring. Not tonight. Not like this. Not right now.” Mickie states she’s going to prove herself against the best, and she’s going to earn her way to another Knockouts title match. She’s going to start at the bottom of the roster with open challenges until she gets to the champion. There is a catch: If she loses during this journey or her title match, that is it. This is the last rodeo.
Josh Alexander sits down with Gia Miller to discuss Eddie Edwards. Edwards interrupts and picks Josh’s brain until Heath ambushes Eddie.
Alex Zayne vs. Mascara Dorada
The former Gran Metalik makes his IMPACT debut here. Dorada does a cross body from the top soon follows it by leaping out of the ring with a plancha. Zayne gets back up and flips Dorada off the top rope for a nearfall. Dorada plants Zayne with a DDT and the Dorada Driver for the victory and a future X-Division title shot.
Winner: Mascara Dorada
Jordynne Grace confronts Mickie backstage. Jordynne said she’d defend against Mickie right now, but she understands Mickie wants to earn it. Jordynne says she’ll be waiting in the meantime.
Set for next week:
NJPW’s Yuyu Uemera makes his debut
Chelsea Green vs. Taya Valkyrie
Eddie Edwards vs. Heath
Aussie Open vs. Ace Austin & Chris Bey
#1 Contenders Match: Deonna Purrazzo vs. Masha Slamovich
Masha rag dolls Deonna around early on and attempts covers. Deonna maneuvers out of Snow Plow and exits the ring to regroup with Chelsea. They start to walk away when Masha drags Deonna back to the ring. Chelsea tries to grab Masha’s foot, but she kicks her off. Deonna knocks Masha off the apron thanks to the assist. Back from break, Deonna has a headlock applied. Deonna does a backflip into a cover, two. She applies the arm bar, but Masha reaches the ropes despite Chelsea trying to prevent it. Deonna sends Masha into the post shoulder-first and lands a series of Germans. Masha kicks out of Queen’s Gambit and back-fists Deonna. She boots Chelsea off the apron before landing Snow Plow for the win.
Winner: Masha Slamovich
Jordynne Grace makes her way out and hands Masha an envelope with a picture of Masha X’d out inside. They stand face to face to close the show.