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IMPACT On AXS Tv Live Results (11/04/2021)

Writer's picture: Carlos AstorgaCarlos Astorga

Tonight on IMPACT Wrestling, Mickie James defend her Knockouts Championship against former champion Madison Rayne, The Good Brothers battle Fin Juice and Minoru Suzuki is in six-man tag action.


November 4, 2021, Sam’s Town, Las Vegas, NV

Commentary: Matt Striker & D’Lo Brown

Number One Contenders for the X-Division Title

Steve Maclin vs. Rohit Raju vs. Laredo Kid vs. Black Taurus

Black Taurus is the first to get the most of the offense to start the fatal four-way off. Laredo Kid however utilizes his high-flying to keep matters in his favor. Raju gets a near fall on LK after the two duke it out mid-ring. Inverted falcon arrow gets a near fall on LK by Raju, but Maclin breaks it up. Leaping senton off the top from Taurus. He later gets a near win on Maclin but LK delays in breaking up the pinfall. LK continues his high-flying and springboard splash on Raju for a near fall.

Flatliner by Raju to LK gets a two count. He gets the near fall again with a handful of tights, but it’s LK who turns the table with a modified falcon arrow of his own for the 1-2-3.

WINNER: Laredo Kid

Post-match, Trey Miguel comes out to shake the hand of Laredo. He accepts, but both are attacked by Maclin. They double dropkick him out of the ring.

Backstage, Madison Rayne says a lot has changed since she last faced Mickie James, but one thing hasn’t. When she’s in title contention, Rayne always seems to win. Kaleb With A K wants to clap back at James. Gia asks Rayne about hosting Locker Room Talk again tonight. She has no idea what she’s talking about.

Back from break, Ace Austin reminds Gia that he defeated Chris Sabin last week. He reveals a shirt that says “I defeated Chris Sabin.” Now Madman Fulton faces Sabin tonight. Fulton says he’s going to pick Chris apart.

Violent By Design enter the IMPACT Zone. Eric Young has the mic. Rhino had a decision to make and he made the wrong one. With choices come repercussions. When you’re VBD, you’re VBD forever. It’s time for the master designer of violence to get his hands dirty. He’s building a monument and that first brick will be laid tonight. An unknown talent comes out. Jai Vidal from Las Vegas. It’s his first time on TV.EY sense the disease in him and he’s going to cure that.

Eric Young vs. Jai Vidal

Hard lariat leads to ground dominance from EY. He hits a massive piledriver on Vidal and easily gets the pinfall.

WINNER: Eric Young

The IInspiration show up for “Locker Room Talk,” but all isn’t what it seems. Decay is stalking them.

Back from break, IInspiration are a little freaked out and Gia Miller warns them about Kimber Lee, Su Yung and Brandi Lauren. They’re none too pleased.

The Good Brothers vs. Fin Juice

Bell sounds as Finlay and Anderson start it off. Arm wrenches going down. Tag in & out by FJ. Finlay kicks Anderson in the corner. The tagging continues for Fin Juice. Jabs by Juice before knocking Doc off the apron, but Anderson gouges his eyes. Juice goes to the outside to eat a boot from Gallows. We go to break.

Back from it, Juice is down in the ring. and Doc Gallows splashes him in the corner.. Two count. Gallows gets on him with some harsh elbows. Hot tag to Finlay and he takes it to a legal Anderson. David is on fire with a corner elbow and he hits a modified back breaker for a near fall.

FJ goes for a Doomsday Device, but it gets thwarted. All four competitors get laid out. The Bullet Club comes out and the match gets thrown out.


El Phantasmo punches Gallows square in the balls. They confiscate the titles and take shots at Anderson before fanning the belts under their crotches.

Hernandez is backstage with Johnny Swinger and wants the former operator of Swinger’s Casino to trust him. We go to break.

Fin Juice is pissed about more Bullet Club bull-crap. Enter Scott D’Amore. He says he deserves to get his hands on the Bullet Club. Next week it will be a number one contendership match between the two teams next week.

IMPACT Knockouts Championship

Madison Rayne (with Kaleb with a K) vs. Mickie James (c)

The two women lock up and Rayne leverages Mickie’s arm but Mickie turns it around. Locked in a stretch, Mickie makes it to the ropes. Mickie later punts Madison and coves for a two. Kaleb tries to tug Madison free and that opens up a moment for her to capitalize. Madison gets flap-jacked. Kaleb pushes her off the top rope. Madison is in control now. It takes awhile, but Mickie builds momentum and hits a neck-breaker. Madison hits a rip chord cutter for a two count.

Mickie falls to the outside and Kaleb goes to slap her, but hits the ring post. She flings him into the steps. Mickie leaps off top for a Thesz Press and it’s good enough for the win.

WINNER and STILL IMPACT Knockouts Champion: Mickie James

Post-match, Mercedes Martinez comes out. She grabs a mic. She thanks the fans and congrats Mickie. Every time people put Mickie down, she steps up to the plat. She’s not here to put her over, she’s here to challenge Mickie. She won the Knockouts Knockdown tournament and Mercedes will see her at Turning Point

IInspiration run into Kimber Lee and Brandi Lauren. They ask the Bridesmaids if they’ll face Decay next week. The two maniacally laugh and IInspiration is unsure if that was a yes or no.

Matt Cardona, Josh Alexander and Eddie Edwards are all on the same page in facing the threesome of W. Morrissey, Moose and Minoru Suzuki. After that, who knows.

Madman Fulton (with Ace Austin) vs. Chris Sabin

Fulton tries to power Sabin around but Sabin does his best at eluding and battling. He switches the momentum with a head-scissors to Fulton to the outside, but only briefly. Fulton slams Sabin on the apron and we go to break.

Sabin remains scrappy against Madman but the strength of Fulton allows him to plant The Machine Gun with a modified electric chair drop. Sabin however rolls through and kicks away before jumping for a small package and getting the 1-2-3.

WINNER: Chris Sabin

Moose, W. Morrissey & Minoru Suzuki vs. Matt Cardona, Eddie Edwards & Josh Alexander

Alexander starts it off on his technical wrestling prowess. Moose and Eddie tag in and duke it out. We soon cut to break.

Back from it, Matt Cardona and Moose are battling. Cardon hits a neck-breaker, but Suzuki catches Cardona in an arm-breaker over the ropes. Moose soon capitalizes. The heels trade tags in to isolate Cardona. He’s stuck in this predicament in awhile until he tags Eddie, but the ref didn’t see it.

Finally, the hot tag is made to Alexander and he gets Moose almost locked in an ankle lock. Instead, we get some suplex's and Moose somehow tags in Morrissey. Morrissey gets ping-ponged with attacks from Josh and Eddie. Blue thunder bomb by Eddie gets a near fall. Minoru and Josh duke it out to a big pop. Soon, all six men are standing as they all fight center of the ring. Minoru catches Josh in a sleeper and drops Alexander on his head. Eddie goes to under-hook Minoru but gets a big-time boot from Morrissey. Big time powerbomb by Morrissey. 1-2-3.

WINNERS: W. Morrissey, Moose & Minoru Suzuki


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