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IMPACT On AXS Tv Live Results (11/18/2021)

Writer's picture: Carlos AstorgaCarlos Astorga

Tonight on IMPACT Wrestling, Josh Alexander looks to prove himself against hard hitting competition in the form of New Japan Pro-Wrestling’s Minoru Suzuki.


November 18, 2021, Sam’s Town, Las Vegas, NV

Commentary: Matt Striker & D’Lo Brown

Steve Maclin vs. Laredo Kid

Laredo takes Maclin down with a waist lock and Maclin answers with some mat work of his own. Takedowns and pin attempts go down until LK pops up to his feet as both men are applaused. Headscissors takedown by LK but on the outside Maclin tope spears LK in the skull. Back in the ring, he pins LK for a two count. LK leaps onto Maclin from the outside before nailing him with a Michinoku Driver and two moonsaults for near falls. LK goes for a third moonsault, but rolls through after Maclin moves. Shotgun knee by Maclin. Two count. LK slaps Steve before a cartwheel DDT. Maclin immediately fires back with a lariat. Both men are down. Poison rana by LK for another near fall. Maclin nails LK with his tree of woe spear and then hits his Maclin driver for the 1-2-3. Maclin earned his way into the X-Division Title match at Turning Point.

WINNER: Steve Maclin

We see a recap of Brian Myers hitting Sam Beale in the throat with a chair before hitting him with a conchairto. This all happened on BTI. We cut to now and Beale is on a stretcher and in stable condition. Rich Swann isn’t pleased and challenges Myers to a match at Turning Point.

Trey Miguel comments on the first match. He’s going to make it a point to beat Steve Mclin at Turning Point.

Gia Miller is with Ace Austin and Madman Fulton. She asks him about Sabin’s challenge at Turning Point. Ace doesn’t accept that challenge and presents his “I beat Chris Sabin” tee. He’s confronted by Sabin. He wants him to prove himself at Turning Point. Ace then accepts but tries to cheap shot Sabin. Chris Sabin and Ace Austin fight it out, and it’s Sabin who traps Madman in a walk-in fridge.

The Undead Bridesmaids vs. The IInspiration

Brandi Lauren and Jesse McKay begin the bout. McKay is a little freaked out. She tags in Cassie Lee. Blind tag from Kimber Lee. Roundhouse kick to Cassie. Kimber laughs manically and that causes Cassie to run around the ring. She gets back in and catches Kimber Lee with a roundhouse heel kick of her own. We go to break.

Back from it, Brandi is in control as she takes out Cassie with a basement dropkick through the ropes. Both members of IInspiration are hurt on the floor. Back in the ring, They hit a double powerbomb on Brandi for the 1-2-3.

WINNERS: The IInspiration

Post-victory, the lights go out and it cues all members of Decay to come to the ring as IInspiration are trapped in the middle of the ring. Decay leaves the ring and leaves McKay and Lee more than freaked out.

Cheslea Green is gunning for that Digital Championship but what are Matt Cardona’s plans? He wants a World Title shot after Turning Point. Enter W. Morrissey. He says Matt isn’t going to get a title shot because Morrissey is standing in his way. It appears Matt challenges Morrissey to a match at Turning Point (it’s not clear at this moment).

Eddie is backstage for an interview with Gia Miller, but gets attacked by Moose. Both men brawl into Sam’s Town and Moose puts a chair on Eddie’s head to slam him into the ring post (after he powerbombs him on the apron. Eddie fires back with some steel chair shots as a table is set by the ring. Boston Knee Party to Moose. He falls onto the table and Eddie pulls out a ladder to a big reaction. Moose bails just in time and exits the arena.

Moose is talking trash to Eddie backstage. Enter Scott D’Amore. He makes the World Title match a Full Metal Mayhem rules match at Turning Point.

After break, Mercedes Martinez told Mickie James she should never have turned her back on her. Come Turning Point, she’ll be the new Knockouts Champion.

Hikuleo vs. Doc Gallows

Gallows goes right for Leo with some knees. Doc gives him some shots and Leo goes outside to recoup. Gallows follows and gives him some more shots. Leo gets some offense in and he tries to capitalize with pin attempts, but Gallows kicks out. The two men trade chops in the center of the ring. Running avalanche in the corner by Leo. Big chest chop to Doc. Leo maintains control and wrenches the neck of Gallows. Gallows gets back some omementum as both men clothesline one another down.

Gallows hits Leo with a jumping pump kick and gives him another shot for a two count. Big diving shoulder tackle by Doc has Leo down for another two count. Leo, however, catches Doc with a beauty of a powerslam. Doc rakes the eyes of Leo and gives him his sit-out chokeslam for the 1-2-3.

WINNER: Doc Gallows

Gia Miller has a sit-down with Deonna Purrazzo and Matthew Rehwoldt. Miller asks Deonna where she’s been. “Home.” What’s she been doing with her time. “What do people usually do when they’re at home?” She’s very dismissive of Gia’s questions. Deonna notes she’s contractually obligated to do these. Gia doesn’t deserve anything from her. Everyone is going to have to wait and see what her next move is.

Fin Juice is backstage. Vegas has not been kind to them. After some losses, they’re all the way back at the bottom. They’ve been there before. They get interrupted by D’Amore. They just lost their focus. Two days from now, it’ll be them vs. Decay at Turning Point.

We cut to Eric Young and VBD. Rhino made a choice and because of those choices come ramifications. Him and Heath want VBD at Turning Point. EY will set him free again, but this time it’s a permanent freedom. He’s going to build a monument of violence on their backs. You made the wrong and at Turning Point, this is going to be over forever.

Johnny Swinger, Hernandez & Fallah Bahh vs. The Demon, Crazzy Steve & Black Taurus

Swinger has a red hankerchief and plays matador with Black Taurus. He takes it to Swinger. Crazzy Steve gets tagged for a double spin splash and a two count. Hernandez blind tags in and hits a sit-out powerbomb. “Super Mex” chants. Fallah Bahh gets tagged to “Bahh” chants. Rolling elbow by Bahh to Steve. Swinger gets tagged back in. He goes for an elbow but Steve moves and bites Johnny. Demon gets tagged in. He tosses Bahh, lariats Hernandez out and it’s down down to Johnny and The Demon. Million Dollar Dream causes Swinger to submit.

WINNERS: The Demon, Crazzy Steve & Black Taurus

Johnny Swinger is backstage and is clearly beside himself after losing. John E. Bravo tries to cheer him up but Swinger walks off. Rosemary and Havok appear and say they still want Bravo’s virgin blood.

We see a brief backstage segment with Jordynne Grace and her speaking about her Digital Championship.

Minoru Suzuki vs. Josh Alexander

Match starts off with “This is awesome” chants. They fight and we go to break. This match was very back and forth and went to the outside, but it was Josh Alexander who got the hard-fought victory with C4 Spike. The crowd was very into this match.

WINNER: Josh Alexander

There is a big tease next week for WrestleHouse 2.


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