IMPACT Wrestling, November 24, 2020
Commentators: Josh Matthews & Matt Striker
Knockouts Tag Team Title Tournament (Round 1)
Kiera Hogan & Tasha Steelz vs. Sea Stars (Delmi Exo & Ashely Vox)
Matthews puts Steelz and Hogan as favorites to win the tournament before the Sea Stars enter. Matt Striker, who is now on commentary, breaks down the background of the Sea Stars. Exo and Hogan start it off. Exo takes down Kiera and locks her in a front chancery to gator roll. Small package. Two count. Back slide. Two count. Sunset roll-up. Two count. Kiera tries to reassess and recoup as she and Delmi circle around one another. Kiera goes for a hip toss but Delmi hits a neckbreaker for the 1-2-kickout.
Vox makes a tag and Delmi gives Hogan a back breaker. Vox covers for a two count. Hogan tags in Steelz. Steelz feigns a hand shake before kicking Vox in the gut. Vox and Steelz avoid one another but Vox hits a drop kick for a two count. Hogan kicks Vox in the back on the apron and Steelz hits a back breaker. Running elbow by Steelz in the corner before tagging in Kiera giving a dropkick. Cover for two. She takes Vox in the neutral corner and stomps away. Tag to Steelz. Stomps in the corner by Steelz now before choking Vox with her boot. She soon tags in Hogan. Vox tries fighting off with a slug out of forearms. She knocks Hogan down and tags in Exo. She’s on fire. Northern lights and gets a near fall, but Steelz makes the tag. Exo remains in control with corner splashes on her opponents on opposite sides of the ring. She launches Steelz into Hogan with a fallaway slam. Vox gets a blind tag as Exo hits a fireman’s carry slam. Celtic Cross by Vox for a near fall.
Steelz and Hogan turn the tide and clears house of Vox. Delmi soon becomes the legal contestant and a spinning fisher man’s gets the pinfall victory as Steelz & Hogan advance.
WINNERS and advancing: Tasha Steelz & Kiera Hogan
Wrestler's Court
Backstage, Jordynne Grace is watching on and saying that Hogan and Steelz could be the team to beat. Who’s revealed to be standing beside her but the recently retired Jazz. Gia asks if the veteran star is indeed Grace’s partner. She is and she’s ready to add to her legacy with the Knockouts Tag Titles.
Ethan Page has amazing news and reveals to Josh Alexander that Doc Gallows is out of action for 4-6 weeks. He thinks somebody deserves a pat on the back for that. Alexander says “somebody” wasn’t thinking because now The North has to wait 4-6 weeks to get their belts back. Ethan tells Alexander not to worry because “we” got this. “Who is ‘we?’” Alexander asks before cutting to break as Wrestler’s Court is next.
Wrestler’s Court Segment
Johnny Swinger is led into Wrestler’s Court in full Nailz like jumpsuit and handcuffs. He also has a neck brace on. The People’s Court music is playing as Madison Rayne will be the defending attorney. She asks him why he has a neck brace on which Swinger responds: “McDevitt told me to wear it for sympathy.” (Pretty clever!) D-Lo Brown is the prosecuting attorney and the honorable Tommy Dreamer is your judge. Cousin Jake is the guard. Madison already has an objection: how can any of them trust Tommy since he was the investigator on the case? Tommy says that’s a good point and we jump cut to D-Lo and Dreamer exchanging roles. Dreamer says Swinger had the means, motive, opportunity, and smoking gun in his fanny pack. Madison says the crime was strategically planned, well thought out transgression by a “criminal mastermind.” The term “mastermind” should immediately dismiss Swinger’s charges. Fallah is the first witness. Fallah says Swinger was bitter that John E. Bravo chose Swinger as his best man. Next is Cody Deaner. Dreamer asks Deaner what he found in Swinger’s fanny pack at Turning Point: a gun. Next is Acey Romero. Dreamer asks Acey if he’s a fingerprint expert. He says no. He did take fingerprints on the gun and found everyone’s fingerprints on it. Before the segment cuts to break, Swinger offers D-Lo a six-pack.
Rohit Raju comes out and says he’s the opposite of everyone watching at home: a winner. The people at home hide behind their phones and keyboards, talking, but they aren’t saying anything because they’re losers. He is the greatest X-Division Champion ever in IMPACT. He’s ready for the “Defeat Rohit” Challenge. He’s ready to face another loser. Suicide’s music hits. Rohit disagrees with this. He’s up for it but it’s going to be a non-title match.
“Defeat Rohit Challenge”
Rohit Raju vs. Suicide
Bell rings and Rohit attacks Suicide in the corner. Suicide catches him with a deep arm drag and dropkick. Suicide goes for a springboard but Rohit slugs him and we go to break.
Back from it, Rohit stomps on Suicide and gets a snap suplex. He covers. Two count. Diving forearm by Rohit. Two count. Raju continues on offense and lands a bodyslam. Rohit chokes Suicide with his shin. He goes to take off Suicide’s mask. Suicide fights him off. Kicks from Rohit. Suicide leans against the ropes and gets chopped. Russian leg sweep for a two count. Again he goes for the mask, but Suicide gives him a headscissors tarantula hold. Rohit gives Suicide a back suplex and hits a rolling suplex. Suicide gives a float-over leg sweep for a near fall. A jumping flatliner by Rohit and goes for the mask. He rips it off, We don’t see who the person is as TJP comes out. This person floats over and rolls Rohit up for the 1-2-3. He turns around and it’s Crazzy Steve.
WINNER: Crazzy Steve
Sami Callihan asks Ken Shamrock is ready for tonight to face Rich Swann. Tonight he becomes IMPACT World Champion. IN comes Moose. He says too bad Ken’s match is for the second most important title in IMPACT as he lifts up the TNA belt. He has a lot of respect for Shamrock, and if he’s successful in beating Swann, remember who beat him earlier. Ken wants to fight Moose now, but Sami settles him down.
Kaleb with a K is with Tenille Dashwood as Alisha Edwards enters. She wants to tag with Tenille again. Tenille isn’t quite game, but Alisha wants to keep at it. They mull it over.
Kimber Lee (with Deonna Purrazzo) vs. Killer Kelly (with Renee Michelle)
Kimber Lee ducks a clothesline and hammers away at Kelly. Hair whip before shoving her boot in the face of Kelly. Stomps to the back before Lee rakes the eyes over the ropes. She turns it into a modified surfboard stretch. Kelly strengthens herself to a pin attempt. Two count. Kimber continues her offense. Hard forearms by Lee, but Kelly catches her, gives her a headbutt and double underhook. Cartwheel splash and then a corner dropkick. Cover for two. Kelly lifts her up in a fireman’s carry and puts her on the top of the ropes. Lee fights it off and gives a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker before connecting with a swanton for the pinfall victory.
WINNER: Kimber Lee
Post-match, Deonna and Lee embrace before the lights flicker and there are signs of Su Yung as the two become flustered. It’s actually Suzie. She’s back to her friendly, yet sad self. They hurt her friends and now she’s said. Now her friend’s her and now it’s going to get bad. She apologizes. Out comes Su Yung. She attacks both Purrazzo and Kimber Lee. Yung hammers away at Deonna and has the bloody glove on as Deonna tries to beg her off. Kimber Lee saves her. Suzie stands at the entryway with her back turned (because they’re the same person). Su exits and then turns around to reveal herself.
Gia is backstage with The Motor City Machine Guns. Alex Shelley is back and healthy. Step one is that they have their sights on XXXL and step two is The North. Step three is The Good Brothers and the IMPACT Tag Titles.
Swann and Willie Mack meet up backstage. Swann asks Mack how he’s feeling. Mack has been fighting his whole damn life and the ref had no reason to call the fight last week. Enter Chris Bey. He asks Mack to make an exit to talk business. Swann says Bey can step out of the picture, but Bey wants to make money with a match like Swann, He calls Mack a loser and things get tense. Bey says if Swann survives Shamrock, give him a ring.
Ethan Page walks out for his match, but out comes Karl Anderson. He notes the resume that Anderson and he have cultivated throughout their career but The Big LG is not here. Page assaulted him, and he’s at home. If Page agreed to beat an opponent of Karl’s choosing, The North would get a shot at the titles. AJ Styles’ music hits, but out comes Swoggle dressed as Styles “The Wee-nomenal One” AJ Swoggle.
Ethan Page (with Josh Alexander) vs. Swoggle
Ethan eats up the moment and he gets on his knees to be level with Swoggle. He eats a flurry of shots and gets caught off guard before capitalizing on his size. He sends Swoggle to the outside and Alexander gets some shots in before sending him back in the ring. Ethan drops a major elbow and covers. 1-2-he lifts the shoulder up.
Page teases a Styles Clash, but Swoggle bites his leg. Alexander grabs the leg of Swoggle on the outside and Alexander gets decked by Anderson. Swoggle rolls up Page and gets the surprise win.
WINNER: Swoggle
Page is so embarrassed and frustrated as Alexander tries to talk him down post-match.
Back to Wrestlers’ Court. Madison Rayne finishes her cross examination with Swinger as Dreamer steps up to prosecute. Did he really think Swinger would get away with this? Why would he screw up his marketing opportunities? He’s the OJ Simpson of pro wrestling. He and Dreamer go back a long time. Does he really think Swinger would shoot someone? It gives Dreamer pause. Madison doesn’t want to have any further questions. Dreamer calls up his next witness: James Mitchell.
Mitchell admits he’s a whore mongerer and has two Ph.D.’s in the sciences of parapsychology and demonology. Dreamer asks him about virgin blood. He says some of virgin blood is cherished by some people. That brings Rosemary to the stand for Dreamer to begin his examination.
Did she ever love John E. Bravo? No! Of course “we” didn’t love him. Do you really think he was worthy of “us?” She basically wanted his virgin blood. Enters John E. Bravo in his hospital whites. D-Lo asks for order and says it’s clear who shot Bravo. Bravo says it wasn’t Rosemary. Dreamer asks him how does he know who shot him if the lights were out. “He didn’t see him, but he could smell him.” We go to break.
Larry D is at the stand and Dreamer has him hooked up to the lie detector test again. He asks Larry if he shot John E. Bravo. “No.” Tommy asks him again, but sprays some cologne. and appears Lawrence D. He admits to shooting Bravo because he stole the woman he loves. D-Lo finds Swinger not guilty.
Fallah Bahh vs. Shawn Daivari
Daivari comes in hot, but Bahh battles back and hits a massive cross body. In comes Joe Doering and Eric Young. Doering slams Bahh down hard and the bell rings. Piledriver to Daivari by EY. He grabs the mic. “My purpose is clear. My vision is clear and I will be opening eyes to the truth.” He says this world is sick and you’re looking at the cure. In comes Rhino and he decks EY and begins battling Doering. EY gangs up on him and the two level him down with a clothesline. EY gets back on the mic and screams at Rhino the world belongs to him.
Myers says this isn’t the IMPACT he’s signed up for. He runs down all three of them. He calls Crazzy Steve a clown and says TJP is the same, he’s just not wearing make-up.
Deonna and Kimber Lee approach James Mitchell and they’re hoping that he can turn their “Su Yung problem” into a “Suzie problem.” Mitchell is willing to do so…for a price. He doesn’t disclose, but says if they want his services, they got it.
Ken Shamrock (with Sami Callihan) vs. Rich Swann (c)
Shamrock goes to strike Swann but he avoids. Sami quickly grabs the leg of Swann and Shamrock takes advantage with some shots. Callihan gets ejected. Two dropkicks by Swann followed by two knee dropkicks. He goes for a diving crossbody, but Ken catches him and drives his head into the turnbuckle three times before dropping him hard on the canvas.
Shamrock gets a leg cutter locked on Swann who screams in pain. Kick to Swann’s back who tries to fight him off from the ground. Ken continues to stalk Swann.
Swann gives Ken shots to the mid-section, but Ken continues his offense, keeping Rich grounded. He gives Swann a knee to the face before contorting the hand of Swann. Kick to the chest. Ken stomps on his hand. He kicks at Rich’s hamstring. A standing front chancery to Rich as he continues to feed him knees before grounding Rich once again in the chancery submission. Ken knees him to the back of the head as we cut to the final break.
Back from it, Ken and Swann’s hands are locked up and it’s Swann who fires back with shots. Two clotheslines don’t down Ken and he cuts off the champ with some kicks. This downs Rich once more.
Rich fires back at Ken with some very crisp and very impressive kicks. Rolling Thunder for a two count.
Savate kick to Ken’s gut before a sunset flip for two. Ken locks on the arm, but Swann kicks free and ascends the turnbuckle. Big frog splash and covers for a false finish. Ken suddenly sics on the armbreaker. Rich’s foot is under the ropes and it breaks the hold. Spinning kicks from Rich. He goes for a third kick but Ken catches him in an ankle lock. He gets to the ropes and uses them for leverage but Ken locks in a guillotine but Rich rises on top of Ken for the pinfall.
WINNER and STILL IMPACT World Heavyweight Champion: Rich Swann
Post-match, Ken gives the ref a shot to the gut and out comes Sami to beat down Swann further. Sami grabs his baseball bat and who comes out but Eddie Edwards. The two gang up on Eddie and they tape him to the top rope. Sami has his ball bat once more. Sami gives him a hard shot to the head and Eddie is busted open big time. The officials run out. Striker believes this is all a calculated attack. Out comes D-Lo who is irate. Shamrock knocks D-Lo out and mounts on top for some ground and pound. Officials try to restore order but no avail as Callihan beats a bloody Eddie and the show ends.