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  • Writer's pictureCarlos Astorga

Impressive IMPACT Wrestling Twitch Numbers

Once again using SocialBlade to check Impact Wrestling's stats on Twitch saw quite a rise in overall video views for yesterday coming in at about 30,000. That is up from the previous two Fridays (when the Twitch/Pursuit TV streaming idea began. The first Friday on January 11 saw about 20,000 video views that day, the second on the 18th saw about 15,000. Saturday is the second highest video view count each week coming in just below Friday. It's pretty clear that's due to the show concluding at midnight on the East Coast and the viewership being counted for the next day. All that said, the video viewership for the rest of the week stays steady at about 4000 viewers give or take each day.

The follower count saw a 1800+ rise in the last seven days. Not as strong as last week's 3,000 jump but nothing to sneeze at.  They are now at 70,894 on the platform.

Regarding overall video views on the channel, Impact are currently at 2,676,724  According to my research, they crossed the twi million mark on October 7, 2018, during the Motown Showdown Twitch special meaning they've gained 600,000 video views over the last six months. 

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