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Writer's pictureCarlos Astorga

Latest ROH TV Results

Photo Credit Ring of Honor

A recap is shown featuring Jay Lethal wining the ROH World Championship last week.

Ian Riccaboni and Colt Cabana check in on commentary after the usual ROH signature video package. Jonathan Gresham and Kushida make their entrances.

Jonathan Gresham vs. Kushida

After a back and forth, Kushida briefly locks in a cross-face, Gresham cartwheels out of it. They eventually exchange strikes. Kushida hits Gresham with a forearm. Gresham connects with an Insiguri on Kushida. Gresham hits a German Suplex on Kushida. Gresham pins Kushida for a two count. Kushida briefly locks in a Hoverboard Lock on Gresham. Kushida hits Back to the Future on Gresham. Kushida pins Gresham for the win.

Winner: Kushida

Marty Scurll is shown backstage. Scurll questions if Shane Helms is trying to upset him. Scurll says he is not in the mood. Scurll talks about how the difference between them is that Shane Helms is playing the part of a superhero named The Hurricane whereas he is the real villain.

Mandy Leon joins the commentary team for the next match. Odeo Tai's Hana Kimura & Kagetau (with Hazuki) make their entrance. Jenny Rose & Mayu Iwantani make their entrances.

Jenny Rose & Mayu Iwatani vs. Oedo Tai (Hana Kimura & Kagetsu)

Rose hits a shoulder block on Kagetsu. Kagetsu eventually elbows Rose in the face several times. Kagetsu distracts the referee while Kimura strikes Rose and Iwatani with a wooden sign. Kagetsu pins Rose for a two count. Kagetsu and Kimura both connect with kicks to Rose. Iwatani breaks another pin attempt by Kagetsu on Rose. Kagetsu hits a Falcon Arrow on Rose. Kagetsu pins Rose for the win.

Winners: Hana Kimura & Kagetsu

A highlight video package is shown.

Eli Isom, Chuckie T & Kenny King make their entrance. ROH Six-Man Tag Team Champions The Kingdom (Matt Taven, TK O'Ryan & Vinny Marseglia) make their entrance. Impact World Champion Austin Aries has joined the commentary team.

ROH Six-Man Tag Team Championship Match: The Kingdom (Matt Taven, TK O'Ryan & Vinny Marseglia) (c) vs. Chuckie T, Eli Isom & Kenny King

The Kingdom attacks all of their opponents as the bell rings. Isom and Taven eventually exchange strikes. Taven drives his hip into Isom. Isom hits a Fallaway Slam on Taven. Isom goes to the second turnbuckle. Marseglia pops a ballon on Isom. Taven slams Isom to the mat from off the turnbuckle. Marseglia, O'Ryan and Taven go for Rockstar Supernova on Isom. King and Chuckie pull Marseglia and O'Ryan out of the ring. King and Marseglia exchange strikes at ringside, as do O'Ryan and Chuckie. Taven blocks a hurricanruna attempt by Isom in the ring. Marseglia and O'Ryan come back into the ring. Taven, O'Ryan and Marseglia hit Rockstar Supernova on Isom. Taven pins Isom for the win.

Winners: The Kingdom (Matt Taven, TK O'Ryan & Vinny Marseglia)

They hype next week's show as this one comes to a close.


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