MLW Pulp FUSION: June 4 episode now available to stream
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The time is now for Injustice. The World Middleweight Champion Myron Reed and Jordan Oliver finally reveal the new member of Injustice.
Kevin Von Erich takes his boys Ross & Marshall to the beaches to sharpen their chain wrestling skills… with a twist.
Alicia Atout makes her Pulp Fusion debut as she conducts an exclusive interview with promoter/manager Colonel Robert Parker!
Following the heinous attack on LA Park last week, LA Park Jr. & Hijo de LA Park have some words for CONTRA Unit.
Fans will get an all access look at Zenshi as the South American double champion trains in Peru.
Out in the Caribbean, Richard Holliday struggles with his Caribbean clout while out in Arizona the National Openweight Champ Alex Hammerstone hits a big milestone. Dynasty, bro
Fueled on possibly way too many light beers, Mance Warner tries to reason with building a triple cage as Moonman crashes as ol Mancer’s crib.
Gino has some cautionary words for anyone that dares step within 6 feet of The Untouchable One.
The captain of “Team Filthy” promises his own big reveal! What’s “Filthy” Tom Lawlor up to?
Experience Pulp Fusion!
About Major League Wrestling
Major League Wrestling (MLW®) is a sports media holding company with a focus on professional wrestling sporting events/programming, digital content and ancillary entertainment.
The fastest growing wrestling league today, MLW’s weekly TV series, Major League Wrestling: FUSION, airs Saturday nights 10pm ET / 7pm PT on beIN SPORTS in the United States, Canada and Puerto Rico and in over 20 countries abroad.
MLW Fusion streams for free every Saturday night at 6:05pm ET on YouTube.com/MajorLeagueWrestling.
MLW features a roster full of high profile fighters and on-air talent from around the world including: CONTRA Unit, "Filthy" Tom Lawlor, Ross and Marshall Von Erich, The Dynasty, Low Ki, LA Park, Myron Reed and Injustice, Davey Boy Smith Jr. Alicia Atout and many more.
MLW is the parent company of the MLW Radio Network, the leading provider of professional wrestling podcasts in the world with 5-6 podcasts in the top iTunes 100 in the sports category on the average day.
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