Hot Fire" Myron Reed wants to light up the middleweight division and seize a title shot but he will first have to shutdown the Tijuana thriller's momentum in the division.
Major League Wrestling today announced Myron Reed vs. Rey Horus for MLW: Fury Road 2019 at the Waukesha County Expo Center on Saturday night June 1st.
Tickets start at just $10 at http://www.MLWTickets.com.
Myron Reed demands justice. In the midst of a dispute involving alleged biased refereeing of his matches, the Louisville native has been outspoken with the "dirty games" going on in MLW as of late.
Yet Reed has been playing his own dirty games, constantly breaking the rules, assaulting officials and aiding others with outside interference during matches he's not involved in.
Doug Markham, a tenured head referee claims he has received “numerous phone calls” from an unknown number threatening him. He has speculated that Reed along with his cohort Rich Swann are behind the menacing calls and recent harassment.
Reed better be prepared for the exceptional aerial and technical threat that is Rey Horus. The cousin of Rey Mysterio Jr., Horus has been quickly moving up in the middleweight rankings in 2019.
A standout in the Tijuana region, Horus is a spectacular luchador. Having won champions such as the CRASH Tag Team titles in Mexico, Horus now sets his sights on gold in Major League Wrestling.
With Reed and Horus both jockeying for title contention, will Reed continue to play his dirty games? Will the the thrilling Tijuana luchador continue his ascension in the middleweight rankings Find out LIVE June 1st in Waukesha, WI.