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Writer's pictureCarlos Astorga

NJPW Strong Results: Kenta vs Jeff Cobb For The IWGP North American Championship Contract Briefcase

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We are in Los Angeles, California and your announcers are Shigeki Kiyono and Katsuyori Shibata (in Japanese) or Kevin Kelly and Alex Koslov (in English).

Kevin and Alex talk about the main event between KENTA and Jeff Cobb with the IWGP North American Championship match on the line.

Match Number One: ACH and TJP versus Logan Riegel and Adrian Quest

Riegel and ACH start things off and ACH with a kick and shoulder tackle but Riegel stays on his feet. Riegel with a single leg take down and he gets a near fall. Riegel blocks a kick and gets a near fall. Riegel with a drop kick. ACH with a drop kick after a cartwheel. ACH with a front face lock and TJP tags in. TJP with a European uppercut and slam.

TJP goes to the apron for a slingshot senton. Riegel escapes a suplex attempt and gives TJP an arm drag. Quest tags in and applies a wrist lock. TJP with a head scissors take down and then Quest floats over on an Irish whip and hits a corkscrew cross body. TJP works on the leg but Quest with an inside cradle for a near fall. TJP with a Sharpshooter but Quest gets to the ropes.

TJP with a forearm and a Sharpshooter into a Mutoh Lock. ACH keeps Riegel from getting in the ring to help his partner but TJP releases the hold. TJP hyperextends the arm. ACH tags in and TJP with a chop and ACH chops Quest. ACH with a snap mare for a near fall. ACH with a slam and he gets a near fall. ACH with a chop and punch. TJP tags in and he kicks Quest in the hamstring and then drops a knee on the arm. TJP with an elbow to the back of the neck. TJP with a suplex and he holds on and goes for a belly-to-back suplex but Quest escapes and hits a drop kick. TJP grabs Quest’s leg to keep him from making the tag. TJP hits Riegel on the apron. Quest with a rana and Riegel and ACH tag in. Riegel with forearms to ACH and TJP followed by a neck breaker to ACH. Riegel with a slingblade on the apron to TJP. Reigel with a shoulder from the apron and a crucifix for a near fall. Riegel goes for a hesitation DDT but ACH pushes him away. ACH with a leg sweep and drop kick. TJP knocks Quest off the apron.

ACH and TJP with a double Irish whip but Riegel holds the ropes and kicks both men. Quest with a double cross body and then Riegel hits an assisted DDT on ACH followed by a shooting star press by Quest for a near fall. ACH with a kick and DDT. TJP tags in and he sets for the Detonation Kick but Quest escapes. Quest goes to the turnbuckles and TJP crotches him. TJP holds Quest’s hands and then hits a double stomp for a near fall.

ACH tags in and TJP with a slingshot drop kick to Riegel on the floor. Quest with a rollup for a near fall. Quest follows with a spinning heel kick. Quest goes for a Phoenix Splash from the middle turnbuckle but ACH gets his knees up. ACH with a brainbuster for a near fall. ACH with a frog splash for the three count.

Winners: ACH and TJP

Match Number Two: Danny Limelight versus Rocky Romero

They lock up and Romero with a waist lock into a full nelson. Romero with a wrist lock and Limelight tries to escape but Romero sends him back to the mat. Limelight uses the ropes for a reversal but Romero with a drop kick. Romero with a wrist lock and Limelight with a kick. Romero with a punch but Limelight with a kick to the leg. Romero with a kick and chop. Limelight with a drop kick and Romero goes to the floor.

Limelight with a corkscrew plancha onto Romero. Limelight sends Romero back into the ring and he gets a near fall. Limelight with a snap mare and kick to the back followed by kicks to the chest. Romero with a chop and knee. Romero with a slam and kick to the back. Limelight with kicks to the back of the leg. Limelight slaps Romero and Romero slaps Limelight back. Limelight pushes Romero and Romero kicks Limelight and hits a brainbuster for a near fall.

Romero with a rear chin lock and forearm to the back. Romero with a Gory Special followed by knees. Romero with a forearm and knees. Limelight with a Dragon sleeper into a side slam for a near fall. Romero blocks a kick and Romero punches Limelight. Romero sets for the infinity clotheslines and he hits two but misses a third. Limelight with an enzuigiri. Romero with a clothesline and both men are down. Romero puts Limelight on the top rope and kicks him in the chest. Romero with a slingshot drop kick to Limelight for a near fall. Romero with kicks to the shoulder. Romero goes for a shiranui but Limelight escapes. Limelight with a thrust kick and fisherman’s buster for a near fall.

Limelight goes for a tornado DDT but Romero blocks it and he Romero with an arm breaker and shiranui for a near fall. Romero with a brainbuster into a cross arm breaker and he locks it in and Limelight taps out.

Winner: Rocky Romero

We go to cleaning and disinfection break.

We are back and we take a look at what is going to be on future episodes of NJPW Strong. We will have the Lion’s Break Crown and it will start next week.

Match Number Three: PJ Black and David Finlay versus Tama Tonga and Tanga Loa:

Tama and Black start things off. They lock up and Black with an arm drag. Black wants a test of strength but Tama refuses. Tama with a kick and double sledge to the back. Tama with a wrist lock and Black with a wrist lock take down. Tama goes to the floor to regroup and talk strategy with Loa. Tama wants to face Finlay and he tags in.

Finlay with a waist lock take down and Tama backs into the ropes. They lock up and Tama grabs the hair and backs him into the ropes. Tama with a break and when the referee is not looking, Loa grabs the hair. Finlay punches Loa but Tama with a forearm to the back. Finlay with a drop kick. Finlay with a wrist lock and he tags Black in and Black with a double sledge off the apron. Finlay tags in and hits a double sledge off the turnbuckles. Finlay with a side head lock and take down.

Loa tags in and Tama goes to the floor and the distraction allows Loa to hit Finlay from behind. Finlay is sent to the floor and Loa with a head butt. Loa slams Finlay on the floor and he wants Finlay to look at the camera. Finlay is sent back into the ring. Loa with a delayed vertical suplex for a near fall. Tama tags in and he punches Finlay in the midsection followed by an uppercut from Loa and a neck breaker from Tama for a near fall. Tama knocks Black off the apron and then he punches Finlay. Finlay with punches and forearms. Finlay with a European uppercut but Tama with a forearm and snap mare. Tama with a reverse chin lock.

Finlay with elbows but Tama with a forearm to the back. Finlay avoids a belly-to-back suplex and gets a boot up in the corner. Finlay with a corkscrew elbow off the turnbuckles. Black and Loa tag in and Black with a spinning heel kick and clothesline. Black with a splash into the corner and a springboard cross body for a near fall. Black with a quebrada for a near fall. Black knocks Tama off the apron and then he goes up top. Tama crotches Black on the turnbuckles. Tama punches Black and goes for a superplex but Finlay stops him and Finlay goes for a power bomb but Tama escapes. Tama goes for Roll the Dice but Finlay escapes. Tama lands on his feet on a suplex attempt and Loa comes in for an assisted Roll the Dice. Black with a missile drop kick to Tama. Black is sent to the apron and he punches Loa. Loa gets Black on his shoulders for a running Samoan drop and an Island Driver for the three count.

Winners: Tama Tonga and Tonga Loa

We have a video package for the New Japan Cup and the New Japan Cup USA and the dominance of Bullet Club in those tournaments.

Match Number Four KENTA versus Jeff Cobb for the IWGP North American Championship Contract Briefcase

The bell rings and Cobb tries to lock up but KENTA goes to the floor. KENTA gets back into the ring but rolls back to the floor. Cobb lets KENTA get back into the ring but KENTA does not think Cobb in the opposite corner is far enough away from him so he stays on the apron. Cobb holds the ropes open for him and then holds the bottom and middle ropes open for KENTA.

He gets into the ring and KENTA with a kick to the leg. KENTA with another kick to the leg. KENTA with another kick to the leg that is taped up. KENTA with another kick to the leg but Cobb backs KENTA into the corner. The referee pulls Cobb out of the corner and KENTA with more kicks to the leg.

KENTA too sweets Cobb’s forehead and Cobb with a waist lock but KENTA with an elbow. Cobb with a shoulder tackle. Cobb with a forearm in the corner followed by a European uppercut. Cobb with a hard Irish whip. Cobb kicks KENTA in the back of the head and then connects with a forearm to the back. KENTA with a kick to the knee but Cobb with an overhead belly-to-belly suplex that sends KENTA to the floor.

Cobb has the referee stop the count while KENTA is on the floor. KENTA with a forearm to the back of the knee and then KENTA punches the injured leg. KENTA kicks the injured leg. KENTA with a kick to the hamstring. Cobb with a chop and forearms but they have no effect. KENTA with a drop toe hold and knee drops to the injured knee.

Cobb has trouble standing up without holding the ropes and KENTA with kicks to the leg and a leg trip and knee bar. KENTA with a seated splash onto the injured leg. KENTA kicks Cobb in the leg and Cobb wants him to kick him again. KENTA obliges. Cobb with a clothesline and both men are down. Cobb with forearms and chops. The referee has to pull Cobb off KENTA after a flurry of forearms. Cobb cannot run across the ring so a clothesline in the corner doesn’t have the proper impact.

KENTA with a drop kick to the knee. KENTA with more kicks to the knee. KENTA with a hanging DDT and a running boot into the corner followed by a hesitation drop kick. KENTA goes to the turnbuckles but misses a double stomp when Cobb moves. Cobb gets KENTA on his shoulders for a Samoan drop. Cobb gets a near fall.

Cobb goes for Tour of the Islands but KENTA grabs the referee. Cobb with a forearm. Cobb mocks the too sweet and then Cobb accidentally gives the referee a shoulder tackle when KENTA intentionally pulls him into the way. KENTA with a DDT. KENTA goes under the ring and he gets a chair. KETNA misses with the chair and Cobb runs KENTA into the turnbuckles and connects with shoulders. Cobb with a spinning belly-to-back suplex and he covers KENTA but the referee is doing his best Red Shoes Nap impression. Cobb sees the referee is still out and he tries to wake him up. KENTA with a low blow.

KENTA goes for Go 2 Sleep but Cobb escapes and hits Tour of the Islands but he cannot capitalize. Cobb covers the referee and Chase Owens pulls the referee out of the ring while he makes the count. Owens with knees and punches to Cobb. Owens grabs the briefcase and Cobb kicks Owens and he connects with an elbow to KENTA. Cobb with a clothesline to Owens. KENTA hits Cobb in the back with the briefcase and then kicks Cobb in the chest. KENTA calls for a referee and a second referee comes out to check on US Red Shoes. KENTA with Go 2 Sleep for the three count.

Winner: KENTA (retains briefcase)

After the match, KENTA and Owens are in the interview area.

Owens says you are looking at the next IWGP United States Champion and his name is KENTA. KENTA says it was easy. I am going to win and I am going to be the next US Champion.

We go to credits.


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