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Writer's pictureCarlos Astorga

NWA USA S4E2 Results (09/10/2022)

Homicide will defend the NWA World Junior Heavyweight Championship on the September 10 episode of NWA USA.

NWA has announced the card, and Eric Jackson will challenge for the gold on Saturday’s show.

Elsewhere on the show, Mike Bennett will face Brian Myers in a National Title Tournament Qualifier match. The winner of the tournament will challenge Cyon for the NWA National Heavyweight Championship at Hard Time 3.

Plus, among other segments, Judias will battle Mercurio in a singles bout.

The episode is available here:

Homicide (c) vs. Erick Jackson For The NWA Junior Heavyweight Championship

Collar and Elbow Tie Up. Jackson backs Homicide into the turnbuckles. The referee calls for a clean break. Strong lockup. Stalemate in the corner. Jackson shoves Homicide. Back to the collar and elbow tie up. Jackson with three arm-drags. Jackson drops Homicide with a shoulder tackle. Homicide regroups on the outside. Jackson with a Vertical Suplex. Homicide decks Jackson with a back elbow smash. Homicide with two bodyslams. Homicide repeatedly whips Jackson into the turnbuckles. Jackson with heavy bodyshots. Homicide punches Jackson in the back. Homicide with a Pendulum BackBreaker. Homicide fish hooks Jackson. Jackson grabs the bottom rope which forces the break. Homicide with another Pendulum BackBreaker. Jackson attacks the midsection of Homicide. Homicide starts biting Jackson’s forehead. Homicide goes for The Three Amigos, but Jackson counters with an inside cradle for a two count.

Homicide with a Belly to Back Suplex for a two count. Jackson with heavy bodyshots. Homicide punches Jackson in the jaw. Homicide with a knife edge chop. Homicide sends Jackson to the corner. Jackson kicks Homicide in the face. Homicide ducks a clothesline from Jackson. Jackson denies The Koji Cutter. Jackson applies The Sleeper Hold. Homicide with a snap mare escape. Homicide kicks Jackson in the gut. Jackson with a Back Body Drop. Jackson whips Homicide across the ring. Jackson hits The SlingBlade for a two count. Jackson with a Flying Crossbody Block for a two count. Jackson ascends to the turnbuckle pad. Homicide with a forearm smash. Homicide throws Jackson into the canvas. Homicide with The Butterfly Suplex for a two count. Jackson denies The Boston Crab. Jackson with a Monkey Flip. Jackson clotheslines Homicide for a two count. Homicide avoids The Missile Dropkick. Homicide makes Jackson tap out to The Boston Crab.

Winner: Still NWA Junior Heavyweight Champion, Homicide via Submission

Coming up on NWA Powerrr, Cyon will battle Joe Alonzo In A Non-Title Match.

Austin Idol Vignette.

May Valentine had a backstage interview with The Pope and JR Kratos. Kratos came back to the NWA because he knows that he’s a legit threat to professional wrestling. Pope says that Aron Stevens is cruising for a bruising.

Judais w/Father James Mitchell vs. Mercurio In A NWA National Title Tournament Qualifying Match

Collar and Elbow Tie Up. Judais grabs Mercurio by the throat. Mercurio with a gut punch. Mercurio is throwing haymakers at Judais. Mercurio with forearm shivers. Mercurio targets the midsection of Judais. Mercurio with a double sledge. Judais starts throwing haymakers at Mercurio. Mercurio denies The Chokeslam. Mercurio drives his knee into the midsection of Judais. Mercurio slips over Judais back. Mercurio clotheslines the back of Judais neck. Judais reverses out of the irish whip from Mercurio. Judais with a series of corner clotheslines. Mercurio side steps Judais into the turnbuckles. Mercurio with a chop/forearm combination. Judais clings onto the top rope. Judais clotheslines Mercurio. Judais repeatedly stomps on Mercurio’s chest. Judais is choking Mercurio with his boot. Judais uses the bottom rope to choke Mercurio. Judais puts the ring skirt over Mercurio’s head.

Judais with clubbing blows to Mercurio’s chest. Judais with The Big Boot. Judais with heavy bodyshots. Judais punches Mercurio in the back. Judais with clubbing shoulder blocks. Judais is mauling Mercurio in the corner. Judais continues to choke Mercurio with his boot. Judais bodyslams Mercurio. Judais delivers The Garvin Stomp. Judais goes for a leaping elbow drop, but Mercurio ducks out of the way. Mercurio with a SpringBoard MoonSault for a one count. Mercurio repeatedly kicks the left knee of Judais. Mercurio rolls under a clothesline from Judais. Mercurio SuperKicks Judais. Mercurio ducks under another clothesline from Judais. Judais catches Mercurio in mid-air. Judais with The Fallaway Slam. Mercurio with two shoulder blocks. Mitchell trips Mercurio from the outside. Judais throws Mercurio back into the ring. Mercurio kicks Judais in the face. Mercurio slams Judais head on the top rope. Judais catches Mercurio in mid-air. Judais with another Big Boot. Judais connects with The Chokeslam to pickup the victory.

Winner: Judais via Pinfall

Brian Myers w/VSK vs. Mike Bennett In A NWA National Title Tournament Qualifying Match

Collar and Elbow Tie Up. Bennett backs Myers into the turnbuckles. The referee calls for a clean break. Strong lockup. Wrist Lock Exchange. Bennett with clubbing shoulder blocks. Bennett stomps on the left shoulder of Myers. Bennett slams Myers head on the top turnbuckle pad. Myers with a gut punch. Myers with a forearm smash. Myers kicks Bennett in the gut. Myers with two haymakers. Myers whips Bennett across the ring. Bennett kicks Myers in the chest. Bennett with a forearm smash. Bennett goes for a PowerBomb, but Myers blocks it. Myers regroups on the outside. Bennett runs after Myers. Myers kicks the middle rope into the nether regions of Bennett. Myers repeatedly stomps on Bennett’s chest. Myers poses for the crowd. Myers with a Vertical Suplex for a one count. Myers punches Bennett in the back. Bennett with repeated shoulder blocks in the corner. Myers drives his knee into the midsection of Bennett. Myers slams Bennett’s head on the top turnbuckle pad. Myers is choking Bennett with his boot.

Following a snap mare takeover, Myers applies a rear chin lock. Bennett with heavy bodyshots. Bennett unloads two knife edge chops. Myers sweeps out the legs of Bennett. Myers SuperKicks Bennett for a two count. Myers drives his knee into Bennett’s back. Myers goes back to the rear chin lock. Bennett with a forearm smash. Myers scores the elbow knockdown. Myers stomps on Bennett’s back. Myers uses the middle rope to choke Bennett. Myers and Bennett are trading and back forth shots. Myers continues to stomp on Bennett’s chest. Following a snap mare takeover, Myers applies another rear chin lock. Bennett with a chop/forearm combination. Bennett kicks Myers in the gut. Bennett goes for a PowerBomb, but Myers counters with a Back Body Drop. Bennett applies a grounding hammerlock. Myers grabs the bottom rope which forces the break. Bennett is lighting up Myers chest. Bennett kicks Myers in the face. Bennett with a toe kick. Bennett drops Myers with a Hammerlock DDT. Bennett side steps Myers into the turnbuckles. Bennett hits The Death Valley Driver for a two count. Bennett goes for The Spear, but Myers counters with The Sunset Flip to pickup the victory.

Winner: Brian Myers via Pinfall


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