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  • Writer's pictureCarlos Astorga

REPORT: Doc Gallows & Karl Anderson Sign With IMPACT Wrestling

Speacial thanks to for providing us with this official breaking news:

Pro Wrestling Sheet's Ryan Satin revealed how IMPACT Wrestling had been "heavily pursuing" Gallows and Anderson, offering them "incredibly strong deals" which would allow the pair to work in NJPW when it's possible for the pair to do so. Thanks to we can confirm that the pair have signed with IMPACT Wrestling and will be able to work with NJPW as part of that contract.

Update on Gallows & Anderson signing with IMPACT:

Luke Gallows & Karl Anderson sign with IMPACT Wrestling

Sources confirmed to myself earlier how "upcoming shows" had already been filmed regarding “TalkNShopAMania” - Gallows and Anderson's video podcast - as a side promotion, with footage also being recorded for IMPACT Plus. Both shows are scheduled to air in July.

Here is the official source as it first broke online. Tweet courtesy thanks to @WrestlingGary


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