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  • Writer's pictureCarlos Astorga

ROH Results (05/25/2023)

Ring of Honor Wrestling on HonorClub kicked off with some in-ring action.

Mark Briscoe defeated JD Drake

Mark Briscoe hit the Froggy Bo splash on JD Drake to score the pinfall victory.

Mark Briscoe makes it clear after the match that he wants another shot at Samoa Joe.

Christopher Daniels and Matt Sydal are interviewed backstage about their tag team match tonight against Samoa Joe and Zack Sabre Jr. Daniels says Joe and ZSJ think they threw a curveball at them, but they actually put themselves behind the 8 ball instead.

Sydal said tonight they take another step toward putting the Ring of Honor and New Japan TV Titles around their waists.

Ring of Honor World Champion Claudio Castagnoli defeated Serpentico in a Proving Ground match

Claudio Castagnoli delivered a series of short-arm clotheslines on Serpentico before winning the match via pinfall.

Kiera Hogan defeated Vertvixen

Ring of Honor Women’s World Champion Athena watched this matchup from the stage as Kiera Hogan hit a Saito Suplex to pick up the win.

Athena came to ringside after the match and got in Kiera Hogan’s face and piefaced her away. There were certainly seeds planted for a future match between the two.

Kyle Fletcher (w/ Mark Davis) defeated AR Fox

Kyle Fletcher hit a spinning piledriver on AR Fox to pick up the pinfall victory.

Willow Nightingale defeated Hyan

Willow Nightingale hit the Doctor Bomb on Hyan to secure the win.

The Kingdom defeated Willie Mack and Ninja Mack

The Kingdom hit the Proton Pack on Ninja Mack. Matt Taven gets the pinfall victory for his team.

Mercedes Martinez defeated Dream Girl Ellie

Mercedes Martinez locks on a Dragon Sleeper Stretch on Dream Girl Ellie to win the match via submission.

Willie Mack and Ninja Mack are interviewed backstage, they make it clear this isn’t the last time you’ve seen them teaming up in Ring of Honor. Willie Mack said The Mack Attack is here to stay.

Ashley D’Amboise defeated Danielle Kamela

Ashley D’Amboise hit the Rock Bottom on Danielle Kamela to pick up the pinfall victory.

Rocky Romero defeated Titus Alexander

Rocky Romero got the submission victory on Titus Alexander with a cross-arm breaker.

The Righteous and Stu Grayson defeated Marcus Kross, Vary Morales, and LSG

The Dark Order, fresh off of trying to break up The Elite on BTE, come out on the stage to complain about Stu Grayson wrestling this match. Grayson hits Nightfall on Marcus Kross to pick up the win for his team.

The Righteous and Dark Order bicker on the stage after the match. Evil Uno tries to confront Stu Grayson who heads backstage with his new friends.

Samoa Joe and Zack Sabre Jr. are interviewed backstage, ZSJ said it’s a long flight from Tokyo but he intends on making it worth the trip. There is tension from Joe regarding who the better Television Champion is.

Shane Taylor defeated Tracy Williams

Shane Taylor hit the package piledriver on Tracy Williams to pick up the pinfall victory.

Ring of Honor Women’s World Champion Athena defeated Promise Braxton in a Proving Ground match

Athena wins the match over Promise Braxton via submission with the Cobra Clutch Crossface.

Athena tried to attack her opponent after the match but this brings out Kiera Hogan who lays Athena out and slams the champion’s face into her own title.

Dralistico defeated Tony Deppen

Dralistico locks in the Fujiwara armbar on Tony Deppen to pick up a victory via submission.

Nick Comoroto is interviewed backstage and he says he doesn’t understand why Blake Christian and said he looks like everyone else. He said he’s gonna rip his heart out tonight and spit where it used to be. He asks ROH to not simp for these wimps.

Skye Blue defeated Miranda Alize

Skye Blue reverses Miranda Alize’s submission into a side-bridged pin to score the pinfall victory.

Athena is interviewed backstage and was asked what it felt like to get a taste of her own medicine from Kiera Hogan. Athena said she’s putting her title on the line against Hogan next week before storming out of the building.

Darius Martin and Action Andretti defeated Cole Karter and Zack Clayton

Darius Martin and Action Andretti hit a pendulum swingout slam on Cole Karter as Martin scores the pinfall victory for his team.

Blake Christian defeated Nick Comoroto

Blake Christian hits a flash cross-legged roll-up on Nick Comoroto to pick up the upset win.

Diamante defeated Trish Adora

Diamante gets a submission victory over Trish Adora.

A video package airs hyping up the Ring of Honor Pure Title match between Katsuyori Shibata and Alex Coughlin next week.

Ring of Honor World Tag Team Champion Penta El Zero Miedo defeated Slim J

Penta El Zero Miedo hits Fear Factor on Slim J to score the pinfall victory.

Samoa Joe and Zack Sabre Jr. defeated Matt Sydal and Christopher Daniels

Samoa Joe locks the coquina clutch on Christopher Daniels and wins the match for his team via referee stoppage.

The four men shake hands as Samoa Joe and Zack Sabre Jr. celebrate with their respective championships as Ring of Honor Wrestling goes off the air.

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