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AEW ALL OUT Live Results (09/07/2024)

Writer's picture: Carlos AstorgaCarlos Astorga

Former AEW World Champions and blood rivals Swerve Strickland and Hangman Page will square off in an unsanctioned lights out steel cage match at tonight’s AEW All Out from Chicago’s NOW Arena.

The AEW World title is also on the line tonight with new champion Bryan Danielson defending against TBS Champion Jack Perry.

Heated rivals MJF and Daniel Garcia will go one-on-one while Will Ospreay will put the International Championship on the line against PAC.

TBS Champion Mercedes Mone will defend against Hikaru Shida with Kamille is banned from ringside.

Kazuchika Okada will defend the Continental Championship in a four-way against Orange Cassidy, Mark Briscoe and Konosuke Takeshita.

CMLL Women’s Champion Willow Nightingale and Kris Statlander will face off in a non-title Chicago street fight.

The Young Bucks will defend the AEW Tag Team titles against Claudio Castagnoli & Wheeler Yuta.

The Zero Hour pre-show kicks off at 6:30 PM EST on AEW’s digital media channels with the PPV set to kick off at 8 PM EST.

Zero Hour

The WrestleAunts (Renee Paquette & RJ City) along with Jeff Jarrett welcome us to the show and run down tonight’s card. Being in Chicago, RJ has already made a Perfect Strangers reference. Madison Rayne joined the crew to talk about Mercedes Mone vs. Hikaru Shida and Kris Statlander vs. Willow Nightingale.

Earlier today, Prince Nana & Swerve Strickland arrived, as RJ questioned why Hangman Page wasn’t in jail after committing arson on Wednesday. Page was shown entering the building with security by his side. The Cage Match will be the main event of the evening, as Nigel McGuinness joined the crew and said his gas tank is still at full, despite losing the Casino Gauntlet at All In.

The Acclaimed (Anthony Bowens & Max Caster w/Daddy Ass) defeated The Iron Savages (Boulder & Bronson w/Jacked Jameson)

(The crowd reacted more to the power moves from The Savages instead of their motorboating comedy antics. Although, this did lead to Excalibur asking Tony Schiavone if he’d ever been to Titty City, which Schiavone quickly denied and plugged how to watch the PPV tonight.)

Excalibur, Tony Schiavone & Matt Menard are on commentary for the opening matches. Ironically enough, Max Caster didn’t get a microphone for their entrance, but Jacked Jameson did, plugging Savage Sauce. The Costco Guys from YouTube were ringside and helped with their entrance, which was even more odd, since after, Jameson welcomed everyone to Titty City. Early float over DDT from Bowens, who executed fast double teams, as Caster hit a hurricanrana on Boulder to the outside. MxM Collection were shown watching from backstage, as Caster took an awkward Shawn Michaels looking corner flip bump, as The Savages kept him isolated, including a great Boss Man Slam and dive outside by Bronson. Boulder hit a big moonsault for a near fall, but Bronson dove for a top rope headbutt, crashed and burned.

Bowens with the hot tag, as he ran wild with combos aplenty until a float over Fame Asser led to The Arrival. Caster leapt for a Mic Drop, but Boulder cut him off. With Caster up in a powerbomb position, Boulder caught Bowens in a cross body and slammed them both. Boulder placed his partner on his shoulders and collapsed onto Bowens for a two. Boulder backpacked his partner for a running corner cannonball, but missed both guys. Jameson was dropped by a Daddy Ass right hand, as Caster finally hit a DVD on Boulder. The Arrival & Mic Drop followed to give Bowens the pin. Mason Madden was carrying Mansoor in his arms backstage, as Excalibur corrected Schiavone that it wasn’t arm in arm, but more like bum in arm.

ROH Tag Team Champions Dustin Rhodes, Sammy Guevara & Hologram defeated The Premier Athletes (Ari Daivari, Tony Nese & Josh Woods w/Mark Sterling)

(One of many party matches on this Zero Hour, as the crowd were really into Rhodes, Guevara & Hologram. Excalibur asks if potentially Rhodes could go after the AEW Trios Titles, adding to his ROH Tag & Six Man titles.)

Guevara delivered his trademark leap frogs into the dropkick, but posed too long, thus finding himself beaten down in the Athletes corner. Guevara flipped out of a back suplex by Daivari and hit a pump knee, allowing Hologram to tag in. Wild athleticism from Hologram, who fired off offense quickly hitting Daivari with almost a wrist clutch End of Days before a standing Spanish Fly to Nese. Trying a springboard, Woods shoved Nese out of the way and hit a pump knee in mid-air to take control. Backbreaker into a lariat combo got a near fall, as We Want Dustin chants were loud from the fans. At one point Woods & Hologram were on different pages and Woods slipped in the corner, as Hologram eventually hit a head scissors for the double down.

Rhodes made the hot tag to a huge pop, as he hit an uppercut and snap powerslam on Woods & Daivari while spiking Nese with a Canadian Destroyer. Hologram & Guevara hit double moonsaults on Nese & Daivari. Despite this, The Athletes regained control with a suplex from the outside into the ring on Hologram, as Woods hit an Angle Slam into a Nese neckbreaker on Rhodes for two. Sterling ran distraction on Rhodes, as the match broke down, leaving Rhodes alone with Woods, hitting a Cross Rhodes. Sterling again took the ref, but was brought in by Hologram & Guevara. He also suffered a Cross Rhodes for his troubles, as Guevara hit a cutter, Hologram with a wheel kick and Rhodes with the Final Reckoning on Woods for the win.

Bang Bang Gang (Juice Robinson, Austin & Colten Gunn) defeated The Dark Order (Evil Uno, Alex Reynolds & John Silver)

(Another party match that the crowd were loudly behind Robinson & the Gunns, who seem back on track after losing at All In a few weeks ago.)

Fast double team work from The Gunns early, as Robinson tagged in to clean up on Silver before flattening Uno with a big scissors kick. Dark Order all tried going up top, but were triple crotched, as Reynolds took two corner splashes, but Uno moved him as Robinson missed his cannonball. Locomotion strikes by Uno, Silver & Reynolds, who did a Kaientai tribute, as they all posed on top of Robinson, who found himself isolated. Robinson dodged three corner splashes, as Uno ate a Left Hand of God, leading to a stacked cannonball.

Hot tag to Austin, who was a house of fire until Uno side stepped a Fame Asser into Something Evil, as Reynolds hit a double stomp off the top. Colten came in, dropping Uno with a One and Only, as everyone ultimately collided with clotheslines, leaving all six men down. Colten & Reynolds launched off their partners backs at the same time and collided, as Silver tried a combo on Austin, who turned it into the Quickdraw. Jabs from Robinson on Uno, who hit a sike out punch into Juice in Loose for the win.

-The Costco Guys were interviewed by Renee Paquette & RJ City. If you follow them on TikTok, you probably would’ve probably thought this was fun.

-Tony Schiavone welcomed Skye Blue to the stage, as she came out on crutches, having broken her ankle a few months ago on Collision. Blue said this building holds a lot of sentimental meaning to her, as three years ago Tony Khan offered her a spot in the Casino Battle Royal. Blue said it’s just a waiting game before she can return. Mariah May interrupted and said she’s out here to have her AEW Women’s Championship Celebration, but she’s not doing it in Chicago. May asks why it’s called the Windy City, when no one here has ever been blown before? Blue said May knows a thing or two about that. May said it makes sense Blue is from Chicago, as she’s broke, filthy and lower her standards to make it enjoyable. Blue said thanks, skank, as May said she needs Glamour, look now and never forget. May kicked the crutches out from Blue and pounced on her with punches, about to hit her with a crutch when Queen Aminata made the save and chased May off.

Undisputed Kingdom (Roderick Strong, Matt Taven & Mike Bennett) defeated Shane Taylor, Lee Moriarty & Beast Mortos and Action Andretti & Top Flight (Dante & Darius Martin w/Leila Gray)

(The best party match of Zero Hour tonight, as this was the most action packed of them all so far. They set this match up last night and said a big winner’s purse would be given to the winning team, but that was not mentioned once during the entire match. Hopefully The Undisputed Kingdom get their big money.)

Top Flight & Andretti are rocking Top Gun inspired entrance gear instead of their pilot outfits they’ve had in recent weeks. Taylor absolutely smoked Benett with a right hand before the bell even started and when it did ring, Taylor launched Andretti clear across the ring. Andretti used his speed to break free, but Moriarty jumped in for a fast sequence of reversals. Darius & Dante with quick tags, as Moriarty was grounded. Strong tagged in and turned a Moriarty arm drag into a nice backbreaker. Moriarty dove for a Mortos tag and the beast ran wild, launching Strong onto Bennett & Taven to a loud crowd reaction.

Dante sprung in with a somersault senton, as an Airplane Spin left both men on spaghetti legs. Dante flipped to avoid a Mortos charge, as Taven made the blind tag, only to be hit with a monkey flip. Bennett ran distraction long enough for Taven to blindside Dante with a high angle slam. Bennett tagged in and kept Dante grounded before almost doing a Fargo Strut on the apron, which popped Daddy Magic on commentary. Blind tag by Taylor, who argued with Taven, so he headbutt him in the jaw for his troubles.

Dante finally broke free with a diving bulldog out the corner, as Daruis tagged in and ran wild. Top Flight was able to send everyone to the floor, except Moriarty, who ate a John Woo dropkick into a snap German suplex. Strong & Andretti brawled on the floor, as Taven cleared the top rope onto a pile. Mortos was soon to follow, connecting on a twisting Tornillo. Leila Gray waved her gimmicks, as Menard pointed out, which ran distraction enough for Top Flight & Andretti to hit a triple dive. Back inside, a Tornado DDT into a running Shooting Star got Andretti two, as everyone took turns with high impact shots before Mortos was spiked from an Andretti DDT. Big chokeslam from Taylor, as Mortos flew in with a Spear, posing, thus missing a Strong blind tag. As Mortos went for a powerbomb, Strong hit a pump knee and stole the pin on Andretti. The Kingdom took a victory lap, as Bennett & Taven raised Strong on their shoulders. Strong screamed that HOOK is next.

AEW All Out

MJF defeated Daniel Garcia

(One hell of an opener, as the crowd were really upset not just that Garcia lost, but how MJF won, which was the usual way he steals wins. Credit Matt Menard on commentary, as he played a big role in the emotions of this match. While MJF won the match, Garcia was left standing tall and won the battle.)

Before MJF’s entrance, a video package of him beating and bloodying up Daniel Garcia a few months ago is shown. MJF posed with a giant Thank Me Later flag falling down, but Garcia ran in and attacked from behind. Bell sounded, as Garcia, with a bandage over his head, tried a piledriver, but MJF launched him hard into the corner. MJF really zoned in on the neck, as the fans duel chanted “He’s Our Scumbag” and “No He’s Not”, as MJF hit a stun gun and raked at the eyes. MJF spiked Garcia with the wrist clutch DDT, but as he went for a suplex, Garcia held on and both men fell to the floor, with MJF snapping down hard. Garcia just barely broke the count and finally started slugging his way back into things. Series of Twist & Shouts delivered from Garcia, as he tried a leapfrog, but MJF caught him mid-air with a powerbomb on the knee, dropping Garcia on his head in the process.

MJF ripped the bandage off the head and bit at it, as Garcia is now busted opened. MJF screamed in the bloody face of Garcia, similar to how he did it 9 weeks ago before pointing to the corner, wanting another avalanche Tombstone. This time, Garcia clapped the boots together to get free, as he bit MJF and hit an avalanche Implant DDT for the two count. Garcia tried a piledriver, but his neck gave out, as MJF hit a Mule Kick and the Panama Sunrise, but Garcia kicked out. Garcia slowly started hulking up, so MJF spat in his face, which only pissed off Garcia, so MJF got an eye poke. MJF called for a brainbuster, but Garcia countered into a small package and both traded near falls. MJF fired off a hard right hand into the double down. Snap German from MJF, but Garcia no sold, rolled through with one of his own and threw his whole body behind a lariat for another reset.

MJF countered a piledriver into a Boston Crab, but Garcia countered into the LeBell Lock. MJF then countered into a Crossface, but again Garcia was out and into the Dragon Tamer. The neck hampered Garcia from really applying pressure, as MJF turned it into the Salt of the Earth, transitioning into a butterfly arm bar. In a great sequence, as Garcia went to grab the ropes, MJF snapped the arm back, but Garcia’s one free leg just managed the ropes. MJF wanted another Panama Sunrise, but Garcia collapsed. It was a ruse, as Garcia caught a jackknife pin for a close two. Overhand strikes leave sweat bursting off MJF, as a guillotine was applied, but Garcia wouldn’t let MJF’s arm drop. Garcia spiked MJF with a jumping piledriver, but MJF kicked out. Garcia brought MJF to the corner and wanted an avalanche piledriver, but MJF bit at the head. MJF pulled referee Bryce in front of him and hit a low blow before getting a roll-up for the win.

MJF wanted a handshake post-match, as Garcia accepted, but blocked MJF’s low blow with a low kick of his own. Garcia dragged MJF to the corner, spat in his face and finally hit the Avalanche Piledriver to a loud ovation. Garcia shook MJF and kissed him on the head before storming into the crowd to celebrate.

The Young Bucks (Matthew & Nicholas Jackson) defeated Claudio Castagnoli & Wheeler Yuta to retain the AEW Tag Team Titles

(An excellent, action-packed tag title match, as the crowd really bit at the finish of potential new champions. I’d say this was the best The Bucks have looked since winning the tag titles months ago.)

Nicholas & Yuta start things off, as it was Nicholas who showed his athleticism off early with a double arm-drag. The posing allowed Yuta & Castagnoli to wishbone the legs repeatedly of Matthew & Nicholas, who was furious outside, kicking the barricade, hurting his foot in the process. Matthew finally dodged a corner charge, allowing The Bucks to hit their signature slingshot high kick and double stomp combo. Somersault neckbreaker/backbreaker combo followed up, as Yuta stayed isolated with a slingshot legdrop by Nicholas, who spat at Castagnoli, which is probably not the smartest move.

Yuta dodged a charging Matthew, who ran into his brother, allowing Castagnoli to make the hot tag with uppercuts aplenty before a double clothesline turned The Bucks inside out. The uppercut parade went outside, before back inside, a cross body off the top got a near fall. Blind tag from Yuta, as Castagnoli tried a springboard, but had his leg superkicked out. Castagnoli turned the tide, though and hung-up Matthew, as Yuta gorilla pressed Nicholas onto him. Matthew kicked out of the Seatbelt pin attempt, but Nicholas was in with a superkick. Yuta did the low bounce back high kick, applied Cattle Mutilation, but was left open for a Nicholas senton off the top. Castagnoli was hit with a hurricanrana off the apron by Nicholas, leaving everyone down.

Nicholas pulled the legs out from Yuta and hit a slingshot face buster before flying back out with a moonsault onto Castagnoli. More Bang for Your Buck cut off, as Castagnoli made the tag and hit his springboard spinning uppercut on Matthew. The Bucks avoided the Giant Swing and hit Castagnoli with the EVP Trigger, only for Yuta to break the count. The Bucks pumped up their shoes for a Superkick Party, tried another EVP Trigger, but Castganoli blocked both with a double suplex. Yuta with a dive on Nicholas, as Castagnoli hit a near 20 revolution Giant Swing on Matthew. They went for the Fastball Special, but Nicholas flew in with a series of superkicks. Matthew went to the top with Yuta, but Castagnoli sprung up with an uppercut and huge superplex. Fastball Special attempt, but Matthew got the knees up, cradle and pin on Yuta, as Castagnoli was held off by Nicholas.

Will Ospreay defeated PAC to retain the AEW International Title

(Match of the Year candidate, as Nigel McGuinness called it the epitome of the sport. This was unreal from start to finish, as this was an absolute classic. I feel terrible for everyone else having to follow this, as this was really special stuff.)

The crowd is electric from the opening bell, so PAC, being a bastard, took a powder. Excalibur name drops Jody Fleisch and said that both he & PAC walked in British wrestling, so guys like Ospreay could run. PAC tried a snap hurricanrana, but Ospreay cartwheeled to his feet and went to the outside, but PAC was right there with a Sky Twister Press. Back inside, they repeat the same sequence, this time with Ospreay dropping in with the Press, as Ricochet is shown watching backstage. Both trade slaps on the mat before rising to their feet, where PAC took charge. PAC repeatedly slammed Ospreay violently into the barricade before bringing Ospreay back in with a brutal Avalanche Brainbuster. Ospreay pointed to his neck to referee Aubrey, but PAC didn’t care and made the cover for two.

PAC dodged a flying forearm, rolling to the outside, where he sprung off the barricade with Pip, Pip, Cheerio. Sasuke Special followed up perfectly, as back inside, Ospreay hit his handspring corkscrew kick for two. Nigel McGuinness said he fell like a sack of spuds, as both men went to the corner, where Ospreay wanted Cheeky Nandos, but PAC kicked out and hit a wild moonsault into a DDT that spiked Ospreay, leading to a Liger Bomb for two. PAC charged, but ran into a Spanish Fly that put Ospreay back in control. PAC dodged an Oscutter, but Ospreay flattened him out with a Tombstone. PAC avoided Hidden Blade, but Ospreay managed an Oscutter on the second try for the reset and Fight Forever chants.

Both rose to their feet, where Ospreay welcomed forearms before staggering PAC with a hook kick. Another connected on the apron, as Ospreay wanted an Oscutter, but PAC folded him up with a brutal release German on his neck. Relentless, PAC followed it up with an even crazier Poisonrana on the apron before sinking in the Brutalizer back inside, but a toe on the rope broke the hold. McGuinness brilliantly called Ospreay setting himself in position for the Black Arrow as a ploy, as he got the knees up. Wall walk enzugiri from Ospreay was answered by a bounce back German from PAC, who wanted another Liger Bomb, but this time, Ospreay snapped through with a hurricanrana pin attempt for two that had the crowd going nuts. Another Poisonrana spiked Ospreay and PAC once more went to the Brutalizer. Ospreay powered to his feet, PAC tried a third Poisonrana, but Ospreay avoided, hit one of his own and flew in with a Hidden Blade for the closest two of the match.

PAC crotched Ospreay, who wanted a corner Oscutter, as he looked for an Avalanche Poisonrana, but Ospreay landed on his feet. Ospreay charged with another Hidden Blade, but again, PAC kicked out. Springboard Oscutter connected, but PAC countered Storm Breaker into a snap hurricanrana. Ospreay though, rolled through into a Styles Clash and another Hidden Blade flush to get the win.

Kris Statlander (w/Stokely Hathaway) defeated Willow Nightingale in a Chicago Street Fight

(These ladies had a damn near impossible task in getting the crowd into it following the Ospreay/PAC classic. They did just that and got This Is Awesome chants with the crowd being there the entire match. These ladies beat the hell out of each other and this was arguably the best women’s weapons match AEW has had.)

Bell sounds and Hathaway immediately threw in a chair that said New Jack RIP on it. Nightingale ducked a shot and gave Statlander a buckle bomb that was followed by a corner cannonball for two. Both fought on the apron, where Statlander wanted a German suplex to the floor, instead cracked Nightingale in the back with the chair before powerbombing her through the Spanish announce table. Hathaway & Statlander set a table up, placing Nightingale on it before Statlander took time to expose the metal part of the turnbuckle. That delay allowed Nightingale to move, Statlander crashed through the table, but her legs clipped Nightingale’s head on the impact. Nightingale hit a Pounce through the barricade and hit a discus lariat on the stage. As they went up the ramp, Nightingale scolded Statlander, slapping her in the face, but Statlander hit a snap suplex, screaming at Hathaway to “get the stuff.”

Hathaway showed up with a trash can full of weapons allowing Statlander to have a field day. Statlander had a barbed wire baseball bat, but Nightingale ducked and waffled Statlander with a light tube bat, busting Statlander open. Nightingale stalked Hathaway down the tunnel, as both ladies slugged it out until Statlander tackled Nightingale off the stage through tables. Both ladies brawled back to the ring, where they started no selling moves until colliding, leading to the double down on opposite sides of the ring. Nightingale grabbed a chain, while Statlander had a bag of something. Statlander slapped Nightingale, resulting in Nightingale biting the head and punching away with the chain. Statlander managed a snap German, grabbing the bag to dump out tacks.

Statlander wanted a scissors kick on the tacks, but Nightingale moved and Statlander did the splits on the tacks in a crazy spot. Nightingale followed with a running DVD on the tacks for two before going up top in the corner. Statlander fought free and hit a massive Spanish Fly before grabbing the chain and hitting a discus lariat with it, only for Nightingale to kick out. Statlander pulled a dog collar from under the ring, tied both Nightingale and her wrist up and this is now an impromptu chain match. Taking too long, Nightingale hit a spinebuster into the tacks, as both women collapsed into each other’s arms until Statlander spiked Nightingale with a Tombstone before wrapping the chain around Nightingale’s mouth and she submitted.

-Renee Paquette is backstage with Will Ospreay, who said PAC will go down as one of the best high flyers of all time and said any time he wants a replay, he can have it. Ospreay said he hopes Ricochet was watching and said he’s sick of him collecting a paycheck and start racking up some wins. Ricochet marches in and asks why Ospreay is talking shit? Ospreay said for him to go to Tony Khan’s office and get some wins under his belt before coming for the champ.

Kazuchika Okada defeated Konosuke Takeshita (w/Don Callis), ROH World Champion Mark Briscoe & Orange Cassidy to retain the Continental Title

(This was a fun four way, as even though there were times where guys were on the floor, the singles matches we got throughout featured some great action. They really teased Okada & Takeshita during the match and we didn’t get a lot of interaction between the two, leading me to believe that’s a match that’ll happen sooner than later. The crowd were all for the face-off when it occurred. I think Takeshita should be the one to ultimately win the title from Okada.)

Cassidy back to having The Pixies entrance theme music for this one, as Taz replaces Nigel McGuinness on commentary. Briscoe & Cassidy were dispatched early as Okada & Takeshita had the crowd amped for a potential showdown, but Cassidy came back in with a double hurricanrana. Takeshita was hit with a low Tope, as Okada ate a DDT back inside for two. Redneck Kung-Fu from Briscoe to Okada, as he flew in with a flying forearm before having a forearm and chop battle with Takeshita. Standing switches led to a Briscoe enzugiri as The Conglomeration members sent Okada & Takeshita to the floor, as they hit double dives and Cactus elbows. Callis is baffled on commentary that he’s getting F Don Callis chants for not doing anything. Taz said it’s because he’s breathing, that’s enough for a chant.

Everyone took turns delivering vertical suplexes until finally Cassidy broke the streak with a Stundog Millionaire on Takeshita before getting in another suplex. Okada dropkicked Cassidy out of the corner to the floor, as Briscoe met Okada with Redneck Kung-Fu, but Takeshita cut his dive attempt off with one of his own onto Okada & Cassidy. Takeshita posed too long, allowing Briscoe to launch off a chair with a dive. Briscoe is bleeding from the eye, as he & Cassidy lit each other up as gingerly as possible. It led to a high five before each started throwing haymakers. Okada & Takeshita both with release German suplexes and we finally get a face-off that led to forearm exchanges. Okada hit his dropkick and wanted a Rainmaker, but Takeshita countered into a Blue Thunder Bomb for two. Takeshita placed Cassidy in the corner and hit a massive superplex, but Briscoe was there with a Froggy Bow for two.

Okada up top for an elbow, as he did the middle finger pose, as Briscoe tried a Jay Driller, instead opting for a lariat. Takeshita charged with a running boot on Okada and Cassidy hit the Orange Punch. Takeshita countered Stundog Millionaire with the Crunchy into the overhead German. Briscoe avoided the Power Driver Knee and hit a brutal Jay Driller, but Okada pulld him to the floor, only to eat a Briscoe Exploder. Froggy Bow missed on Takeshita, who got the knees up and hit the Power Drive Knee, but Cassidy broke it up. Beach Break connected on Takeshita, as Cassidy wanted Orange Punch, but Takeshita starched him with one of his own and hit a wild lariat. Raging Fire cut off by Okada, who threw Takeshita to the floor. Rainmaker to Briscoe, but Cassidy ran in and got a roll-up for two. Okada held onto the wrist and flattened Cassidy with a Rainmaker for the victory.

Mercedes Mone defeated Hikaru Shida to retain the TBS Title

(I thought the match was going pretty well until that finish, that felt super clunky and really odd. Shida hit her finisher a few times and Mone seemingly kicked out at one just to scramble for the kendo stick spot that only made Shida look foolish in the process. Aside from the final minute or so, I enjoyed this match, as did the fans.)

Mone attacked at the bell, as crowd had dueling chants from the start. Shida with a series of misdirect dropkicks for a quick near fall. Stretch Muffler applied, before Shida released the hold, hit another dropkick before draping Mone on the apron and hit a charging knee lift. Mone battled back with a diving double knee, as Tony Schiavone & Taz are getting heated on commentary with Taz saying it’s ridiculous Mone has to go into this match without her heater, Kamille. Mone mockingly bowed at Shida, keeping her grounded until Mone hit a wild leaping double knees to the midsection in the corner for two. After a series of whip reversals, Shida won the exchange and followed with a missile dropkick to regain control. Corner punches in bunches from Shida, who went for a wild shot, but Mone countered beautifully into a Crossface. Shida managed to spin to her feet and clock Mone into the double down.

Mone opted to trash talk, which only pissed Shida off, so a stiff slap and forearms followed. Pump knee hit flush, as Shida went up top, but Mone charged and hit a lungblower. Sunset flip powerbomb into the corner, followed up with a charging double knees for two. Mone kept toying with Shida before hitting the Three Amigos. Going up top, Mone wanted a Frog Splash, but Shida got the knees up and hit rolling Falcon Arrows, she did the deal, but got a near fall. Mone blocked the Katana, hit a knee breaker and violent Dragon Screw before a backstabber connected. Shida no sold, delivered a German suplex and charging knee for two. Despite missing the first one, Shida waffled Mone with a Katana flush, then sort of hit a third, but Mone kicked out actually at one and bailed to the floor for a tug of war over Shida’s kendo stick in a very odd sequence.

Shida brought the kendo stick in the ring, but wisely thought otherwise from using it, tossing it aside. Question mark kick connected, but Mone side stepped a Meteora and chop blocked out the knee, leading to the Mone Maker for the win. Kamille came out to celebrate with Mone, who briefly enjoyed her win before just storming to the back.

Bryan Danielson defeated TNT Champion Jack Perry to retain the AEW World Title

(Even though I think it was safe to assume no one thought Bryan Danielson’s in ring career would come to an end on a co-main event of a PPV, you have to tip your cap to the effort Perry put in here. This was one of his best singles matches of his career and played the heel role extremely well. Now, the post-match was absolutely insane and something I didn’t see coming, at least not tonight. We have a completely new storyline all set up for Danielson, as a new Blackpool Combat Club has apparently formed, with Wheeler Yuta caught in the middle.)

Video package of Perry putting gasoline in the Scapegoat bus, while driving the streets of Chicago is shown before it pulled up to the arena. The Young Bucks were waiting for Perry with his TNT Title and Scapegoat mask, as SWAT Team members escorted Perry to the stage. Jim Ross joins commentary for this World Title match. The Final Countdown plays for Danielson, as the crowd are really amped up for the AEW World Champion.

Perry had early takedowns and soaked it in, before going to the floor and getting booed mercilessly. Test of strength back inside, as Danielson answered with takedowns of his own. Perry tried a leapfrog, but Danielson caught him in mid-air, following with the Romero Special. Perry escaped to the outside, but Danielson was there with a baseball slide and springboard somersault dive. Shotgun dropkick back inside sent Perry right back out to the floor, where he met a charging Danielson off the apron with a thrust kick and draping DDT spiked Danielson. Perry mocked the crowd before dropkicking Danielson into the barricade. Back inside, Perry remained in control, but his chops only woke up Danielson, who chopped right back, crotching Perry in the corner. Anvil elbows led to a back superplex, with Danielson clutching his neck.

Yes kicks delivered, but Perry ducked the home run shot, jackknife cover, Danielson bridges out into a LeBell Lock. After releasing the hold, Danielson hit ten corner punches, backflipped out of the corner, but Perry hit a drop toe hold into the Snare Trap, transitioned into Cattle Mutilation. Danielson powered out, but Perry folded him up with a snap German and another that brought things to the apron. They trade kicks and chops before Danielson connected on a brutal butterfly suplex to the floor. Back inside, Danielson punted the left arm out before kicking it repeatedly. Danielson went for a home run kick, but Perry sank in the Snare Trap once more, but Danielson go the ropes. Cry Me a River chants from the Chicago crowd, as Perry hit a comeback lariat, but Danielson got an inside cradle for two. Following a high kick, Danielson went for a corner charge, but Perry pulled referee Bryce into the way for the bump.

Danielson said it’s time for Perry to get his f’n head kicked in, as The Young Bucks sprinted out to attack. TK Driver hit, but as they went for the EVP Trigger, Claudio Castagnoli & Wheeler Yuta chased them off through the crowd. Perry scurried to the ref to wake him up, as he hit the charging knee, but Danielson kicked out. Perry stomped down onto Danielson before flipping the crowd off, but the delay allowed Danielson to turn him inside out with a Busiaku Knee. Both men slugged it out to their feet before a slaps woke Danielson up and he lit up Perry with a rolling elbow. Perry no sold a German suplex, but was turned inside out with a Busiaku Knee for the closest near fall of the match. Danielson stomped down repeatedly, as he signaled for the end, as Perry held his arms out, defiant to the end, as a final Busiaku Knee put him down for good to give Danielson the win.

Post match, Killswitch appeared from behind Danielson and laid him out before he stared at Perry. The former Jurassic Express stared each other down as Christian Cage’s music hit and he came out with his Casino Gauntlet contract alongside Nick & Mother Wayne. Jon Moxley then appeared to stand between them, as PAC, Claudio Castagnoli & Wheeler Yuta appeared as well. The Patriarchy retreated, as Danielson got the crowd to do Yes chants. Moxley got in the ring first and hugged Danielson before everyone raised their hands to celebrated.

Then Claudio Castagnoli blindsided Danielson with an uppercut, as Moxley put a plastic bag over his head and choked him out. PAC held off Yuta, who was almost in tears, as Marina Shafir showed up and tossed out referee Bryce. “This is Murder” chants from the crowd, as Moxley, Castagnoli, PAC & Shafir walked out through the crowd with Yuta running to tend to Danielson. Doctors appeared with oxygen, as the crowd is now pretty silent for them helping Danielson out.

Hangman Page defeated Swerve Strickland (w/Prince Nana) in a Lights Out Steel Cage Match

(These two had hands down the most violent match in AEW history. I absolutely think this feud should be done, at least for a while, but with this not counting towards the record books, Strickland is still 2-0 in this feud. This had everything you could think of to the point where commentary was almost speechless at certain points. If you love violent matches, this was the main event for you.)

Page brought a case of something into the ring with him, as Strickland’s jacket and gear has the image of Page burning his home on the back of it and he charged before the cage even lowered. Nana quickly threw a table into the ring, as both Strickland & Page tried to hold each other in place to be decapitated by the lowering cage. Nana quickly saved Strickland, as the cage is down and the match officially began with a slugfest. Both blocked being thrown into the cage, as Strickland hit a rolling Flatliner and House Call. Nana is literally yelling at Strickland to kill Page, who hit a release German and went to the bucket to bring out a staple gun. Strickland no sells staple shots to the chest before getting the gun and stapling Page repeatedly in the back. Strickland slowly pulled out the staples on his chest before pulling pics of his family out, stapling them to Page’s chest and cheek before ripping them out.

Strickland slowly continued his attack by slamming Page into the cage while standing on the ropes, but Page swept the leg, crotching Strickland. Page wrapped barbed wire around his arm and hit a springboard clothesline, as both men are bleeding, with Page screaming at the crowd, asking if this is their man? Page continued to throw Strickland into the cage before going back to the barbed wire, wrapping it in the cage, driving Strickland into it. Page raked Strickland face first into the wire, but realized he couldn’t do the Buckshot with the cage restricting him. That delay allowed Strickland to briefly fight back, but was ultimately flapjacked into the cage. For some reason, despite being Lights Out, referee Paul Turner stopped Page from using the steel chair. This allowed Strickland to hit a House Call and tried a Buckshot using Turner’s back, but really didn’t get much of it. Chair shots echoed throughout the arena, as Strickland was relentless on the attack, hitting a lawn dart brutally into the corner using the chair for the first two count of the match.

Cinder block brought out by Strickland as Taz & Jim Ross reminisce about the days of being hit in the crotch and face respectively with one. Strickland somehow managed a Vertebreaker on the cinder block leaving a gnarly mark on Page’s back. Strickland set up a table, but Page cut him off in the corner, Strickland battled back and hit a picture-perfect Swerve Stomp through the table for two. Strickland took too long to capitalize, as Page hit a desperation Dead Eye for two of his own. Page pulled out a piece of burnt wood from Strickland’s home and tried to impale Strickland, who countered into an arm breaker to get the spike and turn the tables. Strickland started stabbing Page in the head with the spike and almost had tears in his eyes as he went for one final shot, but Page hit a low blow and a powerbomb right on the cinder block for two in an absolute brutal spot.

Page delivered punches against the cage, but Strickland fought back with a powerbomb into the cage followed by a House Call flush to the head against the cage. Another House Call hit, but Page kicked out again. Strickland went to the top, but gave a look to the top of the cage and went to climb, but Page cut him off with an Awesome Bomb. Dead Eye followed and Strickland just kicked out. Page demanded Strickland to beg for mercy as he decked him in the head repeatedly. Nana pleaded with Strickland to think about himself, as Strickland started laughing, holding up two fingers that he’s up 2-0 in the series, but collapsed at the feet of Page. Strickland’s grill was ripped from his mouth, as Page grabbed a syringe and stuck the needle through the mouth of Strickland. A brutal chair shot to the head broke a chair over Strickland’s head and referee Paul Turner called the match off via knockout, giving Page the win. Commentary said they hope Page feels that they’re even, as he looked down at Strickland from the top of the ramp, teasing coming back to the ring, but stopping himself as the show went off the air with Page screaming in victory.


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