Tonight on IMPACT Wrestling we get the fallout from IMPACT Rebellion and the Briscoe Brothers return to the IMPACT Zone.
April 28, 2022
Commentary: Tom Hannifan & Matthew Rehwoldt
Violent By Design starts the show off. Eric Young said at Rebellion they took power and control. They beat seven of the best tag teams this world had to offer. EY says there’s nothing that anyone can do about it. Out comes Rhino and Heath. Rhino said at Rebellion they didn’t get the retribution they deserved. It was not long before The Briscoes came out. Jay Briscoe gets on the mic and they stake a claim. EY says this seems like a “you problem” and VBD leave. It’s a number one contender match.
#1 Contendership for IMPACT Tag Team Championship
The Briscoes vs. Heath & Rhino

It’s not long before the Briscoes dive onto Heath and Rhino to the outside. In the ring Mark and Jay isolate Heath, but Rhino pulls Jay out of the ring. We go. to break. The fight goes to the outside and it’s not long before Heath cinches into a headlock. It ends up with the Briscoes getting the W after a top rope elbow.
WINNERS: The Briscoes
Moose will have his rematch against Josh Alexander tonight. He says he’s going to get his title back tonight. D’Amore better worry about what Moose is going to do with him.
Bhupinder Gujjar vs. VSK

VSK is a game competitor, but a Samoan drop downs him. It’s not long before Gujjar does his second rope spear for the 1-2-3.
WINNER: Bhupinder Gujjar
Ace Austin says he’s Trey Miguel’s biggest weakness and continues on to cut a promo, but Rocky Romero interrupts and says he could get Ace a spot in the NJPW Super Juniors tournament. Ace says he might take him up on that, but for now, get off his set. Romero says why doesn’t he put the X-Division belt on the line next week? Ace tries to weasel out of it, but Rocky insists he’ll go talk to Scott D’Amore.
Honor No More vs. Speedball Mike Bailey & The Motor City Machine Guns

The fight goes into a break and Honor No More keeps Bailey away from MCMG. Eddie Edwards tries to keep Bailey at bay but a sunset flip saves him and Bailey tags in Sabin. Sabin takes it to Edwards. MCMG show off their classic style with Bailey incorporated but a miscommunication between Shelley and Bailey sets Bailey up for a Die Hard Driver combo for the 1-2-3.
WINNERS: Honor No More
Post-match, tension is shown between MCMG and Bailey but also, Bullet Club comes down to brawl with Honor No More. The Good Brothers hit a Magic Killer to Kenny King. Eddie Edwards and Honor No More are not pleased.
Josh Alexander rode an emotional rollercoaster over the past six months. Alexander says it’s time to shut Moose up for good. Gia Miller notes that Scott D’Amore has handpicked the next opponent for Under Siege. Alexander says either way he’ll be ready.
Out comes the new AAA Champ, Taya Valkyrie. She talks about her creativity being held captive but today, she stands in the ring at IMPACT Wrestling and she knows who the hell she is. Deonna Purrazzo attacks Taya from behind and it’s not long before Decay comes out to give her pause. They’re going to be in tag action next.
Tasha Steelz & Savannah Evans vs. Rosemary & Havok

The four women battle it out and Tasha tries to grab her belt later in the math but it eventually sets Savannah Evans for a double team spear combo for the W and the Decay win.
WINNERS: Rosemary & Havok
Madison Rayne and Tenille Dashwood are doing “All About Me” together. The lights go out and Gisele Shaw appears. Shaw looks like she’ll have a match against Madison.
IMPACT World Championship
Mooe vs. Josh Alexander (c)

Chops are traded in the corner. Moose throws Alexander back in for a charging elbow. Alexander returns with a snap suplex. Moose finds himself in control going through the commercial break. The fight is on the outside and Moose powerbombs Josh on the apron. He breaks the count. Moose controls the action back in the ring by choking the champ with his boot. Moose maintains that with hard strikes, but Alexander keeps his resiliency. Josh eventually gets him locked into a series of German suplexes.
Alexander gets Moose into a Sharpshooter. Moose does make it to the ropes. Moose and Alexander stand nose to nose before exchanging blows in the center of the ring. Alexander finally gets the ankle lock in but Moose rolls him into the corner for a turnbuckle collision. Uranage by Moose. He buckles bomb, Alexander. Alexander flips out of a powerbomb and hits a bomb of his own. C4 Spike. 1-2-3.
WINNER and STILL IMPACT World Champion: Josh Alexander
Post-match, it’s revealed that Scott D’Amore’s handpicked opponent is Tomohiro Ishii.