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IMPACT On AXS Tv Live Results (07/22/2021)

Writer's picture: Carlos AstorgaCarlos Astorga


July 22, 2022, Nashville, TN

Commentary: Matt Striker & D’Lo Brown

Chris Bey vs. Rohit Raju (with Shera)

Before the bout, IMPACT recaps Bey seeing a Bullet Club shirt backstage. The two tie up to start the match and it’s a stalemate. “Bey” chants by the crowd, but that’s stifled when Raju grounds Bey. Standing, both men have hold of one another’s legs. They settle on setting one another down before going back at it. Leg sweep by Raju, but Bey gets Rohit to roll to the apron. That pays off as he hangs Bey by the back over the top rope. He covers for a two count. Rohit has the ref distracted and that allows Shera to get a cheap shot in.

Soon after, Rohit hits a clothesline to the back for a two count. “Bey” chants fire up again. Snap suplex from Rohit, but Bey kicks out. Rohit catches by with a flurry of corner attacks until Bey evades a flipping cannonball. He hits a series of kicks and then a fame asser for a two count. Bey goes up top for a diving lariat for another near fall. Raju gets a near fall on Bey soon after but Chris kicks out. Bey goes for the Air Finesse, but Rohit catches him, slams him down into a crossface. Bey almost makes it to the ropes but Rohit rolls him back into the center. Raju goes for his Drive By Kick, but Bey wriggles out to attempt a burning hammer. He can’t hit that, but does hit a Air Finesse for the finish.

WINNER: Chris Bey

Backstage, Jay White congrats Chris before asking if he got his message. Bey says he did, but Chris Bey walks alone. Jay White asks him how much walking alone helped him at Slammiversary. He continues to give him some food for thought which Bey visibly chews on.

Just like last week, Gia Miller knocks on the door of Kenny Omega. Out comes Don Callis. He says Omega was injured and busted open. He got several stitches because of Slammiversary. That injury costs him and Kenny money. Gia asks Don about Jay White. He enjoys certainty. No one told him what Jay White’s intentions are. Maybe he wants to join The Elite or maybe he’s here to stab people in the back. The working environment in this company SUCKS. If anyone steps up to Kenny Omega, they’ll have to deal with The Invisible Hand.

Out comes Mickie James into the IMPACT Zone. “Welcome back” chants. She says it’s good to be back and it’s good to hear that song one more time. It also felt good to kick the Knockouts Champion in the mouth. The PPV didn’t go the way she planned however and so she came out today to finish up that business. She calls out Deonna Purrazzo once more. She answers and Mickie respectfully agrees to disagree regarding the handling of her showing up at Slammiversary on Saturday. Mickie knows the talent Deonna has and considers her one of the best today. She’d still love to have her on NWA Powerrr. Deonna says Mickie just wants something out of her. Everyone wants Purrazzo on their show, butshe needs something from her. Grovel at her feet and apologize. Deonna then says maybe she needs to do to Mickie what she did to The Virtuosa last week. Out comes Gail Kim. She says that she was the one who told Mickie to come out at NWA Empowerrr. It seemed like a great moment and opportunity. Gail says throughout this whole conversation, she hasn’t heard a “no.” Mickie still tries to be respectful. She asks her one more time to please come to NWA Empowerrr. She extends a hand and Deonna shakes it.

We see the same vignette we saw for “Drama King” that we had at Slammiversary.

Tenille Dashwood, Brian Myers & Sam Beale vs. Jake Something, Matt Cardona and Chelsea Green

Something and Myers begin things, but once the bell rings Brian tags in Beale. Jake slams his head right into the canvas. Big body tackle levels Sam after attempting jabs to the mid-section. Cardona gets the tag, Beale tags in Myers and Myers receives a flapjack. Matt attempts a 10 punch in the corner, but Tenille distracts and Myers takes advantage. Belly-to-back suplex by Brian to Matt. Two count. Beale and Myers go for a double suplex, but Matt turns it into a double neckbreaker. Hot tag to Chelsea and she gives Tenille a lung blower. She soon gets a near fall on Tenille, but Myers pulls her off. Chelsea goes for an unprettier, but Kaleb gets on the apron. Out comes Taylor Wilde. Sam Beale goes to hit a running powerslam, but Chelsea shakes free and hits her Unprettier on Beale for the 1-2-3.

WINNER: Jake Something, Matt Cardona and Chelsea Green

Eddie Edwards tells W. Morrissey that they both know that Eddie had that win at Slammiversary, but Morrissey had to use a chain. If that’s the way he wants to play it, then he’s calling W. out in the parking lot. We go to break. Sure enough, Morrissey answers the call and the two brawl it outside. Trash cans and ice chests are wielded. Morrissey spits soda on him before Morrissey beats him with a trash can. Morrissey chokes Eddie with a cable before stomping the ice ice chest on him. Eddie soon baits W. in with two Kendo sticks and takes it to Morrissey. Morrissey retreats and Eddie gets chanted on by the onlookers.

Brian Myers and his squad are frustrated. Myers says Tenille will redeem themselves in the Homecoming tournament. Tenille’s not having it and Sam says he’ll find Brian a replacement.

Out comes Jay White. He introduces himself to the IMPACT Zone. He calls himself the real belt collector and he’s here for one man. He’s here for David Finlay. David thinks he can come and hide from him. He promotes the two’s match upcoming at NJPW Insurgence. He begins to run down the Finlay name that David brandishes. Finlay may have beat him in the NJPW Cup, but he won’t beat him for the Neverweight Championship. He came out to introduce himself to the true fans of Bullet Club: The Elite. He says The Good Brothers are only relevant when they can tie their name to Bullet Club. This is Jay White’s Bullet Club and he has standards. Jay declines their application, but if they’d like to appeal – Kenny Omega’s music hits. Out comes The Elite. Kenny comes out with his head wrapped. Kenny says these fans have brought this on themselves.

Don Callis says Jay White has always been one of his favorite talents. He heard White talking about the new Bullet Club, but he remembers the old Bullet Club. He talks of Jay White’s young boy duties while they were selling out the Tokyo Dome. They sold millions of Bullet Club shirts while his Bullet Club sells dozens. What Jay should be doing is asking to join The Elite. Jay mentions that he did beat Kenny before and that gets “You beat Kenny” chants. Kenny says he and Don are going to go talk about this. The GBs stay on stage as Don and Kenny leave. Their thank you letters seemed to be left in the mail, so you’re welcome. This is about you, Jay White. Thankful to the boys. Thankful to The Good Brothers. They want a thank you from Jay. Jay says all they do is talk. They wish they could have been Switchblade in Bullet Club and they attack Jay White. They go to hit a Magic Killer, but out comes Chris Bey. They fight off the GBs.

What’s next for Josh Alexander? He’s going to keep doing what he’s doing, but a change needs to come at IMPACT. Omega walks by and stops the interview to state he heard Alexander saying he was the face of IMPACT. He playfully calls Josh a lightweight before leaving and the two exchange words.

Good Brothers backstage. They’re pissed as Jay should be grateful. Next week on IMPACT Wrestling, how about The Good Brothers vs. Jay White and Chris Bey?

Ace Austin & Madman Fulton vs. Fin Juice

Finlay and Ace start it off. David controls it and tags Juice in for an axe handle up top. Stalling suplex from Robinson. Tag back to Finlay for a drop toe hold double team. Tag gets made to Madman and we go to break.

Back from it, Madman and Ace have David cornered. Ace catches him with a harsh kick from the apron for a two count. ce goes for a chin lock and drives a knee in David’s back for a dragon sleeper. Tide turns with a back body drop and Juice gets the tag. They take Fulton out as Juice cannonballs into Ace. His Road Dogg jabs commence and it sends Ace out to powder. Madman goes to hit a swinging slam but Juice turns it into a pin for the three count.

WINNERS: Fin Juice

Madman & Ace go to attack Fin Juice. They fight back for a Doomsday Device set-up, but Rohit and Shera come to help take out Fin Juice.

Rich Swann and Willie Mack talk about Violent By Design. VBD blamed them for their Tag Title loss. Willie Mack is about to challenge them next week and the lights flicker. Suddenly VBD appear and attack them. Eric Young walks up to the camera and says, “We found you and next week we end you.”

Moose knocks on the door of Scott D’Amore. He wants a rematch with Chris Sabin. Chris interrupts and wants another go at him as well. D’Amore says next week’s main event will be that.

IMPACT Knockouts Tag Team Championship

Fire N Flava vs. Decay (c) (with Crazzy Steve and Black Taurus)

Hogan and Rosemary start it off. Kiera gets a near fall with a roll up. They go to a stalemate and there is “Rosemary” chants. Sidewalk slam by Rosemary for a two count. Tag to Havok. Kiera takes shots to both sides from her foes. Tasha gets in and uses the top rope to take Havok to the corner, but she sends Steels going across the ring. Havok soon gets a near fall. Decay are in control as Rosemary gets tagged back in, but Steels nails Rosemary with a cutter up top. Tasha hits a back elbow to down Rosemary. Tag to Kiera. She beats down Rosemary to the mat. Cover for a two count. Rosemary is cornered by FnF soon enough as chops are delivered. Kiera gets dumped to the outside s Steelz takes the boots to Rosemary. Tasha twerks before putting Rosemary in a camel clutch. Hard shots, but Rosemary finds momentum and nails a slingblade. Rosemary misses a corner attack and Steelz cover for a two count

Tags are exchanged between FnF to show the synergy. Rosemary gets fired up and rises to her feet. Shots are exchanged. The two women nail each other with a double cross body. Both corners get the tag, but Havok exudes her power to both opponents. Corner avalanches. Boot wash to Kiera as Tasha takes to the outside.

Trouble happens for FnF when Rosemary and Havok catch Kiera with a spear double team. 1-2-3.

WINNERS and STILL Knockouts Tag Champions: Decay


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