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  • Writer's pictureCarlos Astorga

TNA IMPACT On AXS Tv Live Results (04/11/2024)

The show opens with Josh Alexander and Hammerstone brawling inside the IMPACT Zone in Philly. Josh gets busted open and Tommy Dreamer comes down to pull him back. Dreamer gets on the mic to talk about Hammerstone’s impressive debut, however they have a show to get to tonight. When Dreamer goes to leave, Hammerstone attacks him from behind. Alexander runs back down to make the save and then declares that their Rebellion match will be Last Man Standing.

TNA Digital Media Championship: Crazzy Steve (c) vs. Laredo Kid

Steve dominates the majority of the first half. After the break, they trade pinfall attempts as Kid breaks out with offense including a moonsault off the second turnbuckle. He goes back up top but is tripped. Steve continues to pick Kid apart and tries to rip his mask off. Kid becomes enraged and beats on Steve despite the ref’s pleas. Kid ends up shoving the ref down and the match is called off.

Winner: Crazzy Steve (c) by DQ

Steve tries to strike him with the title, but Kid ducks and picks the title up as Steve retreats.

Backstage, Time Machine all talks about their recent issues and losses. They end it by hugging it out.

ABC vs. First Class

Francis spends time picking apart Ace until Swann comes in to continue the beat down. Bey finally gets the hot tag and meets Swann with offense. Francis hits World’s Strongest Waist Slam with Ace in his hands and Bey on his shoulders. Bey leaps out of the ring to wipe out Francis. They go for 1 2 Sweet, but Swann hits Bey with a cutter to counter. Swann then rolls Ace up with a handful of tights to win.

Winners: First Class

After, Joe Hendry comes out and challenges Rich Swann to a match at Rebellion.

Iceman and Ash By Elegance goad Santino backstage and try to trick him into signing Ash for a Knockouts title match at Rebellion. Santino says it’s not gonna happen.

Jake Something sends a warning to Mustafa Ali backstage.

Contract Signing

Santino welcomes out Jordynne Grace and Steph De Lander (w/ Matt Cardona) for their Rebellion title match. Cardona speaks on behalf of SDL while Grace remains confident in her capabilities. SDL finally speaks and notes Jordynne has had a busy year, but so has she. Grace promises to work harder and retain her title at Rebellion as she continues to cement her legacy. Grace reminds them that she’s beaten SDL, her boyfriend (Cardona), and even Cardona’s wife (Chelsea Green).

Grace signs it, offers a handshake, but she doesn’t let go. SDL rams Grace into the table and a brawl breaks out. Grace tackles SDL and Santino gets knocked down in the melee. SDL ends up chokeslamming Grace through the table to end it.

Backstage – Alisha, Myers, and Edwards interrupts Masha to ask about her offer of teaming up. Masha says something in Russian and then leaves.

We see another vignette for Jonathan Gresham.

Moose vs. Trent Seven

Moose stays on top to start until Seven chops him down. Edwards gets on the apron, which prompts Bailey to pull him down. Seven clobbers Moose with a huge lariat, nearfall. Shortly after, Moose plants Seven with a spear for the win.

Winner: Moose

After, Bailey finds himself surrounded by The System and he gets laid out. Time Machine runs down to make the save and The System retreats.

Backstage, The System and Speedball Mountain get into it. Santino announces System vs. Machine Guns for next week, and Speedball Mountain will face the winners at Rebellion. Decay walks up and invokes their rematch against Spitfire at Rebellion.

James Drake vs. Jake Something

Jake dominates early on, but Gibson provides a distraction brief enough for Drake to hit a dropkick. Deaner runs down and trips Gibson off the apron. Something ends up hitting Drake with Into the Void for the three.

Winner: Jake Something

Mustafa Ali comes out and says Jake doesn’t belong in the X-Division and that the division needs limits. Something attacks Ali’s protesters and nearly hits Ali with Into the Void, but GYV stop him and hit Grit Your Teeth. Ali blasts his title across Something’s head.

Next week – System vs. MCMG for the tag titles, Hammerstone in action, Nic Nemeth speaks.

Monster’s Ball: PCO vs. Kon

They start with a lock up and soon spill to the outside where they throw each other against the ring frame. Kon grabs a kendo stick and uses it against PCO with strikes and then in a choking manner. Kon puts a trash can over PCO and then punches it with a chain wrapped around his fist. PCO body drops Kon onto the apron and then bashes him over the head with a baking sheet.

PCO does a swanton out to the floor through a table with Kon on it. PCO whacks Kon over the head with a kendo stick and Kon falls through another ringside table. PCO props a ladder onto another standing one. Kon manages to send PCO crashing through the ladder all the way to the floor. Kon pours tacks over the mat and shoves some in PCO’s mouth. PCO spits them out and chokeslams Kon onto the tacks. PCOsault connects and PCO wins.

Winner: PCO


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